Carbohydrates???? Help



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    briinabtch wrote: »
    Typically "good" carbs come in fruits and wheat products, while "bad" carbs come in white carbs (white bread, rice, etc) and cookies/cakes. Going over your carb limit isn't that big of an issue unless you are eating large quantities of "bad" carbs.

    I am sorry but that is not accurate at all.

    carbs = carbs

    OP - just make sure that you maintain your calorie deficit, get adequate nutrition, and that you meet fat and protein minimums....

    weight loss is about calories in vs calories out
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    earlnabby wrote: »
    Carbohydrates are what fuels your body. They come in the form of simple (sugars) and complex (starches). The main difference between the two is that the energy from simple carbs hits your body quicker. It has to turn complex carbs into simple carbs in order for the energy to be usable.

    In practical terms, foods that have a lot of carbs include breads; cereals; pasta; sweets; regular sodas; starchy veggies like peas, corn and potatoes; fruits; etc.

    There are no "good" carbs or "bad" carbs, just carbs. If you are constantly going over, try adding more meat or dairy to your meals and cutting down on the rice, pasta, bread, potatoes, etc. If you drink regular soda or fancy coffee drinks, think about switching to something else. I have my coffee with a tablespoon of half and half per cup instead of fancy flavors, and it is only 1 gram of carb for the two cups. Diet soda adds no carbs.

    This appears to imply that there is one fuel for the body and that fuel is carbohydrates. That is not correct.

    Why are you deliberately confusing the OP? KISS

    Did you mean this confusing statement? "Carbohydrates are what fuels your body"? That was not me.

    OP, carbs are what fuel your body.

    I think the point was that carbohydrates are the main fuel for most people, but they do not need to be. Protein and fat are also sources of fuel and can be the main source of fuel if your diet is low in carbohydrates.

    Carbs are not my main fuel, although I am in the minority on that.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    earlnabby wrote: »
    Carbohydrates are what fuels your body. They come in the form of simple (sugars) and complex (starches). The main difference between the two is that the energy from simple carbs hits your body quicker. It has to turn complex carbs into simple carbs in order for the energy to be usable.

    In practical terms, foods that have a lot of carbs include breads; cereals; pasta; sweets; regular sodas; starchy veggies like peas, corn and potatoes; fruits; etc.

    There are no "good" carbs or "bad" carbs, just carbs. If you are constantly going over, try adding more meat or dairy to your meals and cutting down on the rice, pasta, bread, potatoes, etc. If you drink regular soda or fancy coffee drinks, think about switching to something else. I have my coffee with a tablespoon of half and half per cup instead of fancy flavors, and it is only 1 gram of carb for the two cups. Diet soda adds no carbs.

    This appears to imply that there is one fuel for the body and that fuel is carbohydrates. That is not correct.

    Why are you deliberately confusing the OP? KISS

    Did you mean this confusing statement? "Carbohydrates are what fuels your body"? That was not me.

    OP, carbs are what fuel your body.

    I think the point was that carbohydrates are the main fuel for most people, but they do not need to be. Protein and fat are also sources of fuel and can be the main source of fuel if your diet is low in carbohydrates.

    Carbs are not my main fuel, although I am in the minority on that.

    The OP asked a simple question and umayster gave an obtuse reply. I was addressing that.
  • Zoltansbeard
    Zoltansbeard Posts: 27 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    briinabtch wrote: »
    Typically "good" carbs come in fruits and wheat products, while "bad" carbs come in white carbs (white bread, rice, etc) and cookies/cakes. Going over your carb limit isn't that big of an issue unless you are eating large quantities of "bad" carbs.

    I am sorry but that is not accurate at all.

    carbs = carbs

    OP - just make sure that you maintain your calorie deficit, get adequate nutrition, and that you meet fat and protein minimums....

    weight loss is about calories in vs calories out

    This, Too much Carbs as in a very Pasta,White Bread,Potatoes(Regular not Sweet)heavy diet can be real problems and pack on quite some pounds. And because so many people eat mostly those things we have so many people struggling with their weight.

    That beeing said. ANY group of Food no matter if it carbs,Protein,Fat can be dangerous if you eat too much of it.

    The key is the amount you eat. You can absolutly have Pasta 1 or 2 times a week.. just not as your main food every day. The same goes for any other food. Its about balance.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    briinabtch wrote: »
    Typically "good" carbs come in fruits and wheat products, while "bad" carbs come in white carbs (white bread, rice, etc) and cookies/cakes. Going over your carb limit isn't that big of an issue unless you are eating large quantities of "bad" carbs.

    I am sorry but that is not accurate at all.

    carbs = carbs

    OP - just make sure that you maintain your calorie deficit, get adequate nutrition, and that you meet fat and protein minimums....

    weight loss is about calories in vs calories out

    This, Too much Carbs as in a very Pasta,White Bread,Potatoes(Regular not Sweet)heavy diet can be real problems and pack on quite some pounds. And because so many people eat mostly those things we have so many people struggling with their weight.

    That beeing said. ANY group of Food no matter if it carbs,Protein,Fat can be dangerous if you eat too much of it.

    The key is the amount you eat. You can absolutly have Pasta 1 or 2 times a week.. just not as your main food every day. The same goes for any other food. Its about balance.
    If they are eating in surplus they would but if you are maintaining or in a deficit you will not gain weight from eat these foods.

    By the way I eat white bread most every day and have been maintaining for over a year. ;)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    briinabtch wrote: »
    Typically "good" carbs come in fruits and wheat products, while "bad" carbs come in white carbs (white bread, rice, etc) and cookies/cakes. Going over your carb limit isn't that big of an issue unless you are eating large quantities of "bad" carbs.

    I am sorry but that is not accurate at all.

    carbs = carbs

    OP - just make sure that you maintain your calorie deficit, get adequate nutrition, and that you meet fat and protein minimums....

    weight loss is about calories in vs calories out

    This, Too much Carbs as in a very Pasta,White Bread,Potatoes(Regular not Sweet)heavy diet can be real problems and pack on quite some pounds.

    Too many calories from such foods (and whatever else you eat) could be an issue, sure. But they don't have fattening powers beyond the calories. I am also not sure why you see potatoes as so different from sweet potatoes -- they are quite similar in calories and both have micronutrients that add to the diet, not precisely the same ones. I eat both.

    One issue with refined carbs (potatoes are a whole food, not a refined carb) is that many find them not particularly satiating and, IMO, people often have distorted idea of what a serving size of these foods are, so eat too much. To the extent potatoes are common in dishes that are high cal, though, it's usually due to added fat (in chips, fries, mashed potatoes with butter or gravy), and not carbs.
    And because so many people eat mostly those things we have so many people struggling with their weight.

    I always wonder how people have such different experiences, as no one I know eats mostly those foods, and I certainly did not, even when I was getting fat. The average American eats something like 50% carbs (the SAD has issues, but it's not out of the ordinary in the amount of carbs it contains -- the bigger issue is food choice, including both the particular choices of carbs AND fat -- the SAD is considered a high fat diet even now, btw).
    The key is the amount you eat. You can absolutly have Pasta 1 or 2 times a week.. just not as your main food every day. The same goes for any other food. Its about balance.

    I mostly agree with this, but I don't see why someone couldn't have pasta every day if they wanted. This is how I make pasta -- sensible amount of pasta itself (serving size, usually, maybe a bit less), and then a homemade sauce based around vegetables and usually some kind of lean meat (like shrimp) plus some olive oil. Sometimes I add olives or a bit of cheese or pinenuts, sometimes I keep it lower cal. None of these meals are high cal. At home I usually use whole grain pasta, but it doesn't make much of a nutritional difference.

    Anyway, I don't eat this every day since I like variety -- more like a couple times a week -- but I see no reason why it would be less nutrition-rich or higher cal or otherwise worse for me than the meals I eat instead.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    briinabtch wrote: »
    Typically "good" carbs come in fruits and wheat products, while "bad" carbs come in white carbs (white bread, rice, etc) and cookies/cakes. Going over your carb limit isn't that big of an issue unless you are eating large quantities of "bad" carbs.

    I am sorry but that is not accurate at all.

    carbs = carbs

    OP - just make sure that you maintain your calorie deficit, get adequate nutrition, and that you meet fat and protein minimums....

    weight loss is about calories in vs calories out

    This, Too much Carbs as in a very Pasta,White Bread,Potatoes(Regular not Sweet)heavy diet can be real problems and pack on quite some pounds. And because so many people eat mostly those things we have so many people struggling with their weight.

    That beeing said. ANY group of Food no matter if it carbs,Protein,Fat can be dangerous if you eat too much of it.

    The key is the amount you eat. You can absolutly have Pasta 1 or 2 times a week.. just not as your main food every day. The same goes for any other food. Its about balance.

    to the bolded, they will only pack on pounds if one consumes them to a point of caloric surplus.