270LBS eating 800-1000 calories per day.



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Hope you weren't planning on keeping muscle or hair. Just think though, you'll have some money saved up to help get you through the start of those medical bills from all the health issues you'll have in the future. :flowerforyou:

    Jesus... scare tactic much? You really think he's going to do that much damage in just a few weeks?

    Nope, I'm not Jesus and yeah, scare tactic. Because it how do you know that'll end in a few weeks? A lot of people do things like this thinking they'll just do it for a short time and then BAM. They end up in a full blown eating disorder. And that's if he doesn't end up getting physically ill or something during that first round.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Hope you weren't planning on keeping muscle or hair. Just think though, you'll have some money saved up to help get you through the start of those medical bills from all the health issues you'll have in the future. :flowerforyou:

    Jesus... scare tactic much? You really think he's going to do that much damage in just a few weeks?

    Nope, I'm not Jesus and yeah, scare tactic. Because it how do you know that'll end in a few weeks? A lot of people do things like this thinking they'll just do it for a short time and then BAM. They end up in a full blown eating disorder. And that's if he doesn't end up getting physically ill or something during that first round.

    I don't. No one does. But I can say something like, "If you're only talking about a few weeks, you'll probably be ok. Longer than that and who knows." Oh, wait... I did say that.

    Perhaps you should tell him that such a low intake could cause his kids to contract cancer. That might be more persuasive than just hair loss. Hell, who knows if he even has hair???
  • JumpingDog
    JumpingDog Posts: 125 Member
    I have to agree with the other posters. You are probably going to be hungry, and grumpy. You will probably lose lean mass in addition to fat. You may or may not be messing with your metabolism. It is unlikely you will be meeting your nutritional needs as far as vitamins and minerals.

    It can be done but like many others have said - why? You will be abusing your body for short term gain. The exact consequences of this are unknown and likely to be counterproductive to real weight loss. Why choose some unsustainable plan when there are many long-term plans that suit long term goals?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Hope you weren't planning on keeping muscle or hair. Just think though, you'll have some money saved up to help get you through the start of those medical bills from all the health issues you'll have in the future. :flowerforyou:

    Jesus... scare tactic much? You really think he's going to do that much damage in just a few weeks?

    Nope, I'm not Jesus and yeah, scare tactic. Because it how do you know that'll end in a few weeks? A lot of people do things like this thinking they'll just do it for a short time and then BAM. They end up in a full blown eating disorder. And that's if he doesn't end up getting physically ill or something during that first round.

    I don't. No one does. But I can say something like, "If you're only talking about a few weeks, you'll probably be ok. Longer than that and who knows." Oh, wait... I did say that.

    Perhaps you should tell him that such a low intake could cause his kids to contract cancer. That might be more persuasive than just hair loss. Hell, who knows if he even has hair???

    Right. Well...I guess you are okay with him eating at 800cals for a month. You are such a "supportive" person! unfortunately, I am just not the type of person to give two thumbs up to someone trying to do something dangerous....but kudos to you :wink:
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Hope you weren't planning on keeping muscle or hair. Just think though, you'll have some money saved up to help get you through the start of those medical bills from all the health issues you'll have in the future. :flowerforyou:

    Jesus... scare tactic much? You really think he's going to do that much damage in just a few weeks?

    Nope, I'm not Jesus and yeah, scare tactic. Because it how do you know that'll end in a few weeks? A lot of people do things like this thinking they'll just do it for a short time and then BAM. They end up in a full blown eating disorder. And that's if he doesn't end up getting physically ill or something during that first round.

    I don't. No one does. But I can say something like, "If you're only talking about a few weeks, you'll probably be ok. Longer than that and who knows." Oh, wait... I did say that.

    Perhaps you should tell him that such a low intake could cause his kids to contract cancer. That might be more persuasive than just hair loss. Hell, who knows if he even has hair???

    Right. Well...I guess you are okay with him eating at 800cals for a month. You are such a "supportive" person! unfortunately, I am just not the type of person to give two thumbs up to someone trying to do something dangerous....but kudos to you :wink:

    If Lyle McDonald says it's ok, that's good enough for me.
  • johnsmithxx
    I've been reading posts on this forum for a while and lots of messages remind me of a quote by Josh Billings:

    "The trouble with people is not that they don't know but that they know so much that ain't so."

    I started at 250lbs at the last week of March. I've been eating around 700 calories a day since then. I have lost 35lbs on my way to a goal of 175lbs. I am under the care of a doctor. I check in once a week.

    I have not gained weight from eating so little as some people have said I would. I have not lost hair and my kids haven't gotten cancer. I feel better than I did when I started.

    I'm eating 60+ g of protein a day and limit carbs. Carbs make me hungry and protein satisfies. I have had no issue with this diet and I doubt my doctor is trying to kill me off.

    I've talked to patents of this doctor who have done this diet for months with no ill affect.

    So, take everything you read (including this) with a grain of salt. Trust your doctor, not random people from the internet (including me).
  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    I started at 250lbs at the last week of March. I've been eating around 700 calories a day since then. I have lost 35lbs on my way to a goal of 175lbs. I am under the care of a doctor. I check in once a week.

    John Smith with 1 post. Authoritative.
  • johnsmithxx
    Yes. My account is just as authoritative as yours. I created a new account and will never use it again because I my view is different from all the people who frequent this site.

    You missed my point though. A doctor's opinion is what matters. No one else's opinion matters.

    I won't be surprised if my post is removed and I'm sure others will do their best to discredit what I wrote. I wrote the truth (for me) and the doctor I'm seeing says there is no problem with daily calories this low as long as I am under doctor supervision.
  • ttippie2000
    ttippie2000 Posts: 412 Member
    I started at 300 and have brought it down to 225 on about 2400-2600 calories a day and an active lifestyle. I doubt that gives me the right to lecture anybody, 'cept maybe my dog. I can, however, share my experience that I feel a whole lot better being active on 2600 calories a day than I did being sedentary at 1200.
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    Sure, it's possible, but just be prepared for it to come back on plus some when you can't maintain it.
  • sooz
    sooz Posts: 15 Member
    I think the biggest concern is slowing your metabolism by restricting your calories -- and I speak from experience. Since you're a guy, you should read The 4-hour Body by Timothy Ferriss. He speaks from personal experience, so it's not preachy or too technical. He recommends 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of getting up and -- you'll love this -- a binge day once a week (to convince your body you're not starving).
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    Yes. My account is just as authoritative as yours. I created a new account and will never use it again because I my view is different from all the people who frequent this site.

    You missed my point though. A doctor's opinion is what matters. No one else's opinion matters.

    I won't be surprised if my post is removed and I'm sure others will do their best to discredit what I wrote. I wrote the truth (for me) and the doctor I'm seeing says there is no problem with daily calories this low as long as I am under doctor supervision.

    Brave level: So
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    OP, in all likelyhood, 3-4 weeks should be doable. Will you continue losing at the rate you currently are? Not likely. Will you die? Not likely. You have enough fat stores to keep your critical systems going.

    However, you will lose some muscle mass in this process. And when you start eating "normally" again(meaning a surplus), you will see a pretty good weight gain, between 5-10lbs within the first week due to food waste, water retention, etc. After that you will put on a few more pounds from muscle and fat mass gain. Should be minimal at first, a few pounds.

    The BIGGEST issue that I take with your approach is that you are trying to rush it, you want to lose the weight as quickly as possible in a way that isnt sustainable long term, and you will not develop healthier eating habits that will prevent you from just yo-yoing. The key to successful weight and fitness management is treating it as a lifestyle choice, not a temporary diet.
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    Hahaha yea ok.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    OP, in all likelyhood, 3-4 weeks should be doable. Will you continue losing at the rate you currently are? Not likely. Will you die? Not likely. You have enough fat stores to keep your critical systems going.

    However, you will lose some muscle mass in this process. And when you start eating "normally" again(meaning a surplus), you will see a pretty good weight gain, between 5-10lbs within the first week due to food waste, water retention, etc. After that you will put on a few more pounds from muscle and fat mass gain. Should be minimal at first, a few pounds.

    The BIGGEST issue that I take with your approach is that you are trying to rush it, you want to lose the weight as quickly as possible in a way that isnt sustainable long term, and you will not develop healthier eating habits that will prevent you from just yo-yoing. The key to successful weight and fitness management is treating it as a lifestyle choice, not a temporary diet.

    All excellent points.
  • Balance_Breathe
    I'm a 58-year-old woman, only 5'4", and I weighed 270 when I started less than two weeks ago. I've been eating about 1700 a day and lost 12 pounds in 10 days. No exercise yet.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    OP, in all likelyhood, 3-4 weeks should be doable. Will you continue losing at the rate you currently are? Not likely. Will you die? Not likely. You have enough fat stores to keep your critical systems going.

    However, you will lose some muscle mass in this process. And when you start eating "normally" again(meaning a surplus), you will see a pretty good weight gain, between 5-10lbs within the first week due to food waste, water retention, etc. After that you will put on a few more pounds from muscle and fat mass gain. Should be minimal at first, a few pounds.

    The BIGGEST issue that I take with your approach is that you are trying to rush it, you want to lose the weight as quickly as possible in a way that isnt sustainable long term, and you will not develop healthier eating habits that will prevent you from just yo-yoing. The key to successful weight and fitness management is treating it as a lifestyle choice, not a temporary diet.

    All excellent points.

  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    42yr old male, weighed in @ 270. Eating 800-1000 calories per day, no sugar, no wheat, no pop. I drink a lot of Oolong Tea, feeling good right now, a lot of energy. Lost 7 LBS in 3 days.

    Any problems continuing this plan for 3-4 weeks?

    A) I hope youre a troll
    B) dude, eat.
    C) WTF
    D) I am sure it has alll been covered.
  • MustangUSN
    MustangUSN Posts: 28 Member
    42yr old male, weighed in @ 270. Eating 800-1000 calories per day, no sugar, no wheat, no pop. I drink a lot of Oolong Tea, feeling good right now, a lot of energy. Lost 7 LBS in 3 days.

    Any problems continuing this plan for 3-4 weeks?

    So, curious, are you a troll looking to start another "discussion" about the this issue??

    Yes, there is a problem with what you are doing. Do a search on 1200 and you will find plenty of threads talking about why you should not be eating that low.

    No, I am not a troll, I am new to this site and was just asking a simple question.

    Thanks for that response...I was going to respond to that post myself as I believe my mother's words said it best regarding that comment, "if you can't say something nice (or helpful), don't say (post) anything at all"

    I ditto the others comments and would recommend a referral to a nutritionist as it helped me quite a bit and was available on my insurance plan. Good Luck!
  • Gizzy1976
    Gizzy1976 Posts: 126 Member
    You can survive off 800-1000 cals a day but why would you want to?? You need to be eating a lot more than that! If you ate so few calories your body will go into starvation mode and once you start eating more calories your body will store the fat ????