Christmas dinners.



  • sianlr87
    sianlr87 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm starting a relaxed period over Christmas, if I want to eat it, I'm going to eat it. But as I've got some time off it does mean lots of extra dog walking and walking out my horse (she's on a rehab plan following an operation so is requiring 2 sets of walks per day).

    Merry Christmas all! :smile:
  • optionsgod
    optionsgod Posts: 144 Member
    I know for me one day of indulging turns into a few days bc of leftovers and whatnot, that happened for me during Thanksgiving, so I will have what everyone else is eating but weigh out my food like I usually do.
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    No, a day will not ruin your progress. If you're horribly concerned, just throw in an extra workout. Despite being a little lax on calories this week, I am making sure I don't fall off the gym bandwagon and still going on all my preplanned days, which include Christmas eve morning. It's easy for me to get back to eating right, but not so much exercise. Point being, there are lots of different ways to tackle the holidays, but as long as you stay on track in the big picture, you will be fine.
  • percolater
    percolater Posts: 55 Member
    If I go off Christmas Day, I'll probably tell myself to go ahead and stay off a second day to clean up the left overs and things I didn't get a chance to try. After that, I would probably just say, what the heck, stay off the diet until January first and make it a New Years resolution to get back on. By that time I could have easily gained back all I've lost in the 60 days I'd been dieting. So, no.
  • Osiris275
    Osiris275 Posts: 228 Member
    I'm going to eat whatever I want on Christmas Day and I'm going to enjoy it. I'm going to do the same on New Year's Day. I've lost 70lbs this year, and I figure as long as I don't put 70lbs on, I'm good :p
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I am eating what I want. I will skip the alcohol. That is my promise. That's it--no more. Enjoy.
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    I'm working Christmas eve, Christmas day and boxing day. Work days which will total around 16 hours a day including on-call hours.

    My food scale does not go up to a high enough number for the amount of over indulgence I am going to partake in on the 27th.
  • mommarnurse
    mommarnurse Posts: 515 Member
    optionsgod wrote: »
    I know for me one day of indulging turns into a few days bc of leftovers and whatnot, that happened for me during Thanksgiving, so I will have what everyone else is eating but weigh out my food like I usually do.

    Don't take home leftovers. If its at your place, make everyone take the leftovers and if they don't, throw it away. You don't "have" to eat the leftovers. I think you should enjoy the food, company, etc that day and forget the food scale. all you need to do it cut back on your cal intake the days before and after Xmas. And of course you can just take a little of everyrything. Food scale on Christmas is a little overkill
  • kazminchu
    kazminchu Posts: 250 Member
    I've actually followed some advice I saw on here a while back - I've been eating 100 fewer calories a day for the last 2 weeks, and right up until Christmas. This has given me the leeway I need to eat whatever I like for the Christmas period. Because we'll be at my parent's for New Year, and I know from experience it is nigh on impossible to avoid binging when I'm there.
    That said, I'm going to *try* and be reasonable, still. No point making myself sick on foods I don't love.
  • BunnyBomb
    BunnyBomb Posts: 143 Member
    I'm so jealous of folks who can have a "day off" their diet... [warning - incoming pity party]...

    As usual, I'm looking forward to smelling all the lovely Christmas food, but I'll be sticking to no meat & no dairy, even on this day of days. It's that or suffer a full blown arthritis flare up for 1-2 weeks afterwards. Intolerances are a b**ch to live with!

    This will be my second Xmas since being diagnosed. Thank god for my partner. He is cooking the most lovely nut roast with reduced onion gravy, roast parsnips, vege dripping yorkshires, roast spud, cranberry & port sauce, sesame roasted sprouts and carrot / squash mash. He cooks every single thing from scratch! Nothing is out of a box... unless you count the pure Olive spread and the Port :)

    I'll be far from hungry but I can't say I won't miss just a teeny bit of turkey from the old days, but I admit... Vegan Xmas doesn't suck :)
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    Eat up :) One day will not ruin you for the rest of your life.

    I'm feeling kind of blah about Christmas when it comes to food. If I had a big dinner in the works I would be more excited about it.

    There will be plenty of food here for you! Haha join and we will pig out together with no regrets :p

    But no really, I'm excited to spend time with family, I just get nervous thinking about pigging out. Lol I think I'll go for moderation but still enjoy myself. :)

    Send me your address and I'll be there! :smiley:

    Really, just enjoy yourself. One thing that helps me to moderate is to look at the food and decide which ones I can have anytime and which I only get on special occasions. Mashed potatoes, for example, are something that we have a couple of times a week at my house, so I would probably skip those. Sweet potato casserole, on the other hand, is a once or twice a year thing so I would definitely eat that.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    My plan? Eat ALLLLLL the food :)
    I'll get right back on track once all the fun and games are over!
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    Christmas is at my house this year and there will be 8 of us. I'm trying to have a couple lower calorie but yummy options (maple glazed carrots, homemade cranberry sauce, turkey instead of ham) but I have one extremely picky eater who doesn't eat veggies unless it's corn or potatoes, so I am making mashed potatoes, and some kind of cornbread pudding thing. There will also be squash casserole which isn't excessively bad for you.
    I got one dessert (a pumpkin cheesecake) so that will be split up into 8 servings and once it's gone, no more dessert to tempt me! :)
    I vowed to eat at maintenance for thanksgiving and that didn't work. I've gained a few pounds since then.
    I'm just going to try and do my best not to over indulge, while still enjoying the holiday and family time and staying active.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    BunnyBomb wrote: »
    I'm so jealous of folks who can have a "day off" their diet... [warning - incoming pity party]...

    As usual, I'm looking forward to smelling all the lovely Christmas food, but I'll be sticking to no meat & no dairy, even on this day of days. It's that or suffer a full blown arthritis flare up for 1-2 weeks afterwards. Intolerances are a b**ch to live with!

    This will be my second Xmas since being diagnosed. Thank god for my partner. He is cooking the most lovely nut roast with reduced onion gravy, roast parsnips, vege dripping yorkshires, roast spud, cranberry & port sauce, sesame roasted sprouts and carrot / squash mash. He cooks every single thing from scratch! Nothing is out of a box... unless you count the pure Olive spread and the Port :)

    I'll be far from hungry but I can't say I won't miss just a teeny bit of turkey from the old days, but I admit... Vegan Xmas doesn't suck :)

    I want what you're having, holy yum!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited December 2015
    What's everyone's plan for Christmas dinner? Are you planning to eat in moderation and stay within your calorie goal, or are you using it as a cheat day?
    My problem is my gram. She cooks with a lot of butter. Lmao. A scoop of her mashed potatoes is probably 600 calories alone.
    I'm just now really trimming down. My abs are coming through. Will one day of eating bad stuff ruin this?

    I plan to eat the kinds of foods I normally eat, and will likely go over my maintenance calories.

    I bought the makings, so I know what we are having:

    sweet potatoes/potatoes
    roasted brussels with pomegranate seeds
    broccoli salad
    pumpkin pie (I'll likely pass on that)
    no sugar added ice cream
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    I am preparing our Christmas meal and will have a little of everything. Plenty of turkey, roasted (not over cooked) veg, pigs in blankets and my fave Brussels sprouts with crispy bacon.

    I will not go overboard but I will have done of all, wine and aquavit, plus some cheese from the cheeseboard. With the cheese I am also serving salsa and vegetable sticks, and some hummus.

    So yes I will enjoy it all but will not look
    Like a stuffed turkey this year. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet in my mind.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    I will eat everything. Except the pie. Curses, allergies.
  • Neonblu_
    Neonblu_ Posts: 6 Member
    This is my first vegan Christmas. We are going to our grandmothers for Christmas and she won't even try cooking vegan food (not that hard to do mashed potatoes). So I will be bringing my own meal and it will likely be under my calorie goal.
  • bluenoser38
    bluenoser38 Posts: 50 Member
    I have a horrible cold, which means nothing tastes the way it should. I was planning to enjoy whatever I wanted to on Christmas day, but I'm not sure that I will be enjoying anything very much this year.

    I'll probably still make at least the basics (pecan sticky buns for Christmas breakfast, turkey dinner with all the trimmings for dinner, several pies and some Christmas cookies), as I want our holiday dinner to be at least somewhat festive for the kids. But nothing special this year, as I have neither the energy or the inclination to go overboard.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    have a good workout,,, eat, drink, be merry, have a good workout. easy.