Face goes red when working out , gym confidence advice?

Hey all,
Right I know when working out people can go red but I go red red red I put a tomato to shame lol I normally go to gym with my mate during day , tomorrow however I'm going with my bf and will be going at a time I'm more than likely going to bump into people I know , I am still not confident in way I look day to day so being a mess at gym in front of people I know is making me nervous . I know at the gym people are there to work out so shouldn't be concerned on what I'm doing but I found out a few people who are very sarcastic no matter what occasion go to this gym , I know this seems crazy but it is making me worry . At gym I drink a lot of water and use fans on machines but I still go red !
How do you stop the redness ?
How do you cope when you're not confident in gym ?

Sorry to waffle on it just I wanna overcome this fear as hoping to add this work out time to my week :blushing:


  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Don't look in the mirrors.

    And remind yourself that NOBODY ELSE CARES.

    Seriously. I'm not looking at somebody and thinking 'Oh my, how can they work out so hard that they actually look a bit red in the face?'. I'm normally not even looking at them, they've just appeared in front of my thousand yard gaze as I'm trying to concentrate on what I'm doing, seeing as I've paid to be there and put the effort in.
  • shootergirlnc
    shootergirlnc Posts: 50 Member
    I look like a hot mess in the gym. I'm not there to look great, but to get a badass workout. Don't worry about what you look like, just concentrate on what you're doing. If anyone has time to talk about what you look like, then they're there for the wrong reason.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I get all red, always have, always will I suppose. Only thing that stops it is when I've completely cooled down. Wear that red face with pride - you worked hard!
  • tubzzy77
    tubzzy77 Posts: 104 Member
    I just tell people its due to all the supplements I take.
  • cranshan
    cranshan Posts: 3
    Think about it....when you are working out are you focusing on everyone around you? I know when I'm working out I usually zone out and don't really pay that much attention to anyone around me.

    You are doing this to better you so don't worry about anyone else! If there are people that pass judgement on you because you are red in the face probably have insecurities about themselves. Hold your head up and keep going- before you know it, you will forget all about your worries!
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    Think about it this way, you get color in your cheeks. If someone gets sarcastic say something like yes so much better than pasty white. Or at least I dont have to sit in the sun for color.

    FYI I get very red too. In like 5 minutes. I actually make the teachers nervous the first time I'm in their class. It's kind of funny.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I turn very red and stay that way (I get comments for hours after working out) and I sweat profusely. I've never found anything to stop/prevent it. I've gotten to the point where I don't care. If there is someone new I am talking to and I feel self conscious about it, I just crack a joke about it.

    The good thing is people think you are working really really hard.
  • photogmama
    photogmama Posts: 32 Member
    I liken it to being Irish :)
  • fit_librarian
    fit_librarian Posts: 242 Member
    My face gets red too. I don't mind, because I know my body's changing.
  • karen19711
    karen19711 Posts: 99 Member
    It's ur healthy, working out glow...... Smile K xo
  • CapnGordo
    CapnGordo Posts: 327
    You should probably see a physician.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Nothing you can do about it. If you weren't red I'd probably think you were slacking anyway.
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    It's ur healthy, working out glow...... Smile K xo

    Love this!!! LOL I'll have to remember this since my face goes red all the time when I work out! :bigsmile:
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    Out of all the things I've seen people complain about (regarding other people) when they go to the gym, I haven't seen "those people with the fire engine red faces!" yet.

    You're in the safe zone! :happy: :drinker:
  • iarelarry
    iarelarry Posts: 201 Member
    breathe!!!! Take deep breaths and breathe through your reps!!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I have the same problem with being so red. As far as I know, there's nothing to be done. Just stop caring. And if people feel that they must comment, say "I worked out really hard!" Or just say you turn red easily.
  • DaniKaren
    DaniKaren Posts: 79 Member
    I'm a fat Ginger... I feel you.

    I get really red and splotchy when I work out. It's unavoidable, but I've found that ice water helps a little. I've tried wearing makeup to the gym to hide it, but then my skin feels gross.

    Wear it like a badge of honor. Anyone making fun of someone at the gym is a jerk, the the opinions of jerks are none of your concern.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    breathe!!!! Take deep breaths and breathe through your reps!!

    Years ago when I first started lifting my trainer thought it was because I was holding my breath. It's not. I'm just fair skinned. I also turn red when I get embarrassed or nervous.
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    I turn very red and stay that way (I get comments for hours after working out) and I sweat profusely. I've never found anything to stop/prevent it. I've gotten to the point where I don't care. If there is someone new I am talking to and I feel self conscious about it, I just crack a joke about it.

    The good thing is people think you are working really really hard.

    ^^^^This! In my 33 years it's never stopped or gone away, so I just embrace it. I sweat A LOT and you definitely know I've been working out for quite a while afterward, but just think how much money I save on blush! :flowerforyou:
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    I'm the complete opposite, I often go pale when I exercise and look like I might faint. My best advice is to rock that red face. At least you look like you've been working hard :)