December 2015 Running Challenge



  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,143 Member
    edited December 2015


    12/1 3 miles
    12/2 3 miles - today was sunny and bright, calm before next storm on Friday
    12/3 3 miles
    12/4 0
    12/5 0
    12/6 3 miles
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Dec 1 - 2.64
    Dec 2 - 5K
    Dec 3 - 1.4 streak
    Dec 4 - 5.16 miles
    Dec 5 - 4.16 miles - Savannah! Wish I had more time because this was the best run ever.
    Dec 6 - 5.5 miles - Savannah day two! Heading home today. Wedding was perfect. :smiley:

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    2/1 - 1.6 miles - 3K fun run with my friend John, who just lost almost 100 lbs :sunglasses: Oh yeah I realize 1.6 isn't a 3K but that's what they called it even though my watch said 1.6
    12/2 - life day
    12/3 - 5 miles
    12/4 - no mojo day
    12/5 - 7 miles
    12/6 - 3.9 miles trail run with my running group

    17.5 out 120 miles

  • rogue024
    rogue024 Posts: 1,484 Member
    @WhatMeRunning I hope it's nothing serious! Glad you decided not to risk a run.
    @skippygirlsmom thanks for the website link! Just in time as my husband needs new shoes badly.
    @Virkati love the photo! So jealous of your beautiful route.
    @tdbernrd congrats on your half marathon! Nice job!
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Dec 01      4.3      4.3
    Dec 05      8.1     12.4
    Dec 06      8.1     20.5

  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    12/1-3.7 miles + strength training
    12/2-4.7 miles-Hot Chocolate group run
    12/3-3.3 miles dreadmill intervals +strength training
    12/4-3.3 miles
    12/5-3.5 miles
    12/6-10.1 miles
  • dperich1968
    dperich1968 Posts: 235 Member
    Not able to get the running feet going yet and fighting a cold. Keeping the blood moving with the walks.

    Dec 1 - 1.79
    Dec 2 - 4.66
    Dec 6 - 3.15

  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited December 2015
    7.5 km run with 9 club members- Legs felt really Heavy today so I was a slow poke.
    As a Running group we are Pretty happy as we can still run on the Hills and Bush trails due to the lack of snow.
    As an Alpine/Nordic skier not so happy. Hard to train for a Birkenbiner with no snow. Easier training for my 2 Feb HM's with no snow. So conflicted as to what weather I/We want.

    12/01 - 0.0 Km – 0.0km – 140.0 Km
    12/02 – 7.0 Km – 7.0km – 133.0 Km
    12/04 – 5.0 Km – 12.0km – 128.0 Km
    12/04 – 7.0 Km – 19.0km – 122.0 Km
    12/04 – 7.5 Km – 26.0km – 113.5 Km – – YTD – 7.5 + 533.4 = 540.9Km

  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    Challenge Update: Did 6 miles this morning. I started out running into the wind and was regretting not bringing my gloves for the first mile or so. Since I was only scheduled for 6 miles today, I got to take my running buddy along (my dog--would post a pic, but I'm not savvy enough to figure that out on my phone...). She doesn't get to run with me much these days since my mileage has increased. I try to limit her to 6 miles tops. Always feel horrible leaving her at home because she loves our runs so much!

    Currently: 17/96 completed
  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    I'm in just for 50 miles this month. I'm being cautious cos a few nights out and Christmas will get in the way.

    Done 15.98m so far this month - not sure I can be bothered with the ticker thing again I'm too lazy!

    Did 10k tonight without stopping - first time I haven't had a minute walk midway. So I'm happy about that :)
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    @tdbernrd - awesome job at your HM! :smiley:
    @Elise4270 - love the profile picture ;)
    @ddmom0811 - glad to hear the wedding went well :smile:

    Finally got rid of my cold and got a good 6.2 miles in today :) I have a HM next Saturday and I plan to walk some as my training hasn't been as good as planned. I'll make sure to pay attention to how I feel, but it's a hilly course so I'm sure I'll walk at least a bit.

  • c1ownfishie
    c1ownfishie Posts: 82 Member
    First week was a huge success! Logged more miles than I had originally planned. Marathon training is going great!!! :smile:

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    December Running Totals (miles)
    12/1- 6.58 (warmup, speed work, cool down)
    12/2- extra rest day :(
    12/3- 6.40 easy
    12/4- 8.12 easy
    12/5- 15.00 long slow run
    12/6- 9.15 easy with hills

    Total- 45.25
    Goal- none stated

    Today's notes: 9.15 miles in 1:12:06 for an average pace of 7:53 per mile. The sore hamstring has faded into a normal training ache. The bigger ache has shifted to my glute, the same spot that got sore from driving for 2 days to get to my last half marathon. Okay, I know that will get better. Kept the pace easy today on principle, but after about 3 miles could only feel the hamstring/glute ache if I focused specifically on it. That felt so good that I ran my maximum intended mileage, bringing the training week in right around 45 miles. It would have been easy to stretch this to 10 miles . . . but I've taken that hamstring as a warning. Now is the time to consolidate the weekly base, not to expand it.
  • Leroyoliver
    Leroyoliver Posts: 323 Member
    Just made my first ticket
  • Leroyoliver
    Leroyoliver Posts: 323 Member
  • Leroyoliver
    Leroyoliver Posts: 323 Member
    Sorry! Trying to figure out how to embed my ticker
  • Leroyoliver
    Leroyoliver Posts: 323 Member


  • briamarie22
    briamarie22 Posts: 4 Member

    12/1 - 1 mile
    12/2 - off
    12/3 - 5 miles
    12/4 - off
    12/5 - off
    12/6 - 3.73 miles


  • CrimsonWhite
    CrimsonWhite Posts: 104 Member
    12/2 4 miles
    12/6 6 miles

    I guess unlike most of you guys, I really don't mind the treadmill so much. I'm just used to it. I turn on the music, tell myself I can't look at the mileage until I get through however many songs I need to that will get me close to the end, and settle in for the long haul. It has its good and bad points. Time certainly passes more slowly on it, it's hard to get "out of your head" while using it. But for me, I have to go slowly for my longer runs, like tonight, and it's hard for me to pace myself properly outside so it's easier for me to get my long distance on a treadmill. But, like someone said earlier, I can run faster outside more comfortably than I can on the treadmill. But right now, I run in the evening and it's too dark outside, and also with the cold I sometimes get a bit of cold induced asthma when I exercise (or exercise induced asthma when it's cold, maybe) so inside can be better. And with all my travel, the hotel treadmill is my buddy. So I go with what works for me at the time.
  • rogue024
    rogue024 Posts: 1,484 Member
    12/2 - 3 miles
    12/6 - 3 miles

    December: 6 of 45 miles completed

    The run felt good this morning. I just can't figure out this weather, one day it's hot then cold the next. Today I dressed too warmly. But I'm glad it didn't affect my run. I was happy to be in the zone as I listened to my audiobook.