Not Doing Well at All...



  • KathyApplebaum
    KathyApplebaum Posts: 188 Member
    My_Butt wrote: »
    So since I attempted to eat more today and I haven't injured myself, I'm rewarding myself by dying my hair purple.
    Excellent reward!

  • GemFromJannah
    GemFromJannah Posts: 58 Member
    Ohhhh purple is a beautiful colour! Take it day by day, one lil step at a time. When things get overwhelming distract yourself with a productive thing. It's really hard to resist harming, it can sometimes feel like your whole body inside is full of emotion & pain and you're like a pressure cooker full of steam, wanting and needing to get it all out & release all the tension. It's very overwhelming! And each time you resist is a success! Don't see it that you're putting on weight, rather see it that you're showing your body love, you're giving it health by good nutrition, each time you eat you're feeding you're love for your body, you're showing you're body it is valuable. You're giving your body some care & attention. like when you condition your hair or paint your nails or use a face mask, I'm sure you have no problem with pampering yourself right? Seeing as you like to do your hair. So see it as pampering your body, giving it nutrients that will make your skin glow, hair grow, eyes sparkle etc.

    People that have trouble putting on weight sometimes find it hard gaining weight emotionally, eating disorders don't get better when you're told "gain weight!" Because sometimes there's a psychological fear of gaining weight. You're forcing somebody to face a huge fear that way. So rather, don't think about weight gain. Think about loving your body, making it healthy & beautiful with good nutrition.

    Set alarms on your phone at breakfast lunch dinner & snack times. And when the alarm goes, eat something even if you don't feel hungry. And as you're eating it think of all the beautiful stuff it's going to do. Don't think of weight gain. Think "this will make my hair thick shiny and long" "the vit c in this will make my skin clear and glory" "this meat has iron and will stop me looking pale and sleepy" etc. Recondition your mind with the way you look at food.

    Everytime you want to self harm, distract yourself on your phone. Come to this topic & write your thoughts/feelings. Keep your fingers busy typing & get the emotions out by talking.

    Enjoy the purple hair!!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Sometimes things are just really, really hard. But those times pass eventually. I'm sorry you're going through such a tough spell; I really hope you get the help you need. Meanwhile, we're here to listen and talk if you need.
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Yaaay! for the doing better and avoiding self-harm at a really hard time.
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    I added emojis and some emoticon roses, but the emojis vanished with everything after them. So, roses: @-->-->-- @-->-->-- @-->-->--
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    I think I'm doing better today. Family event #2 was yesterday, and I even had a slice of chocolate cake and coconut cake.
    I have a very rigorous training regimen coming up beginning in January, so I keep telling myself I need to eat. The Ed mindset was telling me to drop a ton of weight before January 1st and then I can go from there, but the healthy mind is saying 'you're going to become weak in that time period of you don't eat protein.' So with the majority of the stressful events out of the way, I think I'll be back to eating normally again really fast.

    Still a struggle, but my main goal on here was to be fit, not to lose weight.
  • Obnoxa
    Obnoxa Posts: 187 Member
    My_Butt wrote: »
    I think I'm doing better today. Family event #2 was yesterday, and I even had a slice of chocolate cake and coconut cake.
    I have a very rigorous training regimen coming up beginning in January, so I keep telling myself I need to eat. The Ed mindset was telling me to drop a ton of weight before January 1st and then I can go from there, but the healthy mind is saying 'you're going to become weak in that time period of you don't eat protein.' So with the majority of the stressful events out of the way, I think I'll be back to eating normally again really fast.

    Still a struggle, but my main goal on here was to be fit, not to lose weight.

    Good to see this!

    That's the attitude of success! Just keep pushing through one day at a time and you'll keep inching your way to being right where you want to be :)