I bought cottage cheese today...



  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Champagne makes me want more champagne. Love <3
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    I can finish a jar of peanut butter in one day and not even realize I've done it until it is too late. That and most boxes of cereal.
  • 100df
    100df Posts: 668 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    Good homemade baked goods (chocolate cake w/chocolate frosting, cookies, pie, etc.) I get them out of the house as soon as I can because I find it very hard to moderate my intake. My thought process goes like this: "Why eat one slice every couple of days over the week? I know I'm going to eat it all so I may as well eat it all in one sitting."

    Ha! I do this exact same thing. Also, "well, better eat it now or it will go bad, and it would be a horrible shame to have put in all that work and let it go to waste." I've actually gotten WAY better about moderating that kind of stuff, but it's still easier to just bake only when I'm having people over or for an event so I don't end up with lots of leftovers. Lucky for me I don't do that with stuff like ice cream, where I don't have to worry about it going bad, and that I'm a horrible snob about baked goods so as long as I'm not offered good home-baked stuff I am not tempted. (I save calories for my book club, as one of the members loves to bake and is good at it, and tries stuff out with book club. But that's okay, as I don't end up with lots of leftovers in my house.)

    That's me!!! I really enjoy baking and enjoy even more eating what I've made. I have invested in little bitty cake pans. I've also been experimenting with single serving cookie recipes. There's little I like better than a warm cookie with a glass a milk. Can easily fit that in most days but lose it with a whole batch. Eventually I'd like to have slice and bake cookie dough in the fridge without blowing it by either eating the dough or making 10 cookies instead of 2.

  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    edited December 2015
    I am on the side with all of you who need to eat the leftovers because they may go bad or to save myself from eating them tomorrow. Weird mindsets we get sometimes! I am working hard to change how I think about food. It is like fuel in my truck, I eat to move, to haul and to work! And just a bit because I am being social. But I am learning to do other things when I am bored, sad, angry(like eating will make me any les angry), or worried. Mindless, emotional eating is what got me overweight. It is my biggest obstacle to overcome!

    Eta: the suggestion of red pepper on my cottage cheese will be lunch tomorrow! Sounds yummy!
  • dalielahdawn
    dalielahdawn Posts: 141 Member
    Cottage cheese! Seriously, I don't know how to stop. So I haven't bought it since I've been losing. Lol
    Sherbet. One serving turns in three, easy.
    Sour worms. Whole bag killed in one sitting. Every time.

    Oh well