Anyone else considered morbidly obese and feel discouraged?



  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    I am right there with you! Actually just "dropped out" of a bariatric surgery group. I was planning on getting the lap band last fall, then was told I am not a candidate because of my severe acid reflux. At the same time, my loving old english sheepdog mix, Sebastian developed cancer of the spine and passed away after 10 short years. I spiraled into a deep depression over the winter and went back to the surgical group about a month ago, determined to have gastric bypass. After speaking with a friend who went into cardiac arrest after her bypass, then she developed MRSA and another infection that she will have for the rest of her life. Another friend of mine told me she had a friend that died from complications from the surgery. The result? I changed my mind.

    I am a mom of 2 older teenage daughters, and I am considered morbidly obese. I originally had 95 lbs. to lose. I have lose 23 on my own and am determined to not fall back into my old eating patterns and sedentary lifestyle. It is important for me to keep looking at what I have lost and forge on, rather than dwelling on the amount I have yet to lose (72). Don't let labels discourage you. Just keep on keeping on! We can help each other!

    I know everybody makes their own choices for their own reasons, but I always figured I have to diet EVEN IF I GET SURGERY. So, why not just diet?
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    Whoever set up the obese scale to be tied to BMI needs to have their head examined.

    I am 6'2", and 363 lbs. By the BMI scale, I am Super Obese (able to leap a pizza in a single bound! Stronger than Limburger!).

    However, here are other stats:

    Fat %: 25-27% - I couldn't pinch an inch on my legs with a pair of pliers, much less a caliper.
    Waist: 48"
    Neck: 22 1/2"
    Calves: 22"

    Yes, I still need to lose weight. But based on fat %, I'd still be considered obese even if I get down to 15% bodyfat according to BMI. BMI can go hang in my opinion. Rate yourself on stats that actually tell the difference between fat and muscle.
  • leannerae40
    leannerae40 Posts: 200 Member
    I spent the past 4 years losing 312 lbs. and by classification I am still consider class 1 obese and yeah know what I could give a crap less. Someones interpretation of where I should be by some bogus scale will not define me... I know how I feel and how I look and that is all that matters... Do I want to lose some more weight?? Sure...... I am at 248 currently and been in maintenance for the past 8 months (healing from a circumferential body lift) but may shoot for 235ish at some point but am happy where I am at... I will never me that 6 ft. 1 in. 185 lb. BMI chart male, it just won't happen. I am not built that way.... Don't let it define you, just keep working at it you have done great so far... Best of Luck....

    ^^^THIS^^^ is about the best thing I've ever heard. And congratulations on all the hard work. I don't think there's anyone out there who would say, but even after all that work you're still obese? Your pic is fantastic, and if someone dared to say that to you I would hit them with my car.

    I agree with everyone here, you have to feel right in your own body. I just hired a personal trainer who doesn't use SCALES but rather pictures to show you where you've come. It's not okay to be morbidly obese, which I am, but if that label is defeating your mind and making you feel that you can't move forward, forget those chumps that use that scale and just continue to do what's necessary to be healthy.
  • Love_Is_My_Fuel
    Love_Is_My_Fuel Posts: 211 Member
    I can't wait until I'm considered overweight and never be obese again :) small steps...but I'll get there in the long run :) Thanks guys and keep up the awesome work yourselves.
  • leannerae40
    leannerae40 Posts: 200 Member
    HELL NO! I'm 5'3'' and suppose to be 125-115. Child please! I will never be that small. I am an H cup and ain't no way in hell you can be 115-125 and hold these puppies up naturally. LOL!

    But for real I'm comfortable with me. I just wanna be healthy, and look good in a pair of jeans and a tank top. :smile:

    I will always be a big girl in society's eyes. My long term weight goal is 160 and that will still put me in the obese/overweight realm. And to me that's just dandy. I love me some me!

    ^^LOVE THIS^^ I love me some me! Nice...and a very motivational attitude I must say. Your confidence is GORGEOUS!