Juicing fast?

VampireMilk Posts: 10 Member
edited December 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
I recently watched Fat, Sick, and almost dead on netflix. Now I'm curious if a 10 day juicing fast is all its hyped up to be. Or if this is just some kind of advertising thing. Also how do you get protein?


  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Many vegetables contain protein.

    Personally, I prefer to eat my calories rather than drink them.

    A juice fast is a way to reduce your calorie intake. It also forces you to increase your consumption of fruits and veggies.

    It offers no health benefits, IMO, that you couldn't get from adding the equivalent amount of salad and whole fruits/veggies into your diet.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    It's not all it's hyped up to be. You're correct in noting that you would be pretty substantially under any sort of rational protein (and dietary fat) requirements.

    IIRC, the follow up to that film was that the guy put all his weight back on when he came off the juice.

  • brittny0627
    brittny0627 Posts: 22 Member
    I actually think it is all it's cracked up to be. I'm doing my second one now on day 3. Did one last year I think I did 8-10 days or something. I lost 9 lbs (nod I'm not a big girl) and I felt Better. It made me stop eating all the junk food I started eating. If you want to lose a few and get healthy it's a good idea. If you don't want to lose weight you can drink more than the usual juice amount!! :)
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Juicing can improve a person’s health if portions are correctly monitored and if it serves only as a component of the overall diet. Only drinking juice is a bad idea.


  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    I actually think it is all it's cracked up to be. I'm doing my second one now on day 3. Did one last year I think I did 8-10 days or something. I lost 9 lbs (nod I'm not a big girl) and I felt Better. It made me stop eating all the junk food I started eating. If you want to lose a few and get healthy it's a good idea. If you don't want to lose weight you can drink more than the usual juice amount!! :)

    If it worked so well, why do you have to do another one?
    mkakids wrote: »
    Many vegetables contain protein.

    How could you meet protein needs for 10 days using vegetable juice?

  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    Also how do you get protein?

    You don't. It's a lousy idea.

  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    I actually think it is all it's cracked up to be. I'm doing my second one now on day 3. Did one last year I think I did 8-
    10 days or something. I lost 9 lbs (nod I'm not a big girl) and I felt Better. It made me stop eating all the junk food I started eating. If you want to lose a few and get healthy it's a good idea. If you don't want to lose weight you can drink more than the usual juice amount!! :)

    If it worked so well, why do you have to do another one?

  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Watch the 2nd movie and read the person above. They all get fat again and then have to do it over again and again and again and again. Just proves it doesn't work.
  • dhimaan
    dhimaan Posts: 774 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    How could you meet protein needs for 10 days using vegetable juice?

    Magical pixies infuse protein into your body while you sleep.

  • brittny0627
    brittny0627 Posts: 22 Member
    I actually think it is all it's cracked up to be. I'm doing my second one now on day 3. Did one last year I think I did 8-10 days or something. I lost 9 lbs (nod I'm not a big girl) and I felt Better. It made me stop eating all the junk food I started eating. If you want to lose a few and get healthy it's a good idea. If you don't want to lose weight you can drink more than the usual juice amount!! :)

    If it worked so well, why do you have to do another one?
    mkakids wrote: »
    Many vegetables contain protein.

    How could you meet protein needs for 10 days using vegetable juice?

    Wellll lol great question and I can answer it easily. Since I did the 8 or whatever day juice fast last year I've maybe put like 2 lbs on. I'm not doing it to lose weight this time. Only doing 5 days. I'm doing it this time because as a new attorney, I've been going to way too many after work, whiskey filled, steak house dinners. I've managed to maintain but I'm not in the same healthy eating mindset I used to be in. Sooo juice fasting really helps change that mentally and give your digestive system a break. Plus, it immediately flushes you with more nutrients than you could ever eat in a day. That's why!

    And to the other question......
    Tons of fruit and veggies have protein as well as healthy fats, and I don't just mean avocados. Plus some people have a handful of almonds or whatever nut while juicing.
  • emmycantbemeeko
    emmycantbemeeko Posts: 303 Member
    edited January 2016
    Your digestive system does not need a "break" from digestion. In fact eating a low fiber diet and drinking tons of high-sugar fluids as in a juice fast is more likely to cause GI distress. If something you're doing currently is causing you digestive problems, the solution is to stop doing those things, start eating appropriate portions of a well-balanced diet, and gradually increase your fiber and fluid intake.

    A juice fast also does not "immediately flush you with more nutrients than you could eat in a day," which is a dubious goal to begin with. In terms of water-soluble vitamins, consuming more than you "can" eat in a day is pointless- your body can't use more than that and it will simply be excreted. In terms of fat-soluble vitamins, megadoses are a bad idea because your body CAN store more than it needs, and overconsuming those vitamins can be as bad as being deficient, which very, very few first-world people are to begin with. Either way, there's no health benefit to huge amounts of vitamins, and there are very real health risks to eating too few calories and not getting the macronutrients you need.

    The purported health benefits of juice fasting are not at all supported by actual biology or chemistry.

    You know what "changes you mentally"? Changing mentally. Thinking of healthy eating as an on-again, off-again thing that you do in spurts before going back to whiskey and steak dinners is the opposite of a change- it's setting yourself up to do something unsustainable that doesn't change your regular behavior at all.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    I actually think it is all it's cracked up to be. I'm doing my second one now on day 3. Did one last year I think I did 8-
    10 days or something. I lost 9 lbs (nod I'm not a big girl) and I felt Better. It made me stop eating all the junk food I started eating. If you want to lose a few and get healthy it's a good idea. If you don't want to lose weight you can drink more than the usual juice amount!! :)

    If it worked so well, why do you have to do another one?


    I love this one....lol
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    I actually think it is all it's cracked up to be. I'm doing my second one now on day 3. Did one last year I think I did 8-10 days or something. I lost 9 lbs (nod I'm not a big girl) and I felt Better. It made me stop eating all the junk food I started eating. If you want to lose a few and get healthy it's a good idea. If you don't want to lose weight you can drink more than the usual juice amount!! :)

    If it worked so well, why do you have to do another one?
    mkakids wrote: »
    Many vegetables contain protein.

    How could you meet protein needs for 10 days using vegetable juice?

    Wellll lol great question and I can answer it easily. Since I did the 8 or whatever day juice fast last year I've maybe put like 2 lbs on. I'm not doing it to lose weight this time. Only doing 5 days. I'm doing it this time because as a new attorney, I've been going to way too many after work, whiskey filled, steak house dinners. I've managed to maintain but I'm not in the same healthy eating mindset I used to be in. Sooo juice fasting really helps change that mentally and give your digestive system a break. Plus, it immediately flushes you with more nutrients than you could ever eat in a day. That's why!

    And to the other question......
    Tons of fruit and veggies have protein as well as healthy fats, and I don't just mean avocados. Plus some people have a handful of almonds or whatever nut while juicing.

  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    I actually think it is all it's cracked up to be. I'm doing my second one now on day 3. Did one last year I think I did 8-10 days or something. I lost 9 lbs (nod I'm not a big girl) and I felt Better. It made me stop eating all the junk food I started eating. If you want to lose a few and get healthy it's a good idea. If you don't want to lose weight you can drink more than the usual juice amount!! :)

    If it worked so well, why do you have to do another one?
    mkakids wrote: »
    Many vegetables contain protein.

    How could you meet protein needs for 10 days using vegetable juice?

    Wellll lol great question and I can answer it easily. Since I did the 8 or whatever day juice fast last year I've maybe put like 2 lbs on. I'm not doing it to lose weight this time. Only doing 5 days. I'm doing it this time because as a new attorney, I've been going to way too many after work, whiskey filled, steak house dinners. I've managed to maintain but I'm not in the same healthy eating mindset I used to be in. Sooo juice fasting really helps change that mentally and give your digestive system a break. Plus, it immediately flushes you with more nutrients than you could ever eat in a day. That's why!

    And to the other question......
    Tons of fruit and veggies have protein as well as healthy fats, and I don't just mean avocados. Plus some people have a handful of almonds or whatever nut while juicing.

    The first two things in bold are misstatements. The last, in context, fails miserably. Your final sentence requires breaking the "juice fast" thereby undermining the concept.

  • brittny0627
    brittny0627 Posts: 22 Member
    This really isn't a debate. Many people have different opinions on the topic and I'm just expressing my experience. There's a ton of medical information for both sides of the argument and I've read through a lot of it. I'm basing it on my experience and my opinions. I'm not alone in my experience nor positive feelings towards short term juicing in general. There are options from both medical professionals and nutritionists against and for juice fasting. I don't believe in extended fasting but I'm firm in my belief of shorter term juice fasting. We could pull up and quote stats from both sides all day but there's no need. I'm speaking from my experience. You should check out some of the things others who have done it have to say (both positive and negative).

    Heres an MD


    Here's a skeptics who tried a pre made 3 day (which I dont support) opinion on it. Read her last few paragraphs.

    I actually think it is all it's cracked up to be. I'm doing my second one now on day 3. Did one last year I think I did 8-10 days or something. I lost 9 lbs (nod I'm not a big girl) and I felt Better. It made me stop eating all the junk food I started eating. If you want to lose a few and get healthy it's a good idea. If you don't want to lose weight you can drink more than the usual juice amount!! :)

    If it worked so well, why do you have to do another one?
    mkakids wrote: »
    Many vegetables contain protein.

    How could you meet protein needs for 10 days using vegetable juice?

    Wellll lol great question and I can answer it easily. Since I did the 8 or whatever day juice fast last year I've maybe put like 2 lbs on. I'm not doing it to lose weight this time. Only doing 5 days. I'm doing it this time because as a new attorney, I've been going to way too many after work, whiskey filled, steak house dinners. I've managed to maintain but I'm not in the same healthy eating mindset I used to be in. Sooo juice fasting really helps change that mentally and give your digestive system a break. Plus, it immediately flushes you with more nutrients than you could ever eat in a day. That's why!

    And to the other question......
    Tons of fruit and veggies have protein as well as healthy fats, and I don't just mean avocados. Plus some people have a handful of almonds or whatever nut while juicing.

    The first two things in bold are misstatements. The last, in context, fails miserably. Your final sentence requires breaking the "juice fast" thereby undermining the concept.

    What misstatements do you speak of? "First two things" meaning my personal experience and life? What would my motive be for commenting initially, if Its BS. You're incorrect, I spoke about my life. Let's hear about your PERSONAL nutrition goals so I can refute them as well! Aside from that, every persons body obviously react differently. If someone finds themselves reacting negatively due to lack of protein (like a weight lifter used to high levels more or whoever) during the beginning days, many juicing regimens/recommendations from advocates say to have a handful of nuts. I've never had to so I can't speak on that besides what I've read about it. I personally did not create the juicing concept just giving my experience. thanks

  • brittny0627
    brittny0627 Posts: 22 Member
    I do appreciate the useful opinions on the topic, objective or not, to the others.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    I do appreciate the useful opinions on the topic, objective or not, to the others.

    So the opinions of the majority (against juice fasting) aren't "useful"?
  • brittny0627
    brittny0627 Posts: 22 Member

    Opposite ! Those are the opinions, of which, I was referring.
    I do appreciate the useful opinions on the topic, objective or not, to the others.

    So the opinions of the majority (against juice fasting) aren't "useful"?

  • emmycantbemeeko
    emmycantbemeeko Posts: 303 Member
    An MD who sells a book and program of juice cleanses claims in non-peer-reviewed publications that juice cleanses are a good idea?

    You don't say.