December 2015 Running Challenge



  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I am joining a bit late. I meant to look for this thread at the beginning of the month.

    I have no idea what to make my goal, my training has been inconsistent (part of the reason I am here. I am hoping this might help a bit). I am also biking and supposed to be swimming too.

    Dec 1 - 8.5k (slightly more but I will round to .0 or .5)
    Dec 5 - 5k race
    Dec 7 - 8.5k
    Dec 9 - 5.5 k

    27.5 km so far.

    So I guess since we are almost halfway through the month I will make it 60 km.
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Dec 01      4.3      4.3
    Dec 05      8.1     12.4
    Dec 06      8.1     20.5
    Dec 07      3.5T    24.0
    Dec 09      6.3T    30.3

  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited December 2015
    Met up with the same Wednesday night tempo run group as last week, but afraid of the speedy youngesters, I instead ran with the adult group. After mentioning the insane 11 year old who was crushing my ego when pushing me on my final 6.5 minute/mile hill repeat last week, they confirmed that he had held the 9 year old half marathon record, and that I shouldn't feel too bad about it. I guess I can live with that :)

    12/1 - 4 miles
    12/2 - 4 miles (hill repeats at a 7 pace)
    12/3 - 4 miles
    12/5 - 6 miles
    12/6 - 4 miles (5k in 19:26 - 2nd/85 runners)
    12/7 - 15 miles (w. speedwork session in middle)
    12/8 - 6 miles
    12/9 - 7.5 miles (w. group tempo session in middle)

    Total: 50.5 miles
    Goal: 230 miles
    Remaining: 179.5 miles
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Ohhim wrote: »
    Met up with the same Wednesday night tempo run group as last week, but afraid of the speedy youngesters, I instead ran with the adult group. After mentioning the insane 11 year old who was crushing my ego when pushing me on my final 6.5 minute/mile hill repeat last week, they confirmed that he had held the 9 year old half marathon record, and that I shouldn't feel too bad about it. I guess I can live with that :)

    12/1 - 4 miles
    12/2 - 4 miles (hill repeats at a 7 pace)
    12/3 - 4 miles
    12/5 - 6 miles
    12/6 - 4 miles (5k in 19:26 - 2nd/85 runners)
    12/7 - 15 miles (w. speedwork session in middle)
    12/8 - 6 miles
    12/9 - 7.5 miles (w. group tempo session in middle)

    Total: 50.5 miles
    Goal: 230 miles
    Remaining: 179.5 miles

    Wow! A budding pro runner in the making? Kind of exciting...
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    8.5 km Headlamp assisted run with 6 members of the local club, a balmy -3C with a Toque, Gloves, Wind breaker and 2 layers I was actually over dressed. They had just plowed the trails around Town today so the center was clear but slightly blade polished. The outside edge where the Tire Treads consolidated the snow were - interesting!? varied from firm/crunchy with amazing traction to sloppy loose = Zero Traction on stride push off but rock solid for landing foot. A weird combination its usually slippery or solid - not both at the same time.

    12/01 - 0.0 Km – 0.0km – 140.0 Km – – YTD – 514.4 km
    12/02 – 7.0 Km – 7.0km – 133.0 Km
    12/04 – 5.0 Km – 12.0km – 128.0 Km ( GP run with new kicks )
    12/04 – 7.0 Km – 19.0km – 121.0 Km ( Home run with old kicks )
    12/06 – 7.5 Km – 26.5km – 113.5 Km
    12/07 –10.5 Km – 37.0km – 103.0 Km
    12/08 –6.0 Km – 43.0km – 97.0 Km
    12/09 –8.5 Km – 41.5km – 88.5 Km – – YTD – 8.5 + 557.9 = 566.4Km

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    December Running Totals (miles)
    . . .

    Today's notes: Tuesday is speed work with the running club. I had got there late the last few times and not got as much of a warmup as I'd like, and thought that might have contributed to my glute/hamstring issue that surfaced after last week's speed work. Today I managed to get there early, and took a longer than normal warmup, 3.23 miles. The lap of drills was light because most of the club is tapering toward USATF championships in San Francisco next Sunday; but when that lap finished with a stride, I could feel my glute complaining even after that long warmup. So I wimped out and just added some easy distance. 5.05 more miles gets to my total of 8.29 for today. Maybe if it had been 20 degrees warmer (temp was near 40), the glute would have tolerated speed work; but right now, I'm taking things easy and waiting for that ache to clear up. I might not run hard again till a 5K on December 19.

    Do you take extra rest days or cutback weeks?
    Also, when you break down your weekly mileage, what percentage is easy/recovery miles and what percentage is workout grade? The percentage should be 80/20 where 80% of your weekly mileage is easy "conversational" or even a slower recovery pace. Only 20% should be workout grade (tempo, interval, repeat, elevation, stride, ect).

    @Stoshew71 - I took an unplanned rest day last week, but made it up by running on the subsequent planned rest day. I *thought* about cutting back mileage, but by Sunday didn't seem to need to do so. On Tuesday, it was apparent that I still needed to hold off on the speed work. I'm fine with that.

    I have never tracked what percentage of my miles are workout grade. I have had at most 2 speed work days per week, frequently only 1, on a schedule that runs 5 days a week. I have gone as much as 6 months without doing any speed work other than races. I think I will be in that mode for the next 3 weeks or so, running a 5K but not doing any speed work in training. Then things get serious.

    Right now I'm not doing cutback weeks. The major focus is base building. I've heard the guideline about not increasing mileage by more than 10% per week. That's too fast for me, at least for base building. My pattern has been a 10% increase, followed by 3 or more weeks of holding the new weekly distance constant. There will be cutback weeks in the formal training schedule I will start at the end of December, where all the weekly mileages are figured by percentages from the base going in.

    I got to my first marathon without following a specific training program. One of the lessons I think I learned from that is that I went in with a very light base of weekly mileage, as marathon training goes. I'm not going to make the same mistake for my second marathon. Given how much it costs, and how busy my paid job typically is in the first quarter, this may be the only time I run Boston.

    I may be mistaken in some of my thinking, but I am firm in my priorities. Doing well at Boston is my #2 running priority for 2016. Remaining uninjured is the #1 priority. It is possible that I may need to bail on the aggressive training program before completing it, in order to ensure that I arrive at the start line without injury. If that happens, I'll bail. But Plan A is to train for a very respectable result at Boston.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    December Running Totals (miles)
    12/1- 6.58 (warmup, speed work, cool down)
    12/2- extra rest day :(
    12/3- 6.40 easy
    12/4- 8.12 easy
    12/5-15.00 long slow run
    12/6-9.15 easy with hills
    12/7- planned rest day
    12/8- 8.29 easy
    12/9- 6.00 easy

    Total- 59.54
    Goal- none stated

    Today's notes - Group run from a local running store, very easy pace. 46 F and minimal wind, the leader took us on both streets and trails. The trails make me nervous, but they weren't technical and I managed to avoid all the roots so that worked out okay. Very easy pace is just what I needed today.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @kareF Somedays the legs just don't co-operate and will feel heavy for no obvious reason. Log it, flip the page and move on. My last Heavy Leg day came after spending the previous day climbing up/down ladders doing electrical work at my brothers.

    @Elise4270 Its to late we already have snow and ice. I Pre-fuel my 10km races/HM Training with 3 PB Cookies and 250 ml Chocolate milk - every kids dream - unless you have a PB allergy. Also two hours before the run I start a hydration with 2 - 500 ml water bottles.

    @Ohhim I feel your pain with the speedy youngster's, we have 4 young ladies ( early 20's ) in our club who without even trying just seem to disappear in front of you. Sort of like the Road Runner shifting gears in front of Willey Coyote from Bugs Bunny. They truly seem to float when they run.

    @skippygirlsmom Your pre-race routine sounds like mine - unconventional = a case of what works for you.

    @MobyCarp Glad to hear that your group run went well. After you have a little more Trail/Group Experience avoiding the roots and ruts will be second nature and you will suffer the fate of so many runners - Addicted to the Trails, Double track, Single track or no track. Unless you are getting into Riverbanks, Hills or Mountains very few of the "Towney Trails" will be a technical challenge, physical yes, entertaining yes. Although I did have one race where the Technical obstacles were trees that had fallen in the forest so sometimes you were running on top the trunk of an old tree down the Trail, under a tree and we even had one tree we had to vault over or do a 100m detour ( thank you high school gymnastics class).

    Sounds like lots of people are training for February 5k, 10k, HM's and Full Marathon. Go Team.
  • agzram
    agzram Posts: 199 Member
    agzram wrote: »
    Did my fastest time on 2.1 miles yet (just started back up again and I'm on C25K Week 6, Day 3).

    I forgot from my past running experience how much I enjoy running when I've built up my stamina! I felt like I could have gone forever on Sunday!!!

    December Mileage= 4.5/35

    C25K week 7, day 1 done. I'm about a half a mile slower than the app wants me to be, but on the plus side I'm way faster than I used to be!

    December Mileage=6.5/35
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    December goal 65 miles

    12/1 5.00
    12/2 4.11
    12/3 snorkel 3 hours
    12/4 4.37
    12/5 7.31
    12/6 3.15
    12/7 got home from work. Sat. Never got back up.
    12/8 3.43. Stopped the car on a side road and ran. Knew if I went home....see above.
    12/9 3.52

    Total 30.88

    Upcoming races:
    3/20 Big Island International 1/2 marathon

    Ticker is my goal for 2015 and accumulation to date:


  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Dec 1 - 2.64
    Dec 2 - 5K
    Dec 3 - 1.4 streak
    Dec 4 - 5.16 miles
    Dec 5 - 4.16 miles - Savannah! Wish I had more time because this was the best run ever.
    Dec 6 - 5.5 miles
    Dec 7 - 1.1
    Dec 8 - 4 miles
    Dec 9 - 1.4 miles - streak
    Dec 10 - 3.75 miles

  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    edited December 2015
    12/1-3.7 miles + strength training
    12/2-4.7 miles-Hot Chocolate group run
    12/3-3.3 miles dreadmill intervals +strength training
    12/4-3.3 miles
    12/5-3.5 miles
    12/6-10.1 miles
    12/8-strength training
    12/9-6.1 miles

    I am finding it hard to be motivated to run. Last December I was training for a January marathon, so I HAD to make the time to do it. Even still, I remember that it was difficult to squeeze all of those runs in and all of the schedule shifting I had to do. This year, with no real incentive, I'm just finding myself with that "meh" attitude more and more. Less running miles + holiday eating= "Well, January is a new year!"

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    1-6.65mi build up run from 13:07-11:04
    2-strength and yoga day
    3-6.69mi fast run 11:40, technically. but reality is we have 5 min warm up and potty breaks for the dog
    4-rest day, maybe yoga day. feeling poopy
    5-13.17mi I was only scheduled for 11 but I was feeling so good at 9 miles I went on and decided to do a whole 13. I have to say a marathon isn't that scarey now.
    6-3.18mi for recovery and to do the Runkeeper Global 5k
    8-rest day. so tired i'm dizzy. not sure why
    9-no sleep last night-rest. I'm calling it recovery week from the 18miles this weekend :smiley: aerial yoga at night
    10-3.12mi with hills, including two steep ones. top of quads and hips still feel extremely tight


  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited December 2015
    12/1: 3 miles
    12/2: Rest
    12/3: 6 miles with Thursday crew
    12/4: Rest
    12/5: Busy day in NYC
    12/6: Rest from busy day
    12/7: Rest
    12/8: Busy!
    12/9: Too sleepy from a late-night Buffy binge on Netflix...

    Sooooo... guess who hasn't run in a week? THIS GIRL! Except accidentally taking a week off really helped my hamstring a lot (and my time management, as the end of the semester nears...). I tested the hammie with some bridges this morning, and I could barely tell the right leg was weaker than the left. Finally! I'll run 6 with my group tonight and hopefully will be bouncing back with some ~25 mile weeks the rest of December, then some 35-45 mile weeks in January before marathon training restarts.

    No running = lazy on MFP, so I am slowly working through the 110+ posts that y'all have made in the last few days!


    Upcoming races:
    5/1/2016: New Jersey Marathon
    6/12/2016: Run & Ride HM at Cedar Point

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    12/1 - 4 miles on indoor track + 4.5 miles on stationary bike
    12/2 - Took my rest day early. Weather is supposed to be way better this weekend, so planning to run long(er) than usual both days.
    12/3 - 5.09 miles on treadmill (Trek class)
    12/4 - 4 miles on indoor track + weights/abs
    12/5 - 5.5 miles (I think) phone / GPS crashed after about 4, so I lost my distance and time
    12/6 - 3.1 miles on small indoor track
    12/7 - unplanned rest day
    12/8 - 4 miles on indoor track + weight/abs
    12/9 - 5.25 beautiful miles...40° F at 5:00 a.m. in December! Ran a route that I used a lot last spring/summer, but had been a while. Fun, relaxing, almost perfect!
    12/10 - 5.25 miles on treadmill (Trek class)

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    December Running Totals (miles)
    . . .

    Today's notes: Tuesday is speed work with the running club. I had got there late the last few times and not got as much of a warmup as I'd like, and thought that might have contributed to my glute/hamstring issue that surfaced after last week's speed work. Today I managed to get there early, and took a longer than normal warmup, 3.23 miles. The lap of drills was light because most of the club is tapering toward USATF championships in San Francisco next Sunday; but when that lap finished with a stride, I could feel my glute complaining even after that long warmup. So I wimped out and just added some easy distance. 5.05 more miles gets to my total of 8.29 for today. Maybe if it had been 20 degrees warmer (temp was near 40), the glute would have tolerated speed work; but right now, I'm taking things easy and waiting for that ache to clear up. I might not run hard again till a 5K on December 19.

    Do you take extra rest days or cutback weeks?
    Also, when you break down your weekly mileage, what percentage is easy/recovery miles and what percentage is workout grade? The percentage should be 80/20 where 80% of your weekly mileage is easy "conversational" or even a slower recovery pace. Only 20% should be workout grade (tempo, interval, repeat, elevation, stride, ect).

    @Stoshew71 - I took an unplanned rest day last week, but made it up by running on the subsequent planned rest day. I *thought* about cutting back mileage, but by Sunday didn't seem to need to do so. On Tuesday, it was apparent that I still needed to hold off on the speed work. I'm fine with that.

    I have never tracked what percentage of my miles are workout grade. I have had at most 2 speed work days per week, frequently only 1, on a schedule that runs 5 days a week. I have gone as much as 6 months without doing any speed work other than races. I think I will be in that mode for the next 3 weeks or so, running a 5K but not doing any speed work in training. Then things get serious.

    Right now I'm not doing cutback weeks. The major focus is base building. I've heard the guideline about not increasing mileage by more than 10% per week. That's too fast for me, at least for base building. My pattern has been a 10% increase, followed by 3 or more weeks of holding the new weekly distance constant. There will be cutback weeks in the formal training schedule I will start at the end of December, where all the weekly mileages are figured by percentages from the base going in.

    I got to my first marathon without following a specific training program. One of the lessons I think I learned from that is that I went in with a very light base of weekly mileage, as marathon training goes. I'm not going to make the same mistake for my second marathon. Given how much it costs, and how busy my paid job typically is in the first quarter, this may be the only time I run Boston.

    I may be mistaken in some of my thinking, but I am firm in my priorities. Doing well at Boston is my #2 running priority for 2016. Remaining uninjured is the #1 priority. It is possible that I may need to bail on the aggressive training program before completing it, in order to ensure that I arrive at the start line without injury. If that happens, I'll bail. But Plan A is to train for a very respectable result at Boston.

    Good luck with both priorities.
    The increase mileage 1 week then hold it for 3 weeks is what Dr Jack Daniels suggests. So I think you are on the right path.

    I hope to make it to Boston in the next couple of years.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    11/23 7 miles - 158.9 << Week1 of RCM Taper
    11/24 8.1 miles - 167
    11/25 5 miles - 172 << Recovery Run
    11/26 8 miles - 180
    11/27 5 miles - 185 << Recovery Run
    11/28 17 miles - 202 << Long Run - end of Week1 Taper
    11/29 REST DAY
    11/30 6.1 miles - 208.1<< Week2 of RCM Taper

    12/1 5.5 miles - 5.5
    12/2 4.1 miles - 9.6
    12/3 5.5 miles - 15.1
    12/4 4.1 miles - 19.2
    12/5 12 miles - 31.2
    12/6 REST DAY
    12/7 4 miles - 35.2 << Last taper week going into RCM
    12/8 5 miles - 40.2
    12/9 REST DAY << First day of carb loading. 740 g of carbs. woo hoo.
    12/10 3.1 miles 43.3 << last run before RCM


  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    I hope to make it to Boston in the next couple of years.

    Pretty sure that won't be a problem!
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    12/2 - 3 miles at 4:15am, I am tired but glad I got out as it is supposed to be a rain/snow mix tomorrow. Good start to the month. :)
    12/5. - 3 miles. Getting faster but still working on cutting out the walk breaks.
    12/7 - 1.5 miles. I tried my hilly park run and it was too much. My piriformis was complaining on the first down hill so I made it one loop instead of my planned 2 and quit. I gave it a good stretch and a cold shower when I got home and it is good today.
    12/9. - 2.5 miles. Very stiff and sore. Never got into a good rhythm or loosened up after a session the day before with my trainer.

    10 down 15 to go
  • Ericsmi
    Ericsmi Posts: 128 Member
    12/1 - 3.16 Mi
    12/2 - 5.21 Mi
    12/5 - 6.04 Mi
    12/6 - 3.72 Mi
    12/9 - 4.48 Mi
    12/10 - 4.31 Mi

    Progress toward Goal 26.92 / 50