Any fellow SL 5x5'ers & runners?



  • utahmomof10
    utahmomof10 Posts: 133 Member
    I run and lift weights, too. I run early in the morning on M, W, F, and then do Wendler 5/3/1 on those days, too. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have a martial arts class and also homeschool co-op with my kids, so can't get to the gym those days. On Saturdays I will often do a longer run and then go to the gym and do some Olympic lifting work.
  • summerdaze120
    summerdaze120 Posts: 425 Member
    @crazyravr why do you say that? Some people have been telling me that I shouldn't run and lift so much throughout the week because my body will need more recovery time. Is that what you are referring too?
  • gdyment
    gdyment Posts: 299 Member
    edited December 2015
    @crazyravr why do you say that? Some people have been telling me that I shouldn't run and lift so much throughout the week because my body will need more recovery time. Is that what you are referring too?

    Depends on age and intensity. You are fine, and if life gets in the way and you get a few extra days, so be it. You can do a LOT of training in a week if you want, and have the time for it. Just have to know when you really need a day vs when you're just being lazy. That's through experience.
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    I'm planning on starting SL 5x5 next week (was planning to start this week but sick toddler at home). Any tips for a beginner? I haven't lifted in years and have mostly done cardio/circuit training due to the lack of a gym membership. Been a bit inconsistent with my workouts the past couple months also.

    I'd prob start with one then the other as you are a beginner. Because both will make you pretty sore at first since you're not accustomed to it. With C25K just go very slow, don't worry about speed. And SL 5x5 start as light as u need to I'd say
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    crazyravr wrote: »
    I literally just started SL 5X5 yesterday and I am starting C25K today :) So I will be running and lifting each week. I am not very strong, so I am not even starting out with a bar for lifting, just dumbbells (15lbs). I am hoping to get to the bar soon!

    Lifting / M / W / F
    Running / T / TH / S

    Adding you now :)

    You will stop doing both sooner than you think :)

    Are u always so negative lol
  • KaiUneeda
    KaiUneeda Posts: 46 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    I do! I dont post much though...but i will respond to other peoples posts.

    I am the same way if you wish to add me. I am a consistent runner/lifter, but I had to take off a couple of weeks because of health reasons. I plan on making up for the missed time (in a healthy way).
  • brianlundlarsen
    brianlundlarsen Posts: 49 Member
    Feel free to add me also if anyone wants :)
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    Thanks guys.
  • alwaysfitter
    alwaysfitter Posts: 20 Member
    I started my first round of SL 5X5 three weeks ago, as well as starting a deliberate caloric deficit. I started light on 5X5 and everything still feels fairly easy, though I'll probably start failing on OHPs very soon. I'm currently at:

    Squat: 150 lb
    Bench: 135 lb
    OHP: 95 lb
    Row: 80 lb
    Deadlift: 215 lb

    I'm doing SL 5x5 on M/W/F and then running 3-5x/week. Running is a big part of my social life, so balancing both lifting and running is a must for me. My weight/BF% has been yo-yo-ing for the last couple of years. I'm currently trying to go from 196 lbs/25% to ~180 lb/20%, though I care more about BF% than weight.

    If anyone here seems like-minded, feel free to add me! Thanks, Tom

  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    edited December 2015
    Me. I restarted lifting and cardio 2 months ago after having to take 9 months off becuase of major health issues. I can't always lift 3 days a week as my disease (Crohn's) leaves me exhausted and in pain a lot and some days I just can't make it to the gym. I had to totally restart from the beginning. I almost died in January and was on Prednisone for 4 months and couldn't do anything for 9 months so I lost all my muscles and was very, very weak. I couldn't even stand up from squatting down to pick something up off the floor. I had listed heavy (not SL) for a little over a year before I had to stop and was almost at 2x bw for deadlift.

    I am doing SL plus assistance lifts as I want to be able to do pullups again.

    Now I am at 135 lbs body weight at 5'8 and want to lose some weight as I gained really fast on meds.

    Squat 150
    Deadlift 145
    Bench 60 (always sucked at this)
    Ohp 40 ( I have horrible horrible shoulder mobility which makes this sucky)
    Row 95

    I am doing a 5k to 10k bridge program and today did 18 min run/1 min walk x3. I run right after lifting as I find being chronically ill I recovery is slower than before and I can't always make it to the gym on non lifting days. I am running slow (5.2 mph) as the bouncing jars my intestines and that scares me. Before being ill I ran a 28:34 5k as a beginner (right after c25k) and a 43:20 8k. I want to be able to do a 10 k race in June and hopefully by then increase my speed up to what it was previously.
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    Me. I restarted lifting and cardio 2 months ago after having to take 9 months off becuase of major health issues. I can't always lift 3 days a week as my disease (Crohn's) leaves me exhausted and in pain a lot and some days I just can't make it to the gym. I had to totally restart from the beginning. I almost died in January and was on Prednisone for 4 months and couldn't do anything for 9 months so I lost all my muscles and was very, very weak. I couldn't even stand up from squatting down to pick something up off the floor. I had listed heavy (not SL) for a little over a year before I had to stop and was almost at 2x bw for deadlift.

    I am doing SL plus assistance lifts as I want to be able to do pullups again.

    Now I am at 135 lbs body weight at 5'8 and want to lose some weight as I gained really fast on meds.

    Squat 150
    Deadlift 145
    Bench 60 (always sucked at this)
    Ohp 40 ( I have horrible horrible shoulder mobility which makes this sucky)
    Row 95

    I am doing a 5k to 10k bridge program and today did 18 min run/1 min walk x3. I run right after lifting as I find being chronically ill I recovery is slower than before and I can't always make it to the gym on non lifting days. I am running slow (5.2 mph) as the bouncing jars my intestines and that scares me. Before being ill I ran a 28:34 5k as a beginner (right after c25k) and a 43:20 8k. I want to be able to do a 10 k race in June and hopefully by then increase my speed up to what it was previously.

    Hello, I'll add you. Well done on getting back to it after a break :)
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I can totally agree with the idea that trying to do both is a struggle. I've never been a runner, and am planning on getting to at least week 6 or 7 of c25k before I tentatively pick up a weight - and even then I'd rather stay light and practice form. Last time I did both, even the first squat put me out from running for four days. Not until I am kneedeep into one programme will I bring in something else
  • arac62
    arac62 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm doing both!

    before SL running was never been easy for me - I could finish 5K sometimes but it was slow and it almost killed me every time.

    I had to stop running for a few weeks after starting SL because my legs would get super tired really fast but I did elliptical cardio instead.

    Now that I've started running again, I've found that lifting has actually helped. I expected to lose some progress but my endurance and speed are better than before! I finished 5K easily after not running for over a month. I guess having a little less fat and a little more muscle makes a difference!

    I'm not sure if more experienced runners would have a different experience, but I was surprised that lifting helped so much!
  • brianlundlarsen
    brianlundlarsen Posts: 49 Member
    edited December 2015
    The running gains from lifting are quite interesting. I did a 5K just around when I started lifting (had been to the gym 1 time). My running has been pretty stable since, though with a bit less miles since I cut a day out. I'll do another 5K in mid January and am curious to see if there is any improvement.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I just started back with SL tonight after a few months off, so I had to deload a bit: squat: 100lb; bench: 70lb; row: 80lb, my OHP was 50lb and deadlift at 130lb (those will also be dropped initially). I usually swim for cardio (I hit the treadmill tonight because I couldn't be bothered to drive to the pool in the cold), and I log all my exercise through FitBit, and make a note in my food diary here. I don't comment or 'like' food diaries. Actually, I'm not too sure why my friends keep me around! :laugh: I will support in other ways, my diary is open to friends, and I am relatively interactive outside the diary thing. I am here daily, but when work stress is taking over, I am less interactive.