One chance on my own thread to help that all im giving



  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    Well my friend is a body builder just never competed he just been doing this 18 years amd well im still new to this but i will look at other programs too
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    What is your friends program? Can you break it out?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I do keep my body weight gain low it not much when i do gain and i do go to gym 2-3 times a week my friend just told me to do more proteins in diet less carbs amd fats

    Honestly, I think you need a program written by a professional that has you lifting more like 3-5 days per week. For having been lifting 5 years you should weigh more or have lower body fat. I know your friend is trying to help you, but what they currently have you doing is not the most effective use of your time and the progression is not efficient.

    cosign …

    i would suggest strong lifts or all pro beginner routine ….
  • bryanacuna
    bryanacuna Posts: 24 Member
    I agree with what most people are saying. Although protein isn't the most important thing in a bulk. You shouldn't be trying to hit 200g of protein if you don't weigh 200lbs. Aim for 1g of protein per pound of body weight. Therefore, 166 is enough. Since that's what you weigh. Get plenty of carbs and keep your fats at a healthy level. Your macros should be something like 50% carbs, 25% fats, and 25% protein. That would be optimal for what you're trying to accomplish. When you go to the gym focus on compound movements. Such as bench, deadlift & squat(If you're able to), military press, and Rows. I would say start at comfortable weights and increase major movements by 5 pounds(not 10Ibs) every single time you do a movement. For example, one day you bench 130 so the next time you bench you would add 5 pounds, so on and so forth. Since you have a higher body fat go for a lean bulk. Only add 200 calories a day and aim to gain .5 pounds a week. Yes it will take longer, but it will be worth it when you decide to cut. By doing this you won't add much fat. After a while you'll hit a plateau so you'll have to reset your macros and add more calories. If you're interested I'll be glad to help. Just let me know. Stay motivated brother. Much love.
  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    Yep my friends program is 12 weeks then after that we move to more harder things andnwork outs. My carbs 45% fat 30% protein 30% right now your telling me and i beem gaining .5 -1 a week amd i increase weights or can by 5 a week he has me doing deadlifts squats benchnpress overheadnpress to get full body work out and it working i add abs chest and calves too.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    I wouldn't expect "huge gains" in just 12 weeks, at three months your body is just beginning to make physiological changes. You need to think long term, more like 3 - 5 years building naturally.
  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    Well i been at this for 5 did it wrong first year second to fourth on and off fifth i been really at it but yes i do agree in long term
  • bryanacuna
    bryanacuna Posts: 24 Member
    Yep my friends program is 12 weeks then after that we move to more harder things andnwork outs. My carbs 45% fat 30% protein 30% right now your telling me and i beem gaining .5 -1 a week amd i increase weights or can by 5 a week he has me doing deadlifts squats benchnpress overheadnpress to get full body work out and it working i add abs chest and calves too.

    Sounds like you're on the right track. What are the current weights for your major lifts? How many days are you going to the gym? Don't kill yourself trying to get 200g of protein. It's not necessary. Remember, it's not all about gaining the weight. You need to put forth effort in the gym to grow some muscle under it. You're doing the correct movements What are your reps and sets for each excersice?
  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    I go to gym 2-3 days a week overhead press 80lbs benching 105-115 squats 65lbs deadlifts 50lbs
  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    I do about 10-15 reps per exercise sets between 3-4 though trainer has me at 1-2 but i do more
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    Are you progressively lifting more or staying at the same weight over time? I guess I'm surprised because I deadlift twice that.
  • bryanacuna
    bryanacuna Posts: 24 Member
    I do about 10-15 reps per exercise sets between 3-4 though trainer has me at 1-2 but i do more

    Sounds like you should be lifting a lot heavier than what you are. 10-15 reps is a bit high in my opinion. 8-10 is optimum for hypertrophy( which will allow your muscle to get enough work put on it in order to grow). I would say you should go on a strength program which would also help you build size. Maybe just do 5 reps of each exercise on a well written plan. Go to the gym at least 3 times a week. And add 5 Ibs to each movement each time you do them. I'll offer my help if you need it. Nothing against your friend but I believe he may not be taking the best approach.
  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    Im progressing more each week and reason it so low is il new to it
  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    I do about 8-12 reps and reason im doing slow on weights i broke my elbow 8 months ago
    And im in a strength program as it is and i do add 5 every week part of my
    Strength program and so far results showing
  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    He been trained in this for 18 years lol
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    edited November 2015
    Im progressing more each week and reason it so low is il new to it

    I don't buy it. I've been lifting for a month- I'm a runner and I don't usually do more than basic strength training. I STARTED at dead lifting 95 pounds and I'm 5'2" and 117 pounds. You need to progress higher if you want to see progress.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I do about 8-12 reps and reason im doing slow on weights i broke my elbow 8 months ago
    And im in a strength program as it is and i do add 5 every week part of my
    Strength program and so far results showing

    you previously said you do 12-15 reps…

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Im progressing more each week and reason it so low is il new to it

    did you not say you have been at this for five years..?
  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    I do anywhere from 8-15reps it varies amd i been progressing higher every week by 5-10lbs been working oit on and off for five years just started getting in to it this year like no tomorrow
  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    Im new to dead lifts and overhead pressing but benching i can do 145lbs