I Cant get myself to eat cooked foods..



  • MrzSnickers
    MrzSnickers Posts: 14 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Stop it.

    And... are you preparing boring things like kale and chia seed salad?

    Make food you actually like that fits within your calorie limit. That could mean including a nice cookie or two.

    You don't have to deprive yourself to lose weight. Just eat in moderation the things you love.

    Yes i look for healthy low cal low ingredient foods.. I dont mind kale chips but i dont love them
  • MrzSnickers
    MrzSnickers Posts: 14 Member
    Carnhot wrote: »
    ...that food gets ignored" is a passive construction. It is you who are actively doing the ignoring. The grammar indicates the problem; take responsibility for your own actions and choices.
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    janjunie wrote: »
    Don't bring money with you.

    Orphia wrote: »
    Stop it.

    And... are you preparing boring things like kale and chia seed salad?

    Make food you actually like that fits within your calorie limit. That could mean including a nice cookie or two.

    You don't have to deprive yourself to lose weight. Just eat in moderation the things you love.


    And stop playing the victim in your own life

    You can ...you just choose not to

    Thank you. I do feel like a victim. I can and I will.
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    You definitely should play around with spices and herbs. I tried several different ways to make grilled chicken before I found the way I love it. Plus it doesn't have to be 100% healthy all the time. Something you will eat that fits in your cals. I eat almost all the same things I did before just in smaller portions. You can make it work if you really want it to
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    When you order food out, what do you order? Think about what you'd like to eat, then look up a recipe that is lower in calories, make it, and bring that with you for lunch.

    I'm much less likely to order out if I have a tasty lunch to look forward to. Don't put food in two categories - 'healthy stuff you have to eat' and 'unhealthy stuff you'd like to eat instead'. Just make healthier versions of the stuff you want to eat... or have less of it.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    option #1- Bring food that you know you like to eat. If you like pasta bring pasta. If you like sandwiches then bring sandwiches. You don't have to totally change the type of foods you eat to lose weight- just get the portion size right.
    option #2- Plan to buy your food and stop wasting time packing food. You can look up nutrition in advance and make a choice that fits your goals.

    For either choice you can plan ahead, log and stick to your calorie goal.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    You said your picky can you explain that further is it taste you don't like, texture (very different I swear I love the taste of German potato salad but the texture makes me gag,) or is it the way it's cooked? And what is it you like about the snacks you buy or the meals you eat you like?
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    There's some serious fear of change going on here.

    Just keep at it. Your anxiety should abate as you become more comfortable with portion control and eating the food you prepare. And, like others have said, make sure you're preparing food that you find delicious.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I agree to make your own "snack bag" and portion things out so you won't go overboard. Logging is essential since you need to know how many calories are in what you're eating. It's time to take control, so if you're not eating or liking what others are preparing for you--make your own lunch bag.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    RodaRose wrote: »
    Make foods that you love to eat.
    Or choose fast food options that are low calorie for your daily plan.

    All i really love to eat is cookies, chicken alfredo and shrimp lmao..
    My food is not that creative or tasty as i follow other peoples recipes and im picky. I can eat many things but liking the taste is a whole other thing
    maybe i need to tweek recepies more and combine things
    I can def eat healthier fast food too

    Make meals based around chicken alfredo, shrimp, and cookies.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I have a hard time just nuking the food I cook at home, because the texture of the sauces, etc, gets so unattractive in the meantime that it puts me off eating it. I think it's why some folks don't like leftovers.

    So if I'm having to pack something, I'd probably choose a microwavable mini pizza that fits my calories or something similar. There's a calzone that I love that fits my calories and it does very well being nuked, too :) Cold sandwiches are nice also if there are any you like eating (I like real deli meat and real cheese with unusual mustard).