Face goes red when working out , gym confidence advice?



  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    My face always turns beet red when I run, work out, etc and to top it off...I cake sweat,...yes, when I finish my workout I am covered in all my electrolytes (in other words I look like I rolled in sand).

    That said...I do NOT care what others think of me. I go running and then go into the grocery store. I usually take a wet cloth in a ziplock to wash my face but...it doesn't all come off and it's on my arms, legs, etc. Too bad, I have errands to run on my way home and I'm not making a special trip. I ignore people if they look at me funny or I stare back at them....right through them actually until they get embarrassed and turn away.

    Do NOT let it bother you....just do your workout to the best of your ability and let everyone else take care of their selves. :smile:
  • rachie590
    rachie590 Posts: 107 Member
    Even at my skinniest, even when I was working out 2 hours a day every day.....I get red, and my face stays red, for like at least an hour after an intense workout. But when I go to the gym I'm doing sprints, intervals on the stairmill, weighted step-ups, or like a six mile run. People at my gym know me now, so no one says anything, but in the past people have looked at me like they were concerned I was going to pass out or something. I see people I know and yeah sometimes I worry, but mostly I don't care because when they see me outside the gym....I look good! That's why you are there, to look good! OH and ps the trainers at my gym respect me, because I go there to DO WORK, I don't text on my phone while walking at 2.5 mph on the treadmill, I don't take 3 or 4 minutes between sets of weights....I get it! I've gotten red since I was a kid, and I used to hate it so much, but I've grown to look at it as proof of my hard work.
  • mjpTennis
    mjpTennis Posts: 6,165 Member
    I agree with lots of others - no one is going to be negative about this. There are some preventative measures you can take such as (from livestrong.com)

    - exercising in a cool environment
    - wearing light-colored and loose fitting clothing
    - staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water will help in keeping your body temperature stable and may help with redness.
    - Scaling down the intensity of the workout

    My redness has decreased quite a bit for me after the healthy changes in diet (less sugar and salts) and continued exercise. Hope it works for you too.
  • LexiAtel
    LexiAtel Posts: 228 Member
    Don't look in the mirrors.

    And remind yourself that NOBODY ELSE CARES.

    Seriously. I'm not looking at somebody and thinking 'Oh my, how can they work out so hard that they actually look a bit red in the face?'. I'm normally not even looking at them, they've just appeared in front of my thousand yard gaze as I'm trying to concentrate on what I'm doing, seeing as I've paid to be there and put the effort in.

    This is good advice. People are not there to look and worry about other people. If someone is in a gym, they are there to workout. Do YOU stare at people when you work out? Probably not.

    I feel the same way though... I can't even work the weights around my Dad, lol.
  • caly_man
    caly_man Posts: 281 Member
    sometimes a small lie can deflect so much unnecessary chatter, so here it goes.

    gym mate: wow, you're face is totally red
    you: yeah, im taking these Lycopene Supplements
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    breathe!!!! Take deep breaths and breathe through your reps!!

    Years ago when I first started lifting my trainer thought it was because I was holding my breath. It's not. I'm just fair skinned. I also turn red when I get embarrassed or nervous.

    me too:blushing:
  • mbs439
    mbs439 Posts: 17
    Some people's bodies just have that reaction; it's completely natural. I know telling you to just get over it probably isn't helpful, so just try to talk yourself up or something- focus on the positive. "My face going red means I'm working hard and burning calories and being healthy"

    If it really bothers you, ask one of the workers when there is the least flow of people at the gym (usually it's late morning) and go around that time so you won't feel as self-conscious.
  • storm15918
    storm15918 Posts: 88 Member
    Like many others who posted, I also get super red while working out. I've seen other people turn red too. I think people don't really care about it. Whenever I see someone that's really red I just assume they've been working hard and have a similar complexion to me. The only time someone has said something to me was when I went to work right after a run and my boss asked me if I was ok. He didn't know I had been at the gym since I had changed clothes lol. I tend to use my redness as a measure of how hard I've worked. The redder the better! (Well, within reason lol.) Be proud of your redness and remember that you're not alone! :smile:
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    i'm very fair & i get really red when i work out too. i've seen plenty of people that do, it is just normal for some of us & i never give it much thought.

    the only time turning red bothers me is more anxiety based, like when i have to speak to an audience or give a presentation. I hate that. its hard to fake confidence when your face is beat red.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    i'm very fair & i get really red when i work out too. i've seen plenty of people that do, it is just normal for some of us & i never give it much thought.

    the only time turning red bothers me is more anxiety based, like when i have to speak to an audience or give a presentation. I hate that. its hard to fake confidence when your face is beat red.

    Yup. And in my job I also have to maintain my composure and no let on when people are pushing my buttons which I can do but my red face often gives it away. I use the excuse "it's warm in here" a lot.
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    I feel your pain; people ask me if I'm ok regularly because I get so red and am not very fit yet so they think I don't know what I'm doing or not drinking water or breathing or something.

    It's really just because I'm freakishly pale the rest of the time; my face goes tomato and my arms and any other exposed skin goes blotchy red at the gym and I've come to think of it as proof that I'm getting a decent workout.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Own it. When I squat or dead lift my face turns red, veins start bulging out of my neck, and I let out a loud grunt. Idgaf. I'm a small girl so everyone find this amusing instead of douche-y.
  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    Put your headphones in and forget about everyone else. If it helps, everyone is there for the same reason as you. No one is actually watching you.
  • foot1647
    foot1647 Posts: 92
    I get very red as well. I also ONLY sweat from my forehead basically, not my back, chest or armpits... ALL from my forehead. Its annoying beyond belief, but people at the gym are more worried about themselves and don't even care about anyone else when they are in their little workout world! I know I do, and I also know its a gym where majority of the people in there are not ripped, super athletes but people like me who are losing weight or just maintaining a goal.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Make sure you are plenty hydrated. I used to get like too, I mean, people would come up to me and ask if I was ok... yeah, just ran my *kitten* off is all... lol

    Now that I monitor my water intake, it is much better!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    No one cares.

    And if someone does say something, your reply is "Huh. I guess I'm just working harder than you."
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Even I get red when I'm doing my deadlifts at the gym or kicking butt on the trails.. hydration helps but otherwise, I think if you get red, that's just the way it's going to be. I don't think there is a way to change whether you turn like a beet or not.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    I'm a total tomato-face. When I was out of shape I got red, and even now that I'm fit I STILL get red. There's nothing I can do about it - it's just my complexion. I've learned to just embrace the fact that it means I'm working hard and kicking @ss all over the place like a boss. People may look your way, make assumptions, whatever - but don't let them discourage you from also kicking some serious @ss at the gym.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    My face goes red too. I just really don't care so much.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I'm less red faced now that I lost around 70 pounds (total estimate). That said, I still get pretty red on fast runs. You're exerting yourself, you're not there to look good. No biggie.