Thanksgiving: The Day After. How Did You Do?



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited November 2015
    I'm bulking and I did horribly. I don't care how much I ate or gained, I care that I had no control. I managed to put my turkey on a bed of greens and roasted veg instead of potatoes and stuffing with gravy the second night, but I couldn't keep my face out of the pie. Not sure why I think I need to eat half of a pie to be satisfied. I guess that's why I have been fat all my life. I have to eat in a deficit for a few days so I don't gain too fast. Onward!
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    edited November 2015
    I stayed on plan. Got in a great 5 mile morning workout in, didn't pre-snack during the football games (chips, candy, pretzels etc.) only had one full plate with a bit of almost everything with 1.5 big slices of pie and didn't drink my calories. Was content and very satisfied, but not stuffed.

    Down 1.3 lbs this week without trying to lose. Feels good to in total control with my eating!
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    edited November 2015
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I'm on a diet break anyway. I've been eating at deficit for a year and it was time for one. So, anyway, yeah, Thanksgiving? I was under my maintenance calories for the day.

    I ran a 5K that morning and didn't feel quite right, I started coughing really hard afterwards and everything went downhill from there. I got sicker as the day went on. I still ate two pieces of cheesecake though. Came in at 1980 calories for the day.

    We moved the following day and I haven't been tracking since then. I've basically been winging it.

    I'm about a half pound up from my lowest weight, but I'm not overly worried about it.

    Back to logging tomorrow now that we're all settled in. I think. They're doing some more work in our kitchen tomorrow and it might be crazy town again.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I weighed in today and my weight is the same as last week. With going over my planned calorie intake on Thanksgiving, a very high sodium day and my period starting I considering holding steady to be pretty good.
  • Ashtoretet
    Ashtoretet Posts: 378 Member
    I still managed to lose a pound since last week but we'll see if I lose anything next week. I went about 200 over maintenance on thanksgiving.
  • 4homer
    4homer Posts: 457 Member
    I ate all the food. No regrets! I had a blast with family and friends. I was around 4000 to 6000 calories. I logged generally for fun that day.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I ate what I wanted avoided alcohol. I did take a 3.5 mile walk. Perfect day.
  • louislove17
    louislove17 Posts: 18 Member
    I ate pretty much what I wanted plus a little extra. It's one day a year and it's a holiday and holidays should be fun! The point of thanksgiving is to eat :). I jumped right back on track the day after so I didn't gain any weight
  • 13bbird13
    13bbird13 Posts: 425 Member
    I probably came in around 500 calories over maintenance. It's never that I eat way too much in general, just that it's hard to keep me out of the mashed potatoes. Add that I was on the road all day so grabbed a reduced-fat DD muffin for breakfast and then had a couple glasses of wine when I got home, and there you have it. But, I did some extra walking (2 hours!) on Wednesday afternoon, and again (1.5 hours) on Friday, so I figure I probably came out ahead in spite of the indulgence.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I ate almost exactly the same thing the day after as on Thanksgiving. We ran out of the habanero cranberry sauce, so it wasn't quite as much, but close.

    I weighed less this morning than I did Thanksgiving morning.
  • bubble_wrap0428
    bubble_wrap0428 Posts: 88 Member
    I did pretty bad on Thanksgiving. I stopped logging when I ate more cookies and drank some beer. I probably ate 3500 calories :(. The day after I had horrible stomach pains. It was no good!! But I ate under maintenance on Friday and Saturday so I think I balanced it out.