The Fast Metabolism Diet



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    There's nothing wrong with your metabolism. Honest. Everyone seems to think their's is broken. It's not.

    Eat to lose 1lb/week, exercise, doing something you like, and be patient. The weight will come off. No DIET needed.

    Yup, this woman was POSITIVE that her metabolism wasn't working properly and tests showed otherwise.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    A diet cannot really increase your metabolism. Mine is on the slow side and if I thought for a second that a change in diet would help, I'd do it. But I know it won't.

    Eat healthy. Learn about nutrition instead of certain diets. It will serve you well in the long run.

    Focus on being as healthy as you can be, skip the fad diets and you'll get to where you want to be! :)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    If you read the 1 star reviews on amazon about this diet (book), you'll have an eye-opener.

    It sounds hideously complicated. Big money maker for the author. I wouldn't bother with it for 5 minutes.

    I did know someone who tried it and was very gung-ho for about 8 days. Then, it was all over.

    I love Amazon reviews. Here's a good one:

    Here are the one star reviews:
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    When the author rails against calories and calorie counting, then peddles a VLCD ... avoid the program. That is exactly what Haylie Pomroy does.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    When the author rails against calories and calorie counting, then peddles a VLCD ... avoid the program. That is exactly what Haylie Pomroy does.

    But Haylie Pomroy and the Goblet of Empty Carbs was a great book!
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited November 2015
    I'm waiting for the movie to come out on Netflix.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    I preferred the movie.

    But the movie cut out the great part where his friend, Mark HymanyGranger had the cooking duel with the dietitian and tricked her by getting her to forget to weight the cooking oil.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited November 2015
    You should've used a spoiler alert! :(

    Think of the children!
  • hanksmom79
    hanksmom79 Posts: 85 Member
    OP, I've done this diet (the full 30 days) and can't agree more with everything stated above. The diet is overly complicated, unnecessarily so, and cost me more time and money than I'd like to admit. I bought into the bunk that my metabolism was "broken" and needed a reboot and yes, I lost weight--a decent amount--because I was eating 900-1200 calories a day. I was hungry & miserable & didn't do anything social for a full month because I couldn't make the ridiculous rules fit outside of my kitchen.

    Did I lose weight. Yes. Was it worth it? H@!! NO! I have since gone on to lose twice as much weight logging on here & counting calories--all while eating all the yummy food, feeling satisfied, and fitting it into my active social life. Without every second of my day spent stressing over what I was eating and when. Which sounds more fun to you?

    I'm sure despite a page of posts to convince you otherwise, that you'll try this plan. My plea to you is when you decide to give it up, that you'll come right here & continue your journey in a sustainable & healthy way, and not give into the rebound binge that is sure to follow.
  • goldnfoxy
    goldnfoxy Posts: 15 Member
    Just finished the book & began the 28 day program this morning. So far, so good.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    hanksmom79 wrote: »
    OP, I've done this diet (the full 30 days) and can't agree more with everything stated above. The diet is overly complicated, unnecessarily so, and cost me more time and money than I'd like to admit. I bought into the bunk that my metabolism was "broken" and needed a reboot and yes, I lost weight--a decent amount--because I was eating 900-1200 calories a day. I was hungry & miserable & didn't do anything social for a full month because I couldn't make the ridiculous rules fit outside of my kitchen.

    Did I lose weight. Yes. Was it worth it? H@!! NO! I have since gone on to lose twice as much weight logging on here & counting calories--all while eating all the yummy food, feeling satisfied, and fitting it into my active social life. Without every second of my day spent stressing over what I was eating and when. Which sounds more fun to you?

    I'm sure despite a page of posts to convince you otherwise, that you'll try this plan. My plea to you is when you decide to give it up, that you'll come right here & continue your journey in a sustainable & healthy way, and not give into the rebound binge that is sure to follow.

    Wow!! This OP!! Way to go!!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    If you read the 1 star reviews on amazon about this diet (book), you'll have an eye-opener.

    It sounds hideously complicated. Big money maker for the author. I wouldn't bother with it for 5 minutes.

    I did know someone who tried it and was very gung-ho for about 8 days. Then, it was all over.

    I love Amazon reviews. Here's a good one:

    Here are the one star reviews:

    Wow! After reading some of those, I would like to withdraw my statement about it not likely to be harmful. Bad plan is bad. :noway:
  • leebeebumble
    leebeebumble Posts: 45 Member
    Since you asked if anyone has tried this diet and not the opinions of those who haven't, I thought I'd chime in. Not that the other opinions aren't worth looking at, but it's just not what you asked for? I have been on this diet for 5 days now. It is a little restrictive, not going to lie, however it is a good fit for me. I hate to cook, I like quick, fast, and easy food, and this diet is anything but that! So it has made me stay home, cook, think about what I'm putting into my body, and for that, I am really glad I am doing this diet. I go to the store now, and don't even look at the sweet yummy treats because frankly, I'm just not interested in them anymore. Weird, my sweet tooth must have been replaced by a water tooth, because now, I'm all about the water, which before made me gag a little, not going to lie! One thing I decided I would not give up, even before I started was my coke zero, however, even without thinking about it, I did cut my intake down to about half the coke zero I was drinking before! It's amazing how long a 12 pack will last now! So again, for that I am thankful I'm on the diet. My mom is also doing the diet, she finds it much harder than I do, because she's really not into meat, and phase 2 is all about the meat! So next week she's going the vegetarian route. She has been on weight watchers for a few years, and just can't seem to lose that last 10 pounds. But being on this eating plan, it is really moving the scale in the right direction for her! Will I stay on it, heck yes! I have learned in 5 days, recipes, ideas, and facts about weight loss, and healthy eating that my husband (A Marine) has been trying to teach me for years! They make me feel really good about not eating crappy and I'm hoping some of this will rub off on my daughters. And even though there are things you can not have on the diet, there is usually a substitution for it, just a healthy one! So there is my 2 cents about the Fast Metabolism Diet. Take it or leave it, but I hope you find something that makes sense and works for you!
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,650 Member
    Since you asked if anyone has tried this diet and not the opinions of those who haven't, I thought I'd chime in. Not that the other opinions aren't worth looking at, but it's just not what you asked for? I have been on this diet for 5 days now. It is a little restrictive, not going to lie, however it is a good fit for me. I hate to cook, I like quick, fast, and easy food, and this diet is anything but that! So it has made me stay home, cook, think about what I'm putting into my body, and for that, I am really glad I am doing this diet. I go to the store now, and don't even look at the sweet yummy treats because frankly, I'm just not interested in them anymore. Weird, my sweet tooth must have been replaced by a water tooth, because now, I'm all about the water, which before made me gag a little, not going to lie! One thing I decided I would not give up, even before I started was my coke zero, however, even without thinking about it, I did cut my intake down to about half the coke zero I was drinking before! It's amazing how long a 12 pack will last now! So again, for that I am thankful I'm on the diet. My mom is also doing the diet, she finds it much harder than I do, because she's really not into meat, and phase 2 is all about the meat! So next week she's going the vegetarian route. She has been on weight watchers for a few years, and just can't seem to lose that last 10 pounds. But being on this eating plan, it is really moving the scale in the right direction for her! Will I stay on it, heck yes! I have learned in 5 days, recipes, ideas, and facts about weight loss, and healthy eating that my husband (A Marine) has been trying to teach me for years! They make me feel really good about not eating crappy and I'm hoping some of this will rub off on my daughters. And even though there are things you can not have on the diet, there is usually a substitution for it, just a healthy one! So there is my 2 cents about the Fast Metabolism Diet. Take it or leave it, but I hope you find something that makes sense and works for you!

    There's nothing in this diet that "needs" to be done, except make the author richer. If you eat in a reasonable caloric deficit, you can eat a wide variety of foods you enjoy and lose weight. You can earn more calories with exercise. You can have a full social life and eat in a way that will carry you through the rest of your days.

    Also, you've been following this diet for 5 days. Come back in several months and let us know how it's going!

  • JordisTSM
    JordisTSM Posts: 359 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    There's nothing wrong with your metabolism. Honest. Everyone seems to think their's is broken. It's not.

    Eat to lose 1lb/week, exercise, doing something you like, and be patient. The weight will come off. No DIET needed.

    Yup, this woman was POSITIVE that her metabolism wasn't working properly and tests showed otherwise.

    This made me laugh. Had the tests done, metabolism normal, two doctors telling her that to lose weight all she has to do is eat at a calorie deficit, yet it ended with her re-stating that her issue was metabolic.
  • hanksmom79
    hanksmom79 Posts: 85 Member
    vivmom2014 wrote: »

    [/i][/b]Also, you've been following this diet for 5 days. Come back in several months and let us know how it's going!

    Exactly!!! You say you hate to cook, yet you picked a diet that allows almost no processed food & makes eating out impossible. I get that that you are currently very motivated because this is new to you; however, it seems to me that this will be hard to stick with long term for the very reasons you state you currently love it.

    I know I sound like I'm being unsupportive & I honestly wish you the best regardless of the path you take. However, I've done this plan (two full rounds + several more starts & stops) and I just wish someone had given me a wake up call that losing weight doesn't have to be that difficult.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    stopped reading at "diet"
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    When the author rails against calories and calorie counting, then peddles a VLCD ... avoid the program. That is exactly what Haylie Pomroy does.

    Yeah, some days you eat only 800 calories. Not a fan of starving myself.
  • Sharkbite2016
    Sharkbite2016 Posts: 20 Member
    Anyone out there on this diet? How do you like it? I'm thinking about doing it.

    I hate any fad diet in the world. Lots of people have good luck with them, but they all sound unhealthy. In general, I hate the idea of depriving yourself of anything instead of a general plan of moderation and calorie deficit. One in which you are willing to wait years to lose all the weight necessary because that is the only way it doesn't come back. Some people have to go on restricted diets for medical reasons like diabetes, ect, and that's ok. But people can flush their kytogenic, I haven't had a carb since 2006 diet, paleo, zone, atkins, whatever the hell diets.
  • leebeebumble
    leebeebumble Posts: 45 Member
    Okay, it's now Thursday and I will finish my first 28 days in 3 days. So far, I've enjoyed everything I've eaten, and I don't feel like I'm starving all the time! I've also branched out and tried things I never would have eaten before....and liked them! My daughters have eaten veggies without wanting to throw up, and I've really developed my cooking skills, so has this diet been worth it to me, and will I keep it up? Absolutely! Is it for everyone? Possibly not. I'm eating well over 900 calories thank you very much, plus, as stated above, I never feel hungry, because if I start feeling like I want to eat, guess what, I eat! But now instead of grabbing some chips, I'll grab a cucumber, or pear or something like that. I was a HUGE sweets eater, but now, I can turn them down with no problem at all. How much have I lost to date? 12.5 pounds, so I'm almost down to what I was when I started in on this site. It's been a real eye opener for me, and I'm not saying it's super easy, the first week was the hardest, just trying to figure out what I could eat, what I couldn't eat, what phase I was in on what day, etc. So I understand how annoying it could be to start this diet. But I've gained so much insight. Cooking with my daughters, and enjoying it, actually enjoying what we've made, it's been great! And yes, I plan on keeping it up!
    In all honesty, my mom, who also is on the plan, is having a harder time with it. She's doesn't like meat, so phase 2 is rough, but she finally found a decent turkey bacon and that has made all the difference for her, she has lost about 13.5 pounds. And for you who said you want to hear how it's going in a few months, I'd be glad to come back and share!