How often does everyone weigh themselves?



  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    edited December 2015
    I'm a convert to daily. And I like to use the weekly average that Fitbit gives me as that week's magic number.
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    I weigh myself twice a day. Morning to see what I lost if any, and at night just to see how high it is and how much I'll "lose" overnight. I do like to see how water retention, food weight, etc can affect the nighttime number. After a big night it usually takes me 2 mornings to again see a loss...water retention or food still in my system. I generally weigh more or show no loss the day after a workout.

    It may seem obsessive, but knowing all these little details and how different foods and workouts affect me can keep me on track. I know not to panic if I see a 2lb loss suddenly disappear overnight after a big meal, especially if its more salt laden then I'm used to, for example.
  • jeepinshawn
    jeepinshawn Posts: 642 Member
    Daily, the fluctuations used to drive me nuts, but daily keeps me accountable!
  • 007Aggie
    007Aggie Posts: 110 Member
    Daily. The weight fluctuations don't bother me. In fact, I find them helpful sometimes. This past week I was gaining .5 lb a day while consuming a large deficit in calories. I knew to throw some feminine products in my bag.
  • 100df
    100df Posts: 668 Member
    Daily. I don't want to hide from the scale anymore. The fluctuations are kind of cool once you get used to it. I use Libra to record daily and MFP to record weekly.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,220 Member
    Even though I completely understand the facts regarding daily fluctuations and the reasons behind them, I still can't mentally turn off the fact that they bother me, so for me personally, I'm happiest just weighing weekly. Do what works for you.

  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Daily. I have an engineering background so I love having more data - the fact the data is "noisy" is nothing new to me, so is basically everything else.

    I'm half tempted to calculate out some digital filter coefficients and smooth my weight with it but I haven't done that yet. I just graph it and look at trend lines.
  • SteveMFP123
    SteveMFP123 Posts: 298 Member
    Every Saturday in the morning.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I weigh every morning and then sync my weight with trendweight.
  • GreenValli
    GreenValli Posts: 1,054 Member
    I weigh myself almost every morning and without clothes. However, my weight does waver up and down during the week, and I don't let that bother me a bit. I am looking for an average of 1-2 lbs a week downward. One is fine, 2 is spectacular!

    But I think it is fine to weigh once a week. It just depends on the person.

  • kissedbythesunshine
    Every morning
  • Frelise
    Frelise Posts: 80 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Some people can't handle every day due to the constant fluctuations. What's more important is that you're consistent in when you do it (generally first thing in the morning, after using the bathroom and before eating/drinking, wearing the same amount of clothes).

    Definitely this. I tried doing it every day but it was soul crushing to see it say I gained 2 lbs or something after a workout day. So I do it weekly, usually every Monday in the morning. Keeps me sane not having to freak out about it on a daily basis. Lol.
  • tara_means_star
    tara_means_star Posts: 957 Member
    I weigh 2 sometimes 3 times per week. I miss most of the fluctuations but don't build anxiety after waiting a week to weigh.
  • _Justinian_
    _Justinian_ Posts: 232 Member
    Every Saturday in the morning.

  • pitbullmamaliz
    pitbullmamaliz Posts: 303 Member
    Another daily weigher here. I log every day's weight into the Happy Scales app to get my overall trend, and I log losses into MFP. I find the fluctuations entertaining, if not mildly baffling sometimes. :-)
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    Every Friday morning. Doing so every day would drive me insane.
  • cyberiantigeress
    cyberiantigeress Posts: 30 Member
    I weigh everyday and I normally stay the same until the Saturday when it tells me I've lost. Honestly don't get it lol. Pigged out yesterday on a Xmas lunch and lost weight this morning so the scales say.
  • ActionAnnieJXN
    ActionAnnieJXN Posts: 116 Member
    I weigh weekly now, but I used to weigh every day. It was a struggle for me to give that up, but for me it was part of a constellation of obsessive food and dieting behaviors that I needed to let go of. I don't need to know what I weigh every day. All I need to focus on is maintaining my food plan and calorie goals and the weight will come down accordingly, in its own good time.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I weigh every day and log my weight into happy scale.

    Yep, me too.

    I weigh daily and log in Happy Scale, which evens out the fluctuations and gives me projections.

    I log my weight in MFP once a week, when I remember. These have always been losses, since April.

    I've been doing that for at least 4 months. I used to weigh weekly, but I got too nervous and worried about it.
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    I weigh every morning, my FitBit Aria scale syncs it automatically to my account, and I check every now and then to see the general line.