Can't loss weight



    xALEXANDROx Posts: 3,416 Member
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  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    wife12 wrote: »
    fiddletime wrote: »
    OP, what is your first step going to be? What new habit will you make or what negative habit will you stop. You need to take the first step on your path. We'll be here to help you when you stumble.

    Today is the first day of the rest of your life- how are you going to take your life and health back into your control?

    I have Startex cutting out alot of negativity and cutting back on certain foods and drinks

    Great. That's a good first step. Can you be more specific? What drinks are you cutting back on? Do you have s pedometer to count your steps?

    It sounds like you're under a lot of stress, which can derail you going forward. Kids will repeat what they hear, but I'd ask the adults around your kids to stop discussing your weight. It isn't any of their business, especially being said in front of little kids.

  • tichondria
    tichondria Posts: 40 Member
    I believe you can do this. I let myself go and got up to 308 lbs. That was 3 months ago. I have lost 30 lbs as of today. I finally looked in a mirror and told myself that enough was enough. I completely understand the need and want to have support of people to back you up and give you encouragement to truddle through. Depression is an ugly horse to ride and having kind words goes a long way to keep that head from rearing up. Like others have said, you need to stop thinking about everyone else and start thinking about you.

    It's hard, believe me. I suffer from BI-Polar and PTSD but it's possible. Pick small battles, don't look at the big picture. Start with small goals. Use MFP to log everything that you eat/drink no matter what it is. This tool is amazing in letting you know what your trouble foods/drinks might be and where you can start cutting back to limit how many calories you are taking in. MFP does a great job with giving you a basic goal in calories and what not to stick to per day. It even lets you add in any exorcise. And by that I mean ANY exorcise... your a mom, so that means your walking and on your feet a LOT with little kids. Some people like to get things like a fitbit to count how many steps in a day they take (a lot have good results with that combined with MFP)

    Find something that you enjoy doing, be it by yourself or with your family and be sure to do it at least once a week. It's a great stress reliever and really helps out when you need some quiet encouragement. And also.. your more than welcome to add me as a friend if you like. I try to be as active as I can, and I love to encourage other people. I'm horrible about encouraging myself, but i find when I'm helpful or encouraging to others, I feel better about myself and in the long run it's helpful to me in my own weight loss goal.

    You can do this though.. Have faith in yourself!!!
  • RosemaryBronte
    RosemaryBronte Posts: 103 Member
    The thing that helps the most is to eat 3 home cooked meals a day and have a fruit snack for morning and afternoon tea. As your body feels nourished, the cravings for junk will decrease. Finish each meal with either milk, yogurt or low fat cottage cheese. Meanwhile find a soothing kind of meditation and use it to be kind to yourself. At first you will still need sweets but that will decrease. Meanwhile choose a smaller chocolate bar when you can. Gradually the nourishment will work. Try to find friends who are kind and encouraging. Think of the healthy food as your way of loving yourself and making yourself happier. God bless you.
  • RosemaryBronte
    RosemaryBronte Posts: 103 Member
    Your fiance sounds really nice. If other people call you fat, just say, 'i don't find insults helpful. No one does.' And then get on with finding healthy food that you enjoy and eat satisfying amounts of it. There's no need to starve yourself. I am eating 1800 calories each day and slowly losing weight as i gradually include some exercise in most days. I know several people who have lost lots of weight by eating 3 home cooked meals a day - not low fat or high fat, not low carb or high carb, not low calorie or high calorie .- just healthy yummy meals.