Anyone here also doing Keto?

cassandranken Posts: 129 Member
edited December 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I could really use some support. Maybe a WL buddy, someone I can check in with once in a while. I work night shift so it's really hard for me to curb the cravings. Right now I'm craving a Totinos party pizza. I was able to avoid the temptation last night, but I was off of work and went to bed early. I have work tonight and I'm worried it will be x10 harder, and that I might run over to the CVS and grab one before my shift starts. I'm trying to distract myself :/

My stats are:

26YR/O, CW: 175LB, GW: 125LB, 4'9''

My reasons for losing weight are overall health, bettering my depression, and so I can have a healthy pregnancy when I decide to start trying. As of right now I'm not doing any exercising, but I'd like to start doing some DDP yoga before bed soon. I plan on following the keto diet (low-carb, similar to Atkins) and as of right now am still drinking Coke Zero (the little 7oz cans, 1 or 2 a day), but no breads, etc.

Today I started my morning off with a packet of Kikkoman Tofu Miso soup and a Coke Zero. Probably make chicken-something and broccoli for dinner, then go back to bed until work.

ETA: Does anyone here to competitions? I used to use the website and being in competition really helped me stay on track. The websites closed down now though.
