December 2015 Running Challenge



  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    December Running Totals (miles)
    12/1- 6.58 (warmup, speed work, cool down)
    12/2- extra rest day :(
    12/3- 6.40 easy
    12/4- 8.12 easy
    12/5-15.00 long slow run
    12/6-9.15 easy with hills
    12/7- planned rest day
    12/8- 8.29 easy
    12/9- 6.00 easy
    12/10- unscheduled rest day (plan was 6 miles)
    12/11- 6.04 easy (instead of planned rest day)
    12/12- 16.00 long slow run
    12/13- 10.05 easy
    12/14- 6.07 easy
    12/15- 8.21 hills
    12/16- scheduled rest day
    12/17- 8.18 easy with fast finish
    12/18- scheduled rest day
    12/19- 15.77 (3.45 warmup; 3.13 Reindeer Run 5K in 20:16, 1st M 55-59; 9.19 easy)
    12/20- 7.87 easy
    12/21- scheduled rest day
    12/22- 8.11 moderate
    12/23- 6.56 easy group run
    12/24- 5.03 easy "Egg Nog Jog"
    12/25- scheduled rest day
    12/26- 20.05 long slow run

    Total- 177.48
    Goal- none stated

    Today's notes: Today was the last recreational/base building run before everything becomes part of my Boston training program. I am the pace leader for the 8:30 pace group with the local Fleet Feet, and the routes for today were 13, 20, or 22 miles. 8:30 is not a popular long run pace, and the only people who showed up were myself and my two Boston training buddies. Kept the first 9 miles slow because one buddy is coming back from having a kidney stone blasted and has some hip issues from running last Saturday's 5K too fast. At 9 miles, he decided he needed to slow way down or rest and wait for the 9:00 pace group to catch up. The other buddy and I picked it up to about the 8:15 range to finish the 13 mile route; then he went off to run a 2 mile out and back to get the 15 he needs. I took a rest room break and went out to run the next 7 miles solo. The total run came in at an 8:24 average, with the last 11 miles being a lot closer to 8:15 than 8:30.

    I didn't really need 20 miles today physically. But I needed this psychologically, because I haven't run farther than 16 in a day since the Buffalo Marathon. One thing and another came up to limit my distance when the schedule called for longer runs. That, and I've been having gut issues on long runs lately; today was a test to see how watching what I eat for the 2 days before the long run does with that. It was mostly a success, as I got through the 20 miles. However, there were some indications that 22 miles would have either been a problem or sent me scrambling for the rest room at the end of the run. I think I'm headed in the right direction, but I need to be more vigilant with the insoluble fiber the two days before a long run or a marathon.

    That's a challenge, because I'd always like to add an apple or a banana when I need more calories, and I'm coming to the conclusion that I need more calories than I was eating before the holiday excesses in order to support my marathon training. Just have to figure out where they come from so that they neither carry too much fiber with them nor trigger out of control binge eating. Sometimes it's easier to eat an extra 2000 calories than an extra 200.

    Upcoming races:
    Jan. 1, 2016 Resolution Run 7.5 mile (Mendon, NY)
    Jan. 9, 2016 Winter Warrior Half Marathon (Rochester, NY)
    April 18, 2016 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA)
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    Who else is getting this on their home page on MFP? According to tech support, it's only happening to "some" users, but it's awfully frustrating!


    There was a "load more" button yesterday so that I could load friend posts, but now it's gone! And the iOS app doesn't work either. I just want to see what everyone is up to! :(

    Me!! I thought I had hit a wrong button on the PC! Glad it's not just me!
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    I also received a running training journal for Christmas and a plaque to hang medals and track PRs.

    A plaque sounds amazing!! You will have to post a photo of all your medals on it :smile:
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @kristinegift My 7.5 km run was truly " in the Cold " of Northern Canada. -25C + Windchill = -32C.
    It was actually a planned 10 km run but I Love beautiful/smart dogs - hate Stupid Owners. An owner who has a History of Not controlling his dogs was out and they were off leash - but Leashed together. Can you picture a truly friendly German Shepherd and a Bichon running up behind you and passing you - one on each side of me with the Cross leash ( Mobile Trip Line ) ending up in my feet. Went down hard, the loose snow did help prevent a serious injury/bruising but some how strained a calf muscle. Limped home using "Special Words for Stupid Owners". A little over a month out from my HM and now an injury.

    12/01 - 0.0 Km – 0.0km – 140.0 Km – – YTD – 514.4 km
    12/02 – 7.0 Km – 7.0km – 133.0 Km
    12/04 – 5.0 Km – 12.0km – 128.0 Km ( GP run with new kicks )
    12/04 – 7.0 Km – 19.0km – 121.0 Km ( Home run with old kicks )
    12/06 – 7.5 Km – 26.5km – 113.5 Km
    12/07 –10.5 Km – 37.0km – 103.0 Km
    12/08 –6.0 Km – 43.0km – 97.0 Km
    12/09 –8.5 Km – 51.5km – 88.5 Km
    12/10 –2.0 Km – 53.5km – 86.5 Km
    12/12 –14.0 Km – 67.5km – 72.5 Km
    12/13 –7.0 Km – 74.5km – 65.5 Km
    12/15 –11.5 Km – 86.0km – 54.0 Km
    12/17 –7.0 Km – 93.0km – 47.0 Km
    12/23 –7.0 Km – 100.0km – 40.0 Km
    12/24 –9.0 Km – 109.0km – 31.0 Km
    12/26 –7.5 Km – 116.5km – 23.5 Km – – YTD – 7.5 + 623.9 = 631.4Km

  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    snha wrote: »
    @runner_girl83 sound like good presents. I bought my wife a fitbit charge hr for her birthday in the beginning of december and that was interesting: in a couple of days she/we discovered that her resting heart rate is actually very high :( between 100 and 120. nothing particularly dangerous in the tests and we don't know the specific reason yet, but dr. is on her case now about exercise !!!

    Sorry to hear about that! Good thing it has been picked up though!! Is it safe for your wife to exercise still? I love the resting HR function.. Mine is at the low 60's (across the day).. Every time I check it it's at the mid 50's though the annoying thing is fitbit bases the RH across the entire day! Not just when you're at rest?! First thing this morning when I woke up it says my RH is 54... Should I use that?
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    PB at parkrun today!

    5km in 33:48...

    2 minutes 10 seconds faster than my best time! Woo yay hooplah! :smiley:

    Getting closer to my under-30-minute goal. I also did one kilometre in less than 6 minutes. Woot!

    Woot Woot!!! Fantastic! :smiley:
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    patrikc333 wrote: »
    more importantly I met Santa today and he's bringing me a FR630 - cannot wait!

    Sounds great! I'll have to look that up though as I'm not sure what device that is :smile: What brand is that?
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    edited December 2015
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    Went down hard, the loose snow did help prevent a serious injury/bruising but some how strained a calf muscle. Limped home using "Special Words for Stupid Owners". A little over a month out from my HM and now an injury.

    Crap! Stupid people.. Why would they do that?! I can't stand it when they let their dogs off the leash .. At a leash-ONLY park.. and the dogs run up to you or chase you because you're running. Then you see an owner doing the right thing, running/walking with their dog on the leash and the dogs run over to them and get aggressive. The *stupid owners* don't act on it.. Take their time and stroll over, telling the people "It's okay.. My dog doesn't bite.. He's just curious"
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    patrikc333 wrote: »
    more importantly I met Santa today and he's bringing me a FR630 - cannot wait!

    Sounds great! I'll have to look that up though as I'm not sure what device that is :smile: What brand is that?
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    edited December 2015
    12/1 3.5 @ 11:17 on the treadmill plus strength training
    12/2 5.25 @ 11:04 on the treadmill. Oh my heck, please let it be sunny tomorrow. Or at least not so wet.
    12/3 4.75 @ 12:03 on the park trail with the doggy. Yay! Sunshine!
    12/4 3.5 @ 11:03 (really 3.25 at 10:48, plus .25 at a walk) on the treadmill, plus strength training
    12/5 3 miles hiking with the cub scouts :)

    12/6 Woke up feeling sore from Friday's strength training, so took a rest day
    12/7 9.25 @ 12:26 on the park trail, nice and easy
    12/8 3.75 @ 10:48 on the treadmill (3.5 at 10:39, .25 walk), plus stretch/yoga
    12/9 5.25 @ 11:32 on the treadmill
    12/10 Sort of rest day? Trip to Colonial Williamsburg with my daughter's history class. Lots of walking!
    12/11 6.25 @ 11:18 on the treadmill.
    12/12 Rest Day

    12/13 3.25 @ 10:10 (5K race chip time 32:06--I finished 191/395 women 30/64 in my age group)
    12/14 7.25 @ 12:03 (7 @ 11:57 and .25 walking) on the park trails
    12/15 2.0 @ 10:29 on the treadmill and strength training
    12/16 5.0 @ 11:49 on the park trail
    12/17 Rest Day. It is cold and wet and my back hurts from present wrapping. Bah humbug.
    12/18 6.0 on the treadmill (5 @ 11:40 and 1 walking) plus strength training
    12/19 Rest day

    12/20 Sick day -- I seem to have developed the creepin' crud
    12/21 8 @ 12:00 on the treadmill (7 at 11:34 and 1 mile at a walk) breathing ok, but still feeling tired
    12/22 4 @ 12:00 on the treadmill and strength training
    12/23 3.5 @ 10:13 on the treadmill
    12/24 2.25 @ 13ish outside in the drippy-drippy rain and humidity. With the slowest dog on earth. Who has been stuck inside because of the rain and needed to get rid of 3 days worth of...stuff. And needed to chase *all* the squirrels. Ugh. I think I actually ran pretty well when I was actually, you know, running.
    12/25 Merry Christmas Rest Day. Happy Holidays to all!
    12/26 5 @ 11:38 through the neighborhood trails in my brand new super-squishy purple slime Guide 8s and the most expensive pair of socks (Feetures) I've ever owned. Woohoo!

  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    12/19...................14.00................98.25 (Cold one... 21F, windchill 12F)

  • ekruska802
    ekruska802 Posts: 79 Member
    My goal was 30 miles. 12/24 hit 31.6 and I'll probably run tomorrow, too. Attainable goals FTW! ;-)
  • summerdaze120
    summerdaze120 Posts: 425 Member
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    12/1 - 0 blah day
    12/2 - 6.24 (2.66 lunch run + 3.58 dreadmill walk) Felt like an upside down turtle trying to make it thru quicksand. Felt super slow, sluggish, just awful. Later on the t-mill actually felt pretty good.
    12/3 - 2.83 Work lunch run...felt good. Not great. Seems like if I take more than 2 days off I lose something, like endurance or lung capacity, something.
    12/4 - 2.88 Lunch walk. It was gorgeous outside!
    12/5 - 5.25 Walked to neighborhood Walmart for greek yogurt and coffee creamer. Then drove back to get everything I forgot lol
    12/6 - Rest day. Letting the knee calm down.
    12/7 - Not feeling it.
    12/8 - Getting lazy.
    12/9 - 3.26 Lunch run. Beautiful day!
    12/10 - 3.29 Lunch run...gorgeous day!
    12/11 - 2.92 Fast walk at lunch. I dressed for the weather report. Shoulda known better! It was another drop dead GORGEOUS day. Tomorrow volunteering at Santa Stampede and will try to run the route when it's all over :smiley:
    12/12 - Volunteered at Santa Stampede. Mad respect for the ones running while it snows and accumulates on their lashes and nose hairs! I called it a rest day and stayed inside & cuddled with my cat.
    12/13 - 5.48 Day was too beautiful to let it go to waste. I did an exceptionally slow run for a solid 4.5 miles, but it was basically an accident. Was really only heading out for a walk but then I let myself do what my body wanted. The only reason I stopped is because I hadn't brought hydration with me and didn't want to have another bad "after run" experience.
    12/14 - 2.87 Treadmill. I didn't get my lunch break so I couldn't go out and love the sunshine and warm temps. We're supposed to get a lot of snow tomorrow. If I can tolerate the cold, I'll be running at lunch!
    12/15 - Lost my grip on my goals
    12/16 - Same as above
    12/17 - Same as above
    12/18 - Same as above
    12/19 - Started getting my head back on straight.
    12/20 - 6.39 Apartment treadmill. I'M BAAAACK!! And it's still possible for me to hit this month's goal which REALLY helped keep me going today :smiley:
    12/21 - 3.98 (1.38 + 2.6 lunch). First day of splitting miles. On the treadmill by 5:30am off by 6.
    **Biggest win of the month...I actually got UP and hit the treadmill! Seriously HUGE win for me!!!**
    12/22 - 1.57 SECOND day of getting up early and hitting the treadmill! It was more of a struggle this morning than yesterday, but I did it. Apparently I really want to hit the goal this month lol.
    12/23 - Migraine
    12/24 - Family day.
    12/25 - 5.13 (?) Treadmill shut off within seconds of me stepping off so I'm positive it was over 5 miles but not how much more.
    12/26 - 5.39 Treadmill. Found my Polar HRM because all the talk was making me want to go buy one. Used it today to find I'm pretty comfortable in the high 130's-low 140's. Now all I need to do is find out how to USE that information!!

    Upcoming Races for 2016
    04/24 Graffiti Run with grandkids-not registered/waiting to pick a team name
    04/30 Greenland Trail Race...8 mile-Registered
    05/15 Colfax Marathon (Half)-not registered
    08/07 Tri for the Cure Sprint Triathlon-not registered
    09/05 Labor Day Mini Marathon (Half)-Registered
    10/16 Rock-n-Roll Denver Half-Registered

  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    But Fitbit has the same issue with my phone! I have a usb that stays plugged into the computer and it syncs my activity automatically when I'm within range of the computer - then I refresh the app on my phone and it tells me where I'm at (one of the other reasons I wanted a fitbit charge HR as it displays the activity on the screen.

    I'm having a similar issue with my Fitbit One - it syncs fine with the USB on the computer, but the phone "can't find the tracker." That's a fairly recent development, however (like in the last month or so).
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    01-Dec (46 days to HM): 4.48 miles
    02-Dec (45 days to HM): <lazy>
    03-Dec (44 days to HM): 2.78 miles plus 2.13 miles (walk)
    04-Dec (43 days to HM): 4.47 miles
    05-Dec (42 days to HM): 10.04 miles (7K w/ Saturday running group, screwed-up Reindeer Run 10K)
    06-Dec (41 days to HM): <HM Training-mandated Rest Day> but 3.28 miles
    07-Dec (40 days to HM): 6.54 miles
    08-Dec (39 days to HM): 4.46 miles
    09-Dec (38 days to HM): 3.26 miles
    10-Dec (37 days to HM): 2.68 miles
    11-Dec (36 days to HM): 3.58 miles
    12-Dec (35 days to HM): 6.60 miles
    13-Dec (34 days to HM): <HM Training-mandated Rest Day>
    14-Dec (33 days to HM): <severe case of the not-fun runs>
    15-Dec (32 days to HM): <still severe>
    16-Dec (31 days to HM): 3.34 miles
    17-Dec (30 days to HM): 3.15 miles (walk)
    18-Dec (29 days to HM): 3.55 miles
    19-Dec (28 days to HM): 7.27 miles
    20-Dec (27 days to HM): <HM Training-mandated Rest Day> but 3.55 miles (walk)
    21-Dec (26 days to HM): 5.13 miles
    22-Dec (25 days to HM): 3.15 miles <dreadmill speedwork>
    23-Dec (24 days to HM): 3.00 miles <dreadmill>
    24-Dec (23 days to HM): 4.44 miles
    25-Dec (22 days to HM): 5.48 miles (bonus/catch-up long run)
    26-Dec (21 days to HM): 8.38 miles (long run day)
    27-Dec (20 days to HM): <HM Training-mandated Rest Day>
    28-Dec (19 days to HM):
    29-Dec (18 days to HM):
    30-Dec (17 days to HM):
    31-Dec (16 days to HM):

    Still not sure I'm gonna make my 125 this month...

    Upcoming Races:
    16-Jan: Museum of Aviation HM, Warner Robins, GA
    19-Mar: Cherry Blossom 10K, Macon, GA
    16-Apr: Running for Ronald 5K or 10K, Macon, GA
    04-Jul: Peachtree Road Race 10K, Atlanta, GA

  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    edited December 2015
    9voice9 wrote: »
    Received a Garmin vivoactive, but it won't pair with my LG G3.

    Anyone with any ideas? I must admit I'm tempted to get the receipt and trade it in (as defective) on a Forerunner 235 (or similar)....

    UPDATE: Apparently it was a matter of Garmin's servers being completed overloaded yesterday (tho why that would keep my watch from finding my phone is beyond me - and I WORK in IT). They're now, at least for the moment, talking with each other.

    NOW my question for those of you tech-runners: I have been using my Fitbit One for step counting, and MMR on the phone for my run advice (mostly minute/mile tracking, and the occasional HIIT session). I'm not sure which devices to keep using for what purpose (and no, I don't know what all purposes I SHOULD be tracking/using).

    I have friends at work that keep up with my stepping on Fitbit, so I guess I'll keep using that, but I'm sure I'm gonna start seeing conflicts between that number and the Garmin step number - which will drive my CDO off the charts.

    I have both the Garmin built-in app and another (apparently more detailed) app but I'm not sure what numbers I want to track on those.

    I'm thinking that if I use my phone JUST for audio, and let the Garmin track my workout, and keep using the Fitbit for my steps, that will be enough to keep my head spinning. One thing I know I want is the ability to start/stop the workout/race tracking more cleanly (see above re: CDO).

    Any ideas? How are youse guys (how's that for a Jersey-speak from a Deep South boy) using your toys?
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    12/26 - 7.54 (5.39 treadmill + 2.15 road walk) I simply could not stay indoors any more so I bundled up and walked around my apartment complex perimeter until I hit the 2 mile mark. Feel a lot better now!

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    12/1 5.5 miles - 5.5
    12/2 4.1 miles - 9.6
    12/3 5.5 miles - 15.1
    12/4 4.1 miles - 19.2
    12/5 12 miles - 31.2
    12/6 REST DAY
    12/7 4 miles - 35.2 << Last taper week going into RCM
    12/8 5 miles - 40.2
    12/9 REST DAY << First day of carb loading. 740 g of carbs. woo hoo.
    12/10 3.1 miles 43.3 << last run before RCM
    12/11 REST DAY
    12/12 26.4 - 69.7 <<< Rocket City Marathon (3:38:05 gun time // 3:37:59 chip time)
    12/13 REST DAY
    12/14 REST DAY
    12/15 REST DAY
    12/16 REST DAY
    12/17 5.23 miles - 74.93
    12/18 REST DAY
    12/19 REST DAY
    12/20 REST DAY
    12/21 3.2 miles - 78.13
    12/22 4.27 miles - 82.4
    12/23 REST DAY
    12/24 7.4 miles - 89.8
    12/25 REST DAY
    12/26 9.05 - 98.85


    We got so much rain, everything is flooded. This is the greenway we normally run on.



    And this one we just ran on Thursday morning and it was all dry:


  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member

    Yay, congrats on reaching your goal!