Should I put my success on Facebook??



  • Varamyr38
    Varamyr38 Posts: 258 Member
    I have it set up to post my diary, exercise and pounds lost. Why not post it? If people don't like it, they can just keep on scrolling ;)
  • mhollencamp102012
    mhollencamp102012 Posts: 165 Member
    I am the same way, I do not post about weight loss on my FB, but I don't post anything personal on FB, I go on there like you to read articles and chat and what not, however, when I hit my 50# mark....damn straight I am posting it! don't know if I will include pics at all....but I am sharing my 1st big victory!!
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    I've never posted about my desire to lose weight, but I've posted results from races I've run in (a grand total of three - lol). I always get positive feedback from those.

    I've had people comment on pictures of myself. I don't post a lot of pictures of myself, mostly my kids, but I've gotten a few comments that I look great or really fit...

    I just don't want people having an expectation of me losing weight and my failure if I don't. That's why I have never posted about my diet.
  • Mark_on_a_Mission
    Mark_on_a_Mission Posts: 48 Member
    I'm not on facebook (I was but left a few years ago), however my thoughts on this are......... post pictures including you having lost weight, but dont specifically mention weight loss. I think people have more respect/admiration for people who actually lose weight and dont mention it, rather than people who say "look at me, I've lost weight). If people want to know how you did it, get motivation etc, I'm sure they will ask (I get asked quite a bit!). I'm not saying there is anything wrong with either, and I know it takes a huge ammount of effort to lose weight (I know from years of experience), but I get more pleasure when someone says "you look great, have you lost weight" rather than me saying "did you know, I've lost xlb", if you see what I mean.

    Just my oppinion, of course. And by the way, fantastic result, congrats on your achievement :)
  • TheLegendaryBrandonHarris
    I posted a photo album on FB back in early September with this introduction:
    I've been overweight most of my life, and all of my adult life. Due to being dishonest with myself, I got WAY out of shape. Like, close to 300 pounds out of shape. Like, 38.7 BMI---dangerously obese---out of shape.

    I had high blood pressure. Felt like crap all the time. Cholesterol was too high. My back hurt a lot. No energy. It was just one of those things that seemed like too much work to fix.

    Then something changed and prodded me to get going. January 1, 2015 was when I started.

    Anyway, I've been very hesitant to post an album like this. But, you know, I would post an album of maybe a graduation, or where I worked, or something else I was proud of...why not this?

    I'm happy that I've begun trying to get into better shape. I'm happy that I have not needed blood pressure medication in 5 months. I'm happy that my blood work last week came back with all 25 test areas in range. In essence, I'm excited about this and wanted to share it with you.

  • kaylajane11
    kaylajane11 Posts: 313 Member
    kck2013 wrote: »
    How can anybody be offended by a success story? If anything, people can be jealous.
    You've transformed yourself? Great! Shout it from the rooftop and encourage others.
    Well done, girl.

    This. I posted a before/after picture after the first 30 pounds, and I got nothing but positive responses. I am maintaining now but would like to lose another 10, and will likely post again when I reach that goal and maintain it for a little bit.

    I think the occasional transformation post or picture can definitely be inspirational and motivating for others, although too many can become a bit obnoxious. I have a Facebook friend who was posting a weekly update, and it got to be pretty annoying. But I love seeing occasional updates from people who are working hard and succeeding.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,599 Member
    Go for it. You might inspire someone.
  • serenitymcc
    serenitymcc Posts: 30 Member
    I've chosen to keep my fitness journey limited to my support groups on Facebook (I think I'm in at least 6 now!). Those are my peeps - they cheer my successes, they ooohhh and aaahhh over my transformation pics, they offer empathy when I slip up.
    As for the 800 or so "friends" on my personal FB page? I haven't even seen many of the ones I actually know in 20+ years while the majority are people whom I've never met in person. The few who actually *know* me in non-FB world already can see changes.
    That being said, the real reason I didn't announce wide and far on my FB page was rooted in fear - fear of failing (again), fear of word getting back to a certain family member (uh, we have issues), but mostly fear of admitting how very, very fat I'd become. I'd already set up FB to block photos of myself which were tagged by others from being seen by all my friends, and I took every precaution to only post the notorious "face shot from above to hide the chins". I didn't attend my 20th high school reunion b/c I was so ashamed of how fat I had become. So posting my success would also mean admitting what I'd been, and I did not want to do that. And now I've discovered it's a LOT of fun to randomly run into someone who hasn't seen me in a year or more and see their reactions to the new me :smiley:
  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    I've chosen to keep my fitness journey limited to my support groups on Facebook (I think I'm in at least 6 now!). Those are my peeps - they cheer my successes, they ooohhh and aaahhh over my transformation pics, they offer empathy when I slip up.
    As for the 800 or so "friends" on my personal FB page? I haven't even seen many of the ones I actually know in 20+ years while the majority are people whom I've never met in person. The few who actually *know* me in non-FB world already can see changes.

    I hang out in FB groups. I've posted 1 progress pic to my page and my sister called me telling me her friend said I was naked. I had on a bikini....When I go to the beach I wear a bikini. WFT?! So I don't post to my page. People are more supportive in groups. I don't hear the comments like, "you lost too much." "Gain some back" "you look manly" eat a burger....etc I hear this in real life. I would cut someone if they posted that to my progress photo. it takes a lot to get the courage to post your progress. Do it for an audience who will appreciate it.
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    I love when my FB friends post fitness-related stuff.
  • glitterlizzy
    glitterlizzy Posts: 31 Member
    I guess it depends on what you want to do. I know personally I was inspired to start losing weight from one of my friends post of her losing weight. She wasn't all braggy but showed her before and after, I thought she was brave and strong. I thought if she could do it, I could to. I know you're getting a wish wash response of ya or nah, but really it's your life. I know once I've meet my goal I want to be able to inspire my other friends so I look forward to to sharing my accomplishments. Congrats on your weight loss!
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