The Fast Metabolism Diet



  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,650 Member
    Is it for everyone? Possibly not.

    Definitely not.

    I'm eating well over 900 calories thank you very much,

    How much over 900 calories are you eating? Enough to preserve muscle mass and fuel your body?

  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    It's a woo diet designed to sell books to the naive. Will it work? Of course. At what cost though?
  • leebeebumble
    leebeebumble Posts: 45 Member
    I'm in the middle of my day here in OR, so I had to put in the whole day, took a little for the recipes, but I got my phase 2 (Which is the lowest calorie phase) all put in, I have 1224 on Wednesday and Thursday, then I move on to phase 3, (Fri, Sat, Sun) and that is 1686. So, no, I'm not starving myself, I'm actually eating healthier and for the most part, more calories on average than I did before the diet started on the 1st. Phase 1 I didn't calculate out, but it would fall somewhere in between calorie wise. Like I said before, I'm never hungry, and this is why, plenty of yummy veggies that I never even knew I'd like, and I eat them when I want! Keeps the bad stuff out of my face! My husband, a former Marine was very skeptical of this eating plan also, until he saw what I'm eating and how much healthier it was then the way I had been eating. It's fairly similar to the way he eats normally.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    It's a woo diet designed to sell books to the naive. Will it work? Of course. At what cost though?

    Book: $26.00 plus shipping and handling
    Coaching: 5 sessions for $300, 10 for $550
    Your immortal soul: priceless
  • hanksmom79
    hanksmom79 Posts: 85 Member
    edited February 2016
    Okay, it's now Thursday and I will finish my first 28 days in 3 days. So far, I've enjoyed everything I've eaten, and I don't feel like I'm starving all the time! I've also branched out and tried things I never would have eaten before....and liked them! My daughters have eaten veggies without wanting to throw up, and I've really developed my cooking skills, so has this diet been worth it to me, and will I keep it up? Absolutely! Is it for everyone? Possibly not. I'm eating well over 900 calories thank you very much, plus, as stated above, I never feel hungry, because if I start feeling like I want to eat, guess what, I eat! But now instead of grabbing some chips, I'll grab a cucumber, or pear or something like that. I was a HUGE sweets eater, but now, I can turn them down with no problem at all. How much have I lost to date? 12.5 pounds, so I'm almost down to what I was when I started in on this site. It's been a real eye opener for me, and I'm not saying it's super easy, the first week was the hardest, just trying to figure out what I could eat, what I couldn't eat, what phase I was in on what day, etc. So I understand how annoying it could be to start this diet. But I've gained so much insight. Cooking with my daughters, and enjoying it, actually enjoying what we've made, it's been great! And yes, I plan on keeping it up!
    In all honesty, my mom, who also is on the plan, is having a harder time with it. She's doesn't like meat, so phase 2 is rough, but she finally found a decent turkey bacon and that has made all the difference for her, she has lost about 13.5 pounds. And for you who said you want to hear how it's going in a few months, I'd be glad to come back and share!

    I'm really glad it's worked out so far for you and has helped you get your kids involved in cooking & enjoying healthy foods. Those are huge wins. I'm vocal about not being a fan of this "diet"--it's certainly not because I am against eating healthy foods as close to their natural state as possible or cooking healthy meals as a family. But this diet has more RULES than any diet i've ever seen. Some people do better with that than others but for me, it instills an "all or nothing" attitude that leads to burn out eventually (or falling off the wagon). I simply submit that losing weight & healthy eating can be done with a tremendous amount of flexibility that this diet simply doesn't allow. Eat fat on Monday if you feel like it (actually, it's an important macro that you should incorporate every day anyway). Eat a sweet potato on Wednesday. And enjoy cheese, coffee & sugar as your calories allow (everything in moderation). As long as your are eating mostly nutrient-dense food (with room for a cheat here or there) and keeping a calorie deficit, you will have great success losing weight. And you can still eat lots of healthy food & cook with your family--just on your terms and not hers.

    Good luck to you and congratulations on your success so far!!
  • SpiderGwens
    SpiderGwens Posts: 87 Member
    edited February 2016
    My mom does this, and she keeps trying to get me to do it with her. Nope.

    It's SO freaking complicated. What you can eat changes on a daily basis. It's totally unrealistic to expect anyone who has a normal job to keep up with that. Plus, you can't have caffeine, which just isn't going to work when you're in grad school like I am.

    Also, my mom will tell me that she can't have things like olive oil, which makes absolutely no sense to me. There is nothing unhealthy about olive oil.

    As soon as my mom stops doing the diet, she'll gain all of her weight back. So much for "fixing" her metabolism. No thanks, Haylie Pomeroy. I'll still to my simple clean eating routine.
  • leebeebumble
    leebeebumble Posts: 45 Member
    Absolutely Hanksmom79. I agree, if you have the discipline to be moderate in your eating, it's way easier, unfortunately, as I've stated before, I do not. So this structured plan has worked so far for me. I'm sure it's all about mind of matter and all, but if I allow myself to cheat once, it's like, what's holding me to not cheat again? Nothing, and that's how my mind works! LOL. SpiderGwens, I started out knowing I would keep my diet soda, I figured if I change everything else about my eating habits, I would keep it so I don't have to go back on my asthma medicine, which in my doctors opinion is worse for you than a soda here and there. I've still lost 12.5 pounds. I'm not sure if I buy into the whole fixing your metabolism and all, I just know that it gets me eating healthier, which it sounds like you already do, so probably not a good option for you anyway! :)
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    There is a reason fad diets are complicated: When anyone doesn't lose weight at the promised rate, the promoters can simply point to some arcane rule the person didn't follow just right and say that is why they failed.

  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Another "I'm following (INSERT DIET NAME HERE) .... except for the parts that I don't want to" endorsement.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I think these diets work by confusing and distracting the user to not notice that they are eating at a deficit o:)

    What I don't get is how people can have the discipline/time to follow all these strange and complicated rules, but not have the discipline/time to follow a simple eating plan of moderate portions of normal food :s
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,650 Member
    I think these diets work by confusing and distracting the user to not notice that they are eating at a deficit o:)

    What I don't get is how people can have the discipline/time to follow all these strange and complicated rules, but not have the discipline/time to follow a simple eating plan of moderate portions of normal food :s

    Agreed. The hoops to jump through with this "Fast Metabolism Diet" are seriously next level. Exhausting and completely unnecessary, potentially dangerous.

  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    Absolutely Hanksmom79. I agree, if you have the discipline to be moderate in your eating, it's way easier, unfortunately, as I've stated before, I do not. So this structured plan has worked so far for me. I'm sure it's all about mind of matter and all, but if I allow myself to cheat once, it's like, what's holding me to not cheat again? Nothing, and that's how my mind works! LOL. SpiderGwens, I started out knowing I would keep my diet soda, I figured if I change everything else about my eating habits, I would keep it so I don't have to go back on my asthma medicine, which in my doctors opinion is worse for you than a soda here and there. I've still lost 12.5 pounds. I'm not sure if I buy into the whole fixing your metabolism and all, I just know that it gets me eating healthier, which it sounds like you already do, so probably not a good option for you anyway! :)

    Not understanding the relationship between diet soda and asthma medicine.....
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    I think these diets work by confusing and distracting the user to not notice that they are eating at a deficit o:)

    What I don't get is how people can have the discipline/time to follow all these strange and complicated rules, but not have the discipline/time to follow a simple eating plan of moderate portions of normal food :s

    Agreed. The hoops to jump through with this "Fast Metabolism Diet" are seriously next level. Exhausting and completely unnecessary, potentially dangerous.

    But nevertheless, lots of people's idea of fun. I get that eating ordinary food and dropping max a pound or two per week can seem boring. Some enjoy the adventure and taking those unnecessary risks and efforts. I'm not going to the Antarctic just to see if I'll survive in the ice, but people do that, and nobody is forcing them.
  • hanksmom79
    hanksmom79 Posts: 85 Member
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    There is a reason fad diets are complicated: When anyone doesn't lose weight at the promised rate, the promoters can simply point to some arcane rule the person didn't follow just right and say that is why they failed.

    True Story. I'm still on some private group for this diet on Facebook-hey, it's entertainment-and I can't tell you the number of times poor people will FREAK OUT because they accidentally had broccoli on a phase where broccoli isn't an approved vegetable. You ate broccoli honey, the world is not going to come to an end!!!!
  • sky_northern
    sky_northern Posts: 119 Member
    Absolutely Hanksmom79. I agree, if you have the discipline to be moderate in your eating, it's way easier, unfortunately, as I've stated before, I do not. So this structured plan has worked so far for me. I'm sure it's all about mind of matter and all, but if I allow myself to cheat once, it's like, what's holding me to not cheat again? Nothing, and that's how my mind works! LOL. SpiderGwens, I started out knowing I would keep my diet soda, I figured if I change everything else about my eating habits, I would keep it so I don't have to go back on my asthma medicine, which in my doctors opinion is worse for you than a soda here and there. I've still lost 12.5 pounds. I'm not sure if I buy into the whole fixing your metabolism and all, I just know that it gets me eating healthier, which it sounds like you already do, so probably not a good option for you anyway! :)

    Not understanding the relationship between diet soda and asthma medicine.....

    Caffeine can help ease asthma symptoms, it's similar to the asthma medicine theophylline, but I don't know what the effective dose of caffeine is and if soda would be an effective dose. Generally I hear about people using very strong coffee.
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    Think about this for a minute - does it sound like a lifestyle you can sustain for the rest of your life? If not, then whatever losses you experience will not be permanent.
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »

    Yup, this woman was POSITIVE that her metabolism wasn't working properly and tests showed otherwise.

    I love this clip. It's amazing how the woman still clings to her beliefs, rather than accepting the results of the test and the information she is being given.

  • firepro
    firepro Posts: 12 Member
    its wierd to be defending this diet. I started Jan 11 and have gone from 272.5 to 244. Its probably about 3 pounds a week. first week lost 10 then afterwards about 2-2.5 per week. On Sixth week, i think.
    Con: Its extremely hard to get started, when you do make something you have to make many servings, then freeze them and then eat them when they are due. Very time consuming in the beginning.
    Pros: I am OCD, I have tried 3 or 4 times to use MFP and have always failed, that is also verfy difficult, if your super busy. With this diet its pretty clear when you are off track. I dont go to the bar at meetings, i dont order really good food and try to cut back servings.(Impossible for me) The thing I like about it, i know what I am supposed to do. I dont have to enter everything into MFP and I dont weigh my self everyday. These are just traps for me.

    Misc: I am sticking with it. Its working or at least giving me a structure to know where I am at. Also not sure about comments on upsales, I see there are some attempts at it, but I am following Audio book and I printed out the pdf. About 10 bucks so far. Probably couldnt have made it the first four weeks without wifes help, but there is no question, I am eating healthier than i have ever. Lots of raw and nutritional foods. No flour, sugar, bad fats etc. I am sure my food bill has been cut in half.

    Bottom Line I am using it (and hating it) and it is working for me. See you at 195.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    firepro wrote: »
    its wierd to be defending this diet. I started Jan 11 and have gone from 272.5 to 244. Its probably about 3 pounds a week. first week lost 10 then afterwards about 2-2.5 per week. On Sixth week, i think.
    Con: Its extremely hard to get started, when you do make something you have to make many servings, then freeze them and then eat them when they are due. Very time consuming in the beginning.
    Pros: I am OCD, I have tried 3 or 4 times to use MFP and have always failed, that is also verfy difficult, if your super busy. With this diet its pretty clear when you are off track. I dont go to the bar at meetings, i dont order really good food and try to cut back servings.(Impossible for me) The thing I like about it, i know what I am supposed to do. I dont have to enter everything into MFP and I dont weigh my self everyday. These are just traps for me.

    Misc: I am sticking with it. Its working or at least giving me a structure to know where I am at. Also not sure about comments on upsales, I see there are some attempts at it, but I am following Audio book and I printed out the pdf. About 10 bucks so far. Probably couldnt have made it the first four weeks without wifes help, but there is no question, I am eating healthier than i have ever. Lots of raw and nutritional foods. No flour, sugar, bad fats etc. I am sure my food bill has been cut in half.

    Bottom Line I am using it (and hating it) and it is working for me. See you at 195.

    And when you are at 195, what then?
  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member
    I discredit any plan that wants me to give up coffee and dried cherries. I'm losing weight just fine eating my whole foods Mediterranean style plan with some dried cherries thrown in for good measure.