something has gone wrong with my FACE!



  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    Won't be the same for everyone but I breakout if I eat too much dairy. I try to avoid too much cheese and yoghurt now and only have cows milk in tea. Luckily I love coconut and almond milk as alternatives.
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    Eating at a calorie deficit won't cause "crap" to be "pushed out of your skin."

    Are you eating anything different? Are you exercising more? When I began losing weight, I had more breakouts. It helped when I began washing my face before exercising (I was running in the afternoon and not always removing my foundation first).

    I am exercising more yeah, i tend to go to the gym straight from work so my make up is still on my face... (lovely hmm) so i should start taking it all off before i exercise. i am eating a lot different yes, cut out most the bad food really. A few friends had said to me it could be my skin having a detox :/

    It's not the "toxins" pushing out of your face that makes NO sense most toxins are released by urination and through the bowels. The thing that makes the most sense is the fact that you're exercising with makeup on and that you might want to consider taking it off before you work out and exfoliate the skin post workout to get the buildup out of your pores. Just a suggestion...I'm not a doctor.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    It's because fat cells store estrogen. When you are losing weight all that estrogen is released into your system. When I lost over 100 lbs a few years ago, I had this same issue. I went to both my dr. and dietician and they reassured me that this is normal and will slow down. They were right!

    Nope. Estrogen is not particularly released during weightloss via fat cells.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    paulaviki wrote: »
    Won't be the same for everyone but I breakout if I eat too much dairy. I try to avoid too much cheese and yoghurt now and only have cows milk in tea. Luckily I love coconut and almond milk as alternatives.

    Whey protein does it to me (at more than one or two 20g-servings per week). In addition to the make-up suggestion, you might consider what you have added/increased in your diet.
  • besee_2000
    besee_2000 Posts: 365 Member
    I get the clearest skin when I cut down my sugar.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited November 2015
    The exercise/makeup hypothesis makes the most sense. I'd try out whether taking the makeup off before working out and also washing up well immediately after working out (you may already be doing this, of course) makes a difference.
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 647 Member
    Likely hormonal. Going from one exercise extreme to another can be anabolic and increase hormones that make us pimply.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    It's because fat cells store estrogen. When you are losing weight all that estrogen is released into your system. When I lost over 100 lbs a few years ago, I had this same issue. I went to both my dr. and dietician and they reassured me that this is normal and will slow down. They were right!

    Fat cells manufacture estrogen, but they don't store it.

    This is exactly the opposite of what I was told. I am going to go do some research and see. I went to a very specific bariatric doctor, and many many of the side effects of the weight loss is the release estrogen from the fat cells breaking down. It's a well-documented Weight Loss side effect. I shall see if I can find some links :-)
  • Karihappy
    Karihappy Posts: 116 Member
    I just saw this on Yahoo. Thought it might help.
  • sallygroundhog
    sallygroundhog Posts: 133 Member
    besee_2000 wrote: »
    I get the clearest skin when I cut down my sugar.

  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    It's because fat cells store estrogen. When you are losing weight all that estrogen is released into your system. When I lost over 100 lbs a few years ago, I had this same issue. I went to both my dr. and dietician and they reassured me that this is normal and will slow down. They were right!

    Fat cells manufacture estrogen, but they don't store it.

    This is exactly the opposite of what I was told. I am going to go do some research and see. I went to a very specific bariatric doctor, and many many of the side effects of the weight loss is the release estrogen from the fat cells breaking down. It's a well-documented Weight Loss side effect. I shall see if I can find some links :-)

    Estrogen produced by adipose tissue:

    You are aware that estrogen has a relatively short half life? And that even if stored, it would break down rather quickly...
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    It's because fat cells store estrogen. When you are losing weight all that estrogen is released into your system. When I lost over 100 lbs a few years ago, I had this same issue. I went to both my dr. and dietician and they reassured me that this is normal and will slow down. They were right!

    Fat cells manufacture estrogen, but they don't store it.

    This is exactly the opposite of what I was told. I am going to go do some research and see. I went to a very specific bariatric doctor, and many many of the side effects of the weight loss is the release estrogen from the fat cells breaking down. It's a well-documented Weight Loss side effect. I shall see if I can find some links :-)

    Estrogen produced by adipose tissue:

    You are aware that estrogen has a relatively short half life? And that even if stored, it would break down rather quickly...

    Yes, I am aware. However, most articles ALSO claim that fat stored estrogen. I was informed in my bariatric classes about these effects. I see a lot more information about this on bariatric sites, though, so maybe it has more to do with rate of loss. I'm on my mobile so I'll try to get links later.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    It's because fat cells store estrogen. When you are losing weight all that estrogen is released into your system. When I lost over 100 lbs a few years ago, I had this same issue. I went to both my dr. and dietician and they reassured me that this is normal and will slow down. They were right!

    Fat cells manufacture estrogen, but they don't store it.

    This is exactly the opposite of what I was told. I am going to go do some research and see. I went to a very specific bariatric doctor, and many many of the side effects of the weight loss is the release estrogen from the fat cells breaking down. It's a well-documented Weight Loss side effect. I shall see if I can find some links :-)

    Estrogen produced by adipose tissue:

    You are aware that estrogen has a relatively short half life? And that even if stored, it would break down rather quickly...

    Yes, I am aware. However, most articles ALSO claim that fat stored estrogen. I was informed in my bariatric classes about these effects. I see a lot more information about this on bariatric sites, though, so maybe it has more to do with rate of loss. I'm on my mobile so I'll try to get links later.

    Most articles? Which scientific ones?
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    This may sound odd but the skin care regime that keeps my skin issues to a minimum is a gentle soap without sulfates an acv toner and olive oil in place of lotion. Otherwise I break out and get really irritated skin.
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    My skin got bad when I was losing weight - and stayed that way for quite a long time while I maintained my new weight, too.

    I don't know enough about how everything works to explain it, but you're definitely not alone.

    I've lowered my overall sugar intake, which has helped, and I switched to new skincare products, too. I've found that Lush products work wonders on my skin. If you're using an exfoliating face wash on a daily basis, try switching to something more gentle and use the exfoliating one 1-2 times a week at most.

    I would second the recommendations to get your makeup off before exercising. Showering and/or washing your face afterwards would be good also.

    If you're washing your face too often, that can make your skin worse. I typically wash mine once each day now and just use toner water if I'm feeling a little greasy in between. I occasionally get breakouts, but my skin is a lot better now.

    Oh! And make sure you get plenty of fluids. If I'm dehydrated, I tend to break out more.

  • Shull_rachael
    Shull_rachael Posts: 430 Member
    I have this same problem! Now not only am I fat my skin is breaking out! It's so frustrating. I'm going to do the online dermatologist thing and see what they say
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Hubby washes compulsively and as soon as he trusted me, I switched him from the heavy-duty cleansers he was using to the mildest cleansers we could find. He's a lot kinder on his skin these days. If you will be washing your face more often, use something gentle.
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    So, on toxins. When I was breastfeeding I was told by nurses and docs not to lose weight too fast. Toxins stored in our fat cells find their way out through our sweat and other excretions when the fat cells are broken down. So the toxins were excreted in breast milk as well. I have always just assumed the same with working out, losing weight and acne. Off to do some reading.
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    So, on toxins. When I was breastfeeding I was told by nurses and docs not to lose weight too fast. Toxins stored in our fat cells find their way out through our sweat and other excretions when the fat cells are broken down. So the toxins were excreted in breast milk as well. I have always just assumed the same with working out, losing weight and acne. Off to do some reading.
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member

    This article has a small section in the beginning few paragraphs pertaining to breast milk and what I mentioned just for interests sake.