If you have food senstivities/allergies, what are they?



  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    I can't eat blackberries or strawberries because they upset my stomach. And pineapple and kiwi make my mouth bleed sometimes.

    Kiwi does that to my granddaughter too!
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    ki4eld wrote: »
    For me, it's grains, although rice doesn't always kill me. Hubby and I both avoid most sugar, as he's T2D and I'm T2D in remission.

    Same with the grains.....minimal rice....no more than a small serve once per fortnight or there are unpleasant tummy effects. Nightshade veggies do a number on me but I have Lupus so I guess that is the issue.

    TBH I think I struggle with a lot of foods other than just the staples of fresh veg, fruit and meat and even then I cannot repeat the same foods more than twice in week without feeling an increase in pain or an outright flare of symptoms.....

    Oh and when tested I found that I reacted to all but 1 of the things they tested for animals, plants etc.....it sucks as I always thought that allergies got less as we aged but at 53 I'm worse than ever for sneezing, itching and asthma type wheezing.

    Me too...my arms looked like they were on fire when I left the allergist office this time (46)....he said "You're pretty much allergic to everything you can be allergic to!". Wanted to rip my arms off for two days...lol
  • PeacefulSeraph
    PeacefulSeraph Posts: 201 Member
    Allergic to peanuts, but intolerant to lactose, soy, gluten and artificial sweeteners like aspartame.
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    I have OAS also. Can't have apples, cucumber, melons of any kind, celery, cherries, peaches, or be near raw potatoes being peeled. I compensate by gorging on tropical fruits and berries when I can. I live in apple country so it pretty much sucks the fun out of that. I miss watermelon the most. Potlucks and parties are scary sometimes. Always have an Epi Pen with me.
  • HippySkoppy
    HippySkoppy Posts: 725 Member
    ki4eld wrote: »
    For me, it's grains, although rice doesn't always kill me. Hubby and I both avoid most sugar, as he's T2D and I'm T2D in remission.

    Same with the grains.....minimal rice....no more than a small serve once per fortnight or there are unpleasant tummy effects. Nightshade veggies do a number on me but I have Lupus so I guess that is the issue.

    TBH I think I struggle with a lot of foods other than just the staples of fresh veg, fruit and meat and even then I cannot repeat the same foods more than twice in week without feeling an increase in pain or an outright flare of symptoms.....

    Oh and when tested I found that I reacted to all but 1 of the things they tested for animals, plants etc.....it sucks as I always thought that allergies got less as we aged but at 53 I'm worse than ever for sneezing, itching and asthma type wheezing.

    Me too...my arms looked like they were on fire when I left the allergist office this time (46)....he said "You're pretty much allergic to everything you can be allergic to!". Wanted to rip my arms off for two days...lol

    Oh God I feel you on this one @JustMissTracy .....my upper arms have these bumps all over them all of the time.....they wax and wane but when I'm really sick my arms look like I have the worst case of pimples ever. :s

    This has been a really interesting thread OP - Thank you for starting it.

  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    ki4eld wrote: »
    For me, it's grains, although rice doesn't always kill me. Hubby and I both avoid most sugar, as he's T2D and I'm T2D in remission.

    Same with the grains.....minimal rice....no more than a small serve once per fortnight or there are unpleasant tummy effects. Nightshade veggies do a number on me but I have Lupus so I guess that is the issue.

    TBH I think I struggle with a lot of foods other than just the staples of fresh veg, fruit and meat and even then I cannot repeat the same foods more than twice in week without feeling an increase in pain or an outright flare of symptoms.....

    Oh and when tested I found that I reacted to all but 1 of the things they tested for animals, plants etc.....it sucks as I always thought that allergies got less as we aged but at 53 I'm worse than ever for sneezing, itching and asthma type wheezing.

    Me too...my arms looked like they were on fire when I left the allergist office this time (46)....he said "You're pretty much allergic to everything you can be allergic to!". Wanted to rip my arms off for two days...lol

    Oh God I feel you on this one @JustMissTracy .....my upper arms have these bumps all over them all of the time.....they wax and wane but when I'm really sick my arms look like I have the worst case of pimples ever. :s

    This has been a really interesting thread OP - Thank you for starting it.

    I HEAR YOU! Between my arms, my neck or my chest...I'm not sure which is worse! My hives bleed, so if I eat something I shouldn't, I look like my skin is bubbling, kinda zombielike....lol. (Very attractive!) Do you also get bad heartburn stomach pains and headaches?
  • HippySkoppy
    HippySkoppy Posts: 725 Member
    @JustMissTracy Yes I do!!!! Some of the worst migraines I have ever experienced since the Lupus started and all of these food issues just got worse as well....as for my GI tract Urgh!!!!

    It has made me scared to eat sometimes and eating out is just not on the cards anymore.... :(

    I wouldn't wish this on anyone.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,438 Member
    I can't eat blackberries or strawberries because they upset my stomach. And pineapple and kiwi make my mouth bleed sometimes.

    I love pineapple, and will eat it, but it makes my mouth and the whole area around my mouth from my nose, into my cheeks, and down into my chin all tingly and red and slightly swollen.

    So I don't eat it too often.

  • Strawblackcat
    Strawblackcat Posts: 944 Member
    I can't have gluten, milk, mushrooms, or red onions. Gluten makes me constipated, gives me a terrible stomachache, and makes me break out in hives. My great-aunt has celiac, but i've never been tested, since I'm still on my parents' insurance as a student and they don't believe me when I show them the hives and tell them why I think I'm getting them.

    Can't have milk due to a lactose intolerance. They used to feed me lactose-free formula as a baby when they found out that I didn't scream my head off when they fed me lactose free formula, but they started giving me milk again when I was a kid for some reason, so that caused all sorts of problems hen I was younger and couldn't figure out why I felt so sick after they gave me a bowl of ice cream.

    Mushrooms cause horrible stomach cramps. I don't know why. It's a shame, because I really like mushrooms.

    The taste of red onions just linger in my mouth forever. Once again, I don't know why. I just know that I always end up having to take some chewable papaya enzymes to get rid of the taste whenever I eat them.
  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    I can't have gluten, milk, mushrooms, or red onions. Gluten makes me constipated, gives me a terrible stomachache, and makes me break out in hives. My great-aunt has celiac, but i've never been tested, since I'm still on my parents' insurance as a student and they don't believe me when I show them the hives and tell them why I think I'm getting them.

    Can't have milk due to a lactose intolerance. They used to feed me lactose-free formula as a baby when they found out that I didn't scream my head off when they fed me lactose free formula, but they started giving me milk again when I was a kid for some reason, so that caused all sorts of problems hen I was younger and couldn't figure out why I felt so sick after they gave me a bowl of ice cream.

    Mushrooms cause horrible stomach cramps. I don't know why. It's a shame, because I really like mushrooms.

    The taste of red onions just linger in my mouth forever. Once again, I don't know why. I just know that I always end up having to take some chewable papaya enzymes to get rid of the taste whenever I eat them.

    I think that's just normal for red onions, I don't think it has anything to do with you, it's just the way red onions are.
    Sorry you don't have people that believe you and that you had issues when you were little. I don't think people believe the issues I have at times either, even dh that is lactose & egg intolerant thinks I should be able to eat certain things that I can't. SMH!
  • Bbeliever215
    Bbeliever215 Posts: 234 Member
    I am allergic to shell fish, but clams, mussels, and oysters are okay. I think it may have something to do with the iodine but I'm not allergic to that either( used in my previous surgeries). I also have lactose sensitivity but I continue to eat ice cream because it taste good of course...lol I now avoid peanuts because my daughter is allergic.

    For those that are Lactose Intolerant, Breyers makes a LF ice cream that is pretty good.

    Thanks! For some reason it's hard to find in my area. Bummer.
  • Bbeliever215
    Bbeliever215 Posts: 234 Member
    Lactose intolerant only. Weird thing is I grew up on a dairy farm and had milk daily all my life. Noticed the problem about 6 months ago.

    It is weird. I am the same way as I did not become allergic to shell fish until I hit puberty around 12. Before that I ate crabs, shrimp and stuff all the time.
  • Strawblackcat
    Strawblackcat Posts: 944 Member
    Lactose intolerant only. Weird thing is I grew up on a dairy farm and had milk daily all my life. Noticed the problem about 6 months ago.

    As you get older, you gradually produce less lactase (the enzyme needed to digest lactose). It's an adaptation developed over the history of animals to conserve energy. Before humans started consuming milk from other mammals, we naturally stopped drinking milk at age 5-7. It was a waste of precious energy for our bodies to keep producing lactase, so they gradually produced less lactase as we aged since we were drinking less milk. It wasn't until European populations started domesticating cows and other livestock that humans started drinking milk throughout their lives that some populations developed the adaptation of producing lactase throughout their lives. Asian populations didn't domesticate animals for milking as often as European populations, so that's why lactose intolerance is more common amongst asian people. Domestication is also a relatively new thing in evolutionary terms, so that's why even now there's still a lot of people that develop lactose intolerance as they age.

    Sorry I went into so much detail. I'm a nerd about this kind of stuff.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    I can't have gluten, milk, mushrooms, or red onions. Gluten makes me constipated, gives me a terrible stomachache, and makes me break out in hives. My great-aunt has celiac, but i've never been tested, since I'm still on my parents' insurance as a student and they don't believe me when I show them the hives and tell them why I think I'm getting them.

    Can't have milk due to a lactose intolerance. They used to feed me lactose-free formula as a baby when they found out that I didn't scream my head off when they fed me lactose free formula, but they started giving me milk again when I was a kid for some reason, so that caused all sorts of problems hen I was younger and couldn't figure out why I felt so sick after they gave me a bowl of ice cream.

    Mushrooms cause horrible stomach cramps. I don't know why. It's a shame, because I really like mushrooms.

    The taste of red onions just linger in my mouth forever. Once again, I don't know why. I just know that I always end up having to take some chewable papaya enzymes to get rid of the taste whenever I eat them.

    I completely understand. No one ever believes me, even as I die in the bathroom, or show them my hives that last for days....getting testing for celiac is only great for us, because even that proof doesn't convince some people that allergies are real. My own mother decided to inform me that I don't know what I'm talking about, she saw a program on tv that said it's all a scam, there is no such thing as gluten allergies...lol..this while I was trying to decide what to order, knowing just about anything would get me, and that I would regret it for days if I chose the wrong thing. I've gotten to a point that I just politely smile and nod, they don't have to understand. They don't live in my body. Good luck xo
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    @JustMissTracy Yes I do!!!! Some of the worst migraines I have ever experienced since the Lupus started and all of these food issues just got worse as well....as for my GI tract Urgh!!!!

    It has made me scared to eat sometimes and eating out is just not on the cards anymore.... :(

    I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

    I'm with you. Just attempted Panera for lunch with boss and my granddaughter. What a nitemare. I pretty much give up on eating out, half the time there is nothing g/f, the other half they say there is, but they are full of bs..which of course we realize pretty fast. Not worth the risk anymore.. :s
  • Bella0531
    Bella0531 Posts: 309 Member
    I don't have any allergies/food sensitivities (mine are all nature/pet-related), but my husband is allergic to casein (milk protein). So, he can have butter, but no yogurt/sour cream/milk. It's not so bad...there are some great substitutes out there now.
  • HippySkoppy
    HippySkoppy Posts: 725 Member
    Has anyone here dealt with both dairy and beef allergies? I'm starting to suspect I may be allergic to beef as well. I've introduced beef back into my diet after several years of not eating it, and I've been experiencing the same symptoms that I get from dairy (hives, nausea, heart racing, etc). I've heard it's fairly common.

    @vinegar_husbands I cannot tolerate beef anymore. It used to be pretty much a staple meat source for years for us but no more.....at least we don't have kiddies to feed now.

    Over the years my body has reacted in weird ways to foods and like others on here actually tracking own the culprits even with testing can be a nightmare as there are so many issues with so many foods. I am sorry to read that other people are not being taken seriously by their families that must be very distressing and incredibly unfair.

    .....my reaction from memory is very upset GI tract, pain etc.....I am OK with Lamb so maybe give that a try as an alternative.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    So far for me, I'm allergic to hazelnuts (so no nutella) :(

    A little off topic, but is that you in your status pic? If so, OMG, your abs are insane!! Great work!
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I don't have any but my husband is severely allergic to peanuts and mildly to tree nuts. I only have peanut butter now if I'm going to be away from him overnight, because I'm too afraid of sending him into anaphylaxis otherwise and I'm terrified I'm going to have to Epipen him one day.

    I miss peanut butter. I love it a lot.
  • amandabullock120
    amandabullock120 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm deathly allergic to eggs, soy and wheat/spelt.. Sad...