why did you gain the weight?



  • ClareWantsProgress
    ClareWantsProgress Posts: 173 Member
    NovaSure isn't b/c. It's procedure involving edometrial ablation for treatment of heavy bleeding. It usually stops periods altogether so is only offered to patients past child bearing. My doctor gave me some info on it a couple of years ago.

    Sorry, I realized after I hit "post" that my answer was going to read wrong. I know it's not b/c. I just meant that since I'd already HAD a D&C ablation, they weren't going to essentially do it again, and people tend to assume if you're on b/c it's for the "normal" reason of avoiding pregnancy. The side effects of NovaSure sound worse than what I'm already going through, too, so that makes me uneasy. At this point it's the hormonal migraines that are my biggest issue, other than the weight gain/hair falling out side effects. I haven't had a period in over a year because I'm on the pills full-time now.
  • Alatariel2002
    Alatariel2002 Posts: 65 Member
    I've been heavy pretty much since the onset of puberty...mostly in my butt, hips and thighs. After many years of yo yo dieting, I lost around 80lbs. After years of a not so great marriage(long story)....I made what I consider a pretty major mistake in my life. I let myself go, allowing the pounds to pack back on...the fat to shield me and protect me from ever being in that position again. Five years later, my marriage came to an end, and at that time...I decided it was time to take controll of my life. I enrolled in an online college to get my degree, and slowly started the process to reinvent myself.
  • Mommylicous
    Mommylicous Posts: 121 Member
    No excuse other than: I love food. So much to the point where I didn't monitor/control my consumption.
  • markbolch
    markbolch Posts: 24 Member
    Because I’m a Food Aholic and had no self-control coupled with sofa syndrome most my adult life… Geeeez why did I wait so long to fix my brain and realize that’s no way to live. Fat and happy or Happy and Fat was truly just Fat.. Now I am Fit and Fantastic and so much happier. Life is Good but you can never forget what brought you to the party so you don’t go back. Always a work in progress.
  • ja9smakinachange
    ja9smakinachange Posts: 144 Member
    Hit my 20's didn't change the way I ate/drank
    Had a baby
    Had another one.
    Didn't move very much