Shave what???



  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    1. It wouldn't bother me at all. Smooth feels nice. But if I saw a distinct hair line up toward your nether regions because you didn't shave off enough I'd be somewhere between amused and turned off.

    2. Be careful around the ankles and the back of the knees, both to avoid nicking yourself and to make sure you get all the hair off.

    3. Make sure whatever razor you get has a very flexible head, it'll get around curvy parts better. The ones with lotion strips on either side of the blade help a bit with razor burn.

    I don't think it makes you less manly if you shave, but damn, the upkeep sucks. I have to shave every day because I can't stand how the prickle feels. Once you start, stopping will be challenging, so make sure you're willing to put in the effort...
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    I would wax if I were you - its hurts more but if have to do it FAR less frequently. Plus you avoid cutting yourself.

    However, if you choose to shave anyway then use a shave cream/gel and be careful around your knees as that is where most of the nicks happen.

    Personally I shave all the way to about mid thigh - but to each her (or in your case, his) own!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    It would hit me as odd but I don't particularly care. My first thought would probably be is he a swimmer. Then I'd check if you had eyebrows :p
  • fShaw86
    fShaw86 Posts: 878 Member
    Ok, I'd prefer to hear from the women on this topic, as they're the only opinions I really care about on this topic. I cycle alot, and keep in pretty good shape. Cycling culture has always included a bit of a ritual that people who consider themselves cyclists and want to "join the club" - shave their legs. This used to be for reasons of getting massage, healing road rash, etc. Those that aren't pro's still do it to show their dedication to the sport - and it shows definition beyond belief.

    So, here's the questions, ladies...

    1. What would you think of a guy like me laying next to you at the pool with legs closer shaved than yours?
    2. Where do you start - and how do you keep from slicing your legs up?
    3. Any other good / bad points about shaving your legs I haven't thought of?


    LOL wow I never knew guys shaved their legs too!

    1. WHOA just how did you learn to handle that razor, and tell me how you did it!
    2. I honestly don't know, I always suck at this!
    3. Accidentally slicing a bit of my pinky toe trying to get the hair there...
  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
    No, I wouldn't mind laying next to you and your smooth legs (hypothetical, of course). : )

    I recommend a good razor and fresh blades (just like for your face).

    I like to use baby oil or left over hair conditioner. Makes the skin super soft.

    Also, take your time and go slow around ankles, back of knees and knees. This is where most cuts occur.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Ok, I'd prefer to hear from the women on this topic, as they're the only opinions I really care about on this topic. I cycle alot, and keep in pretty good shape. Cycling culture has always included a bit of a ritual that people who consider themselves cyclists and want to "join the club" - shave their legs. This used to be for reasons of getting massage, healing road rash, etc. Those that aren't pro's still do it to show their dedication to the sport - and it shows definition beyond belief.

    So, here's the questions, ladies...

    1. What would you think of a guy like me laying next to you at the pool with legs closer shaved than yours?
    2. Where do you start - and how do you keep from slicing your legs up?
    3. Any other good / bad points about shaving your legs I haven't thought of?


    1. If you're a competitive cyclist and you shave your legs and I happen to know this I'd be ok with it as I have a friend who shaves because he's a tri athlete. If not I'd just think you were weird but wouldn't actually SAY it.
    2. Start at the ankle. You need a really good razor to keep from getting barked up and sliced. In all honesty I would recommend the women's venus razor because the head pivots. Unless I am going super fast -- which I advise against -- I have never nicked myself. Make sure you later up well -- use shave gel -- so you don't get razor burn
    3. Bad points: you are probably going to have to shave every day otherwise you'll get stubble and it's scratchy and gross.
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    I like me some hairy man legs, but you're not my man so do what makes you happy.
  • UnwrappingCandy
    UnwrappingCandy Posts: 418 Member
    Do what I did and go get laser hair removal on your legs. :) Then just use Veet to take care of what little hair comes back. Since finishing my laser treatments in October I have only had to Veet my legs once. There has been zero regrowth of dark hair, just fine, light hair that reduces the smoothness. But come on, you can't beat one Veet treatment per six months. :smile:
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I hate to sound mean, but I would think it was really weird for a straight man to the point that it would take alot for me to get past it. But this is purely a first impression snap judgment. If the guy was awesome, I'm sure I'd get over it and even find it amusing.
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    I haven't figured out how to effectively shave my legs because I'm always nicking my knees, but...

    I'd probably be jealous of some guy who had smoother legs than me, although I'd admire them.

    Hair conditioner or shave gel. I start at the ankles, go all the way up to my knee. Then, I go back around my ankles to make sure I hit all the nooks and crannies, then hit the top of my foot and toes. Yes, shave the feet AND toes or it stands out if you were furry beforehand. Then, I go around my knees again, to make sure I hit as much as possible. I usually go from the knee to about halfway up the thigh, all the way around. And finish up with the upper thigh. Then onwards to mah kitteh...

    Lotion afterwards helps if you have sensitive skin so razor burn is minimalized.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Men should have fuzzy legs. Period.
    I love men's fuzzy legs.
  • SeamsSewWright
    FYI, the skin is very delicate around the ankles and behind the knees. If you cut yourself, wet toilet paper and put it on the cut.

    (that's in case you haven't already experienced this).

    Do it.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Shaving legs is a PAIN!!! I wish I could stop without being disgusting. Don't even think about starting when you don't have to!

    We could stop this madness and all just go hairy. Tell Gillette to go take a flying jump in the leg and embrace or mammalness. To OP it's cool if you shave but thats a little pretentious you get a closer shave. Mine feels like glass when I'm done. Oh and you will cut yourself and you will bleed lick a stuck pig for hours.