Any fellow SL 5x5'ers & runners?

Hi guys, my news feed seems to be a bit quiet lately nd it'd be good to have some more friends who are following SL 5x5 or lift alongside running. I run 3 times a week (10-15 miles) and do SL 5x5 2 or 3 times depending on my shifts at work. The weights are getting quite heavy nw so some moral support would be good!


  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    I do! I dont post much though...but i will respond to other peoples posts.
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    I do! I dont post much though...but i will respond to other peoples posts.

    I'll add you :)
  • gdyment
    gdyment Posts: 299 Member
    I run most days (every day in December) but started SL 5x5 a few weeks ago two times a week for sure, sometimes 3. Squat and DL are still not too bad but OHP is close to fail I think.
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    edited December 2015
    gdyment wrote: »
    I run most days (every day in December) but started SL 5x5 a few weeks ago two times a week for sure, sometimes 3. Squat and DL are still not too bad but OHP is close to fail I think.

    Yes I am getting there fast with OHP too. I'm up to 26.5kg with it. This is my second round of doing Stronglifts. I think last time my record was 27.5 kg. Need to do some reading about technique as I'm sure that will help. I have the Starting Strength book so I use that plus youtube videos. The whole hip thrust thing while pressing has really helped so there must be a few other tips and tricks. I'll add you too :)
  • brianlundlarsen
    brianlundlarsen Posts: 49 Member
    edited December 2015
    I run 3 days a week: Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday and do strongslifts Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

    I used to run Saturday also but cut it out when I started lifting about a month ago. So far it's OK, but I realize I probably have to start eating more to continue progressing.
    I am currently at: SQ: 60 kg, OHP: 32.5 kg, DL: 60 kg, BP: 45 kg, BR: 45 kg.
    I'm mostly feeling the squat weight, not sure if it's from doing high bar squats (supposedly you can lift less this way, but I struggled with low bar and flexibility) or from the running.
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    Cool :) I have just done workout A which is my least favourite, followed by a few accessory exercises and a 1 mile run on the treadmill since i felt like it. So far I'm up to:

    Squats: 62.5 kg
    BP: 36 kg
    OHP: 26.5 kg
    DL: 70kg
    Bent row: 35 kg

    I'm pretty pleased with my progress. This is new territory with the squats since last time 60 kg was my limit before I gave up. I'm getting near my previous 5x5 maxes with my other lifts but I'm taking my time going up by 0.5 or 1 kg each time since I'm a girl and it's getting pretty heavy! I was never gonna sustain those 2.5 kg jumps for very long but as long as I'm progressing I don't care how slow go.

    Aiming to get out for a run tomorrow depending on how my chest is since I'm suffering with my asthma or a virus at the mo. Not sure which!
  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    Just started SL 5x5 two weeks ago. :) I wish I had more time to run, but I usually get out twice a week. I can't seem to run on a treadmill, so I have to fit it in during the short daylight hours... tough right now.
    I also play volleyball twice a week, and do a long hot yoga session once per week.
    I also eat a lot of chips & salsa. So, the struggle continues....
  • KathyApplebaum
    KathyApplebaum Posts: 188 Member
    I run/ride 3-4 days a week and lift heavy 2 days a week. I just learned about 5x5 a couple of days ago and it looks very appealing.

    I'm really happy with how lifting is helping my running. I was at a plateau with distance/speed, but since I started lifting I'm less sore after a run, I've taken several minutes off my 5k and 10k times, and now a half marathon is definitely in my sights. My running buddies are getting sick of hearing me recommend lifting. :)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I lift + swim/bike/run... but I'm doing a bastardized version of 5/3/1.
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    I run/ride 3-4 days a week and lift heavy 2 days a week. I just learned about 5x5 a couple of days ago and it looks very appealing.

    I'm really happy with how lifting is helping my running. I was at a plateau with distance/speed, but since I started lifting I'm less sore after a run, I've taken several minutes off my 5k and 10k times, and now a half marathon is definitely in my sights. My running buddies are getting sick of hearing me recommend lifting. :)

    Lifting has helped my running immensely. I am much quicker without having to put half as much effort in. It's great!
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    I'll add you guys who have posted :)
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    I lift + swim/bike/run... but I'm doing a bastardized version of 5/3/1.

  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    I lift + swim/bike/run... but I'm doing a bastardized version of 5/3/1.


    Yep, 5/3/1. Google it if you're interested.
  • brianlundlarsen
    brianlundlarsen Posts: 49 Member
    What do you guys do about calorie intake?
    Personally I eat more on the lifting days than I do on my running days, but I am honestly split between building muscle and loosing fat. I know I have to up my calories to continue to make progress with lifting but I am also still +20% body fat so have a few kilos to loose.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    What do you guys do about calorie intake?
    Personally I eat more on the lifting days than I do on my running days, but I am honestly split between building muscle and loosing fat. I know I have to up my calories to continue to make progress with lifting but I am also still +20% body fat so have a few kilos to loose.

    I eat based on my weight goals at that particular time of year... gaining in the fall/winter, cutting in the winter/spring, maintaining through race season.
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    edited December 2015
    What do you guys do about calorie intake?
    Personally I eat more on the lifting days than I do on my running days, but I am honestly split between building muscle and loosing fat. I know I have to up my calories to continue to make progress with lifting but I am also still +20% body fat so have a few kilos to loose.

    I eat according to my goal which is to lose weight. My net is set at 1660 but I kind of eat according to hunger and my work shifts. My job is also active and involved working nights. Some days (often workout days) I won't eat back all my cals unless I'm actually hungry and want them. Equally, on other days if I'm hungry then I'll eat and go over whether I worked out that day or just worked. I try to keep an eye on my net cals for the previous 7 days rather than day by day to keep myself in check.

    I also go off my energy levels. If they start to dip and I feel rough I'll eat a bit more for a few days til I feel back to normal. I'm more for listening to my body these days than sticking to set limits. When it comes to my food anyway

    I should also add that as long as I continue to see progress with the weights and runs I'm happy. Some months I've only lost 1-2 pounds and some nothing but it all adds up. Slow and steady for me
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    edited December 2015
    Oops sorry
  • mandyrene21
    mandyrene21 Posts: 215 Member
    I'm planning on starting SL 5x5 next week (was planning to start this week but sick toddler at home). Any tips for a beginner? I haven't lifted in years and have mostly done cardio/circuit training due to the lack of a gym membership. Been a bit inconsistent with my workouts the past couple months also.
  • summerdaze120
    summerdaze120 Posts: 425 Member
    I literally just started SL 5X5 yesterday and I am starting C25K today :) So I will be running and lifting each week. I am not very strong, so I am not even starting out with a bar for lifting, just dumbbells (15lbs). I am hoping to get to the bar soon!

    Lifting / M / W / F
    Running / T / TH / S

    Adding you now :)
  • mandyrene21
    mandyrene21 Posts: 215 Member
    I literally just started SL 5X5 yesterday and I am starting C25K today :) So I will be running and lifting each week. I am not very strong, so I am not even starting out with a bar for lifting, just dumbbells (15lbs). I am hoping to get to the bar soon!

    Lifting / M / W / F
    Running / T / TH / S

    Adding you now :)

    Good luck! I'm so excited to get started :smile: I will also be lifting MWF and doing some form of cardio TThS...just haven't decided on the cardio yet! Might mix it up to keep it interesting.