

  • mkbunny
    mkbunny Posts: 23 Member
    I am new. Live in AK. Grandma of 4girls. Recently diabetic. Need lots of nutrition guidance and suggestions. Please look at my diary.
    Glad to be ob.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    morning ladies~
    well I didnt sleep well, can't track anything as I dont have my fit bit.. im going to keep searching will probably go back with a fit bit,but will research which one is more effective for me.
    Tom woke up at 1:30 I had come into my room to sleep as I couldnt sleep in the other room, so as soon as he gets up the dogs want to come in with me, the shih-tzu cant jump on the bed so Tom put him up and went for a walk, well everytime Tom walked by outside Homer barked and Chester jumped off the bed.. so basically I have been awake since 1:30 a.m.
    will go feed DFIL this morning and then to work.. and then off to dinner and the adventure room
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Lenora- I know what you mean about the hummus! I love the stuff and when some one told me it was a "healthy" snack option, I indulged. Often. Chickpeas have 110 caloried per 1/2 cup. But, I am making them as a healthier option to a chip or cracker. I am going to season them with lime juice, cumin, chili powder, and cayenne. I will let you know how they turn out.
    mkbunny- Welcome to our group! You will find lots of friends with advice and suggestions. Since I know about diabetes only from my MIL (mother in law) having it, my first question would be; did your doc give you a diet to follow? I know they will give you a food list. Some times it is more like a list of foods to avoid. These ladies will have a lot advice and recipes for you!
    seabrz- Welcome! Glad you jumped in! I am a newbie, too! Two weeks now.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    KJLaMore - Thanks; I am not that thrilled about cumin; but, it has been a while since I have bought any. Maybe I can find a small bottle of it

    Sad news - The salesman that I bought my last two Hondas from was killed earlier this week. Rumor has it that he and 'new' wife had gone out, argued who would 'drive' and he apparently said, he'd walk first ... and she ran over him. They are investigating to see if it was an accident or manslaughter. He was such a good salesman; I'm going to miss him - but this car will probably be my last one. Young man; probably in his late 30's - early 40's. I think there were young children, too, in family.

    Good News - Fourth day with 'caloric intake'. But, exercise has been 'running errands'. I 'might' get on treadmill later. Damn, I hate exercising on treadmill - nothing makes it get any easier. No music, no TV, no watching clock. It's just BORING!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Kim - a rasher is a slice of bacon. I don't know what you have, but over here we have streaky bacon and back bacon, which can be either smoked or unsmoked. Hope you have fun with the Hairy Bikers. I only have their first book, but use at least three recipes regularly. I also use their idea of leeks as a layer for lasagne, except I use zucchini! :laugh: I always use their white sauce method with cornflour. Their food is always very tasty.

    My left ear is now completely deaf and buzzing horribly. It's driving me nuts. I am using drops, so I hope it will clear soon. It's very wearing and almost giving me a headache. At least the horrible fatigue has gone. DH is worse and hardly slept. It is raining and blowing a gale out there with the last remains of your snow storm.

    I managed to write this morning (hooray!) and I got my drawer dividers in the drawer and filled up. :D Had to put one in another drawer, but that's ok. I wanted to ring the mobile phone company, but don't feel up to it as my hearing is so bad. Even my right ear isn't as good as normal and it feels really strange to be swapping ears. I can go into the Vodafone shop tomorrow in Southampton to sort out my account and refund. I'm not entirely confident they will be able to do it, but I will give them a chance. Have to take passport etc.

    Love to all, Heather UK
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Heather, what is the white sauce method with cornflour? I have not had anything with a white sauce since I went gluten free. It used to be a staple of my cooking! My kids grew up on eggs, tuna, burger, corned beef, etc. in white sauce. I would like to be able to make some for my girls now, but I cannot have wheat flour in the house- even the particles that get in to the air and get inhaled make me sick.

    Love to all. I am hurrying off to do housework- I am way behind!
    Miriam in small town Iowa
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Just thought I would "weigh" in about a few things:

    Hummus...I love it and make my own frequently, very easy and low cal. I use carrots as a "dip holder". 1 can of chickpeas, some tahini (seseme seed paste), lemon juice and whatever you want to add, garlic, roasted red pepper, etc. I blend it with an immersion blender.

    Hardwood floors...I have a "country kitchen", kitchen and dining room together in 1 big room, common in New England Cape style homes. When I remodeled I put hardwood to match what was already in the rest of the house. I find it very easy to maintain and love the look.

    Fitbit...I charge mine every morning when I'm in the shower and it's always at full charge. Just a habit I got into. I have the flex and love it.

    Cilantro...hate it!

    Chris in MA
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member

    My left ear is now completely deaf and buzzing horribly. It's driving me nuts. I am using drops, so I hope it will clear soon. It's very wearing and almost giving me a headache.

    Love to all, Heather UK

    Sorry to "hear" this! Welcome to my world. My right ear is completely deaf and I have noise in both all the time. I too have a nasty virus that's aggravating the situation tremendously.

    Carol ... The recipes probably would do better with a softer cheese. If not dry feta or wet goat cheese ... What about cojita? I know it's considered hard but not like Swiss.

    Beth near Buffalo

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Lenora- sad news about the salesman! Especially for the kids.

    Good morning everyone! I didn't sleep well either last night. It is so hard to function during the day with no sleep. My DH and I started having our date night Tuesday night and have been going to the legion for supper and bingo. So far we've only been donating haven't won yet. But, it gets us out among other people. I think I'll hop back in bed and take a nap!

    Have a great day everyone!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hello to all and it's another beautiful sunshinny day. Always feel pepier and good on them days. It's cold but the sun is shinning.

    I also belong to tops. It's tonight hopefully I have a loss. But according to my wii it's touch and go.

    I put my fit bit through the washer. Was I surprised when I took it out of my pant pocket and it worked.
    Wish I could see a 6 with my A1C it happened once in 3 years. Hopefully I see an eight this next time.

    Try cutting ingredients out of the chili maybe make it without the beans as for tomatoes i'm sure your using canned so no skin. Just a suggestion if you like chilli.

    NK bunny
    I'm aso diabetic. Have been for 3 years. There is a great diabetic site. Called diabetic daily great advice there.

    get the music blarring and dance of course I love to dance I just go to U tube and put on my favorite singers or just say I want to dance. I just love it.

    Well I'm sitting here having chaga tea. It's somekind of fungus my nephew brought me. It has all sort of health benefits. I hope one of them is melting fat lol. As if. It would be that easy lol.

    Wii gave me a gain this morning but that's the problem of weighing daily you get ups and downs. So just going to take it like the big girl I am. And keep at it.

    See you all lighter.
    Linda in northern ontario
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I just lost a long post. Grrr. It's for the best though, as I was droning on again.

    Feeling better this morning. My troubles corrected themselves about 3am. It was scary.

    Mary, you are right about the skins. My doc told me the same thing and I sort of ignored it.

    This afternoon a friend and I are going to a place called The Fancy Farmer, which is a store about 30 miles from here in a tiny town. They have kitchen stuff and arts and crafts from local artists. We are scouting for other artists to invite into our coop.

    Gotta go. Have a great day!

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Wednesday ! ! !

    My computer is still not completely happy about doing all this work, but I’m still plugging away, hoping to keep going and finish. Since I am so far behind, I jumped directly to today’s page, and will do my best.

    Sylvia – Hugs continue ! ! ! I hope it’s not the chili, but I understand how nervous you are about it.

    This past weekend my son did very well bowling, but we didn’t wait for announcements at the tournament, so we are impatiently waiting to see it posted (we think he finished in the top 3, but not sure yet, and definitely not first). He also made friends with one of the boys on his pair of lanes that is just a few months younger than him (and finished about 20 pins higher). I clicked with the Mom (it is pleasingly rare to find a Mom that cheers for every child, not just her own), so we will likely get the boys together for some doubles tournaments. He is still in 20th place for our district in H.S. bowling, so we are also hoping that we need to find him a ride to the State Singles Tournament the weekend of H.S. State. He has 3 different doubles partners for that Sunday, so we know we can get him back home again. It’s kinda’ sad that it is all happening the same weekend that we are in Reno for DH to bowl, but I’m sure DS will have plenty of fun without us (silly teenage boys). Today I have to fill out and turn in the paperwork for the Top Gun tournament which is on Feb. 6, so I get to see that one. This Saturday is basketball followed by H.S. bowling. And Sunday is singles and doubles division for City bowling tournament. I think Baseball Camps and Clinics start this week, too, so I’m not sure how to make all that juggle and happen, but we’ll see what kind of magic I can create. If I had my way he would choose 1 sport and still stay out of trouble, but that hasn’t happened yet, so I’ll just keep him as busy as he chooses.

    My Dad and I each won tickets to see Wynona Judd this Saturday, so we are taking a few of his friends. Next Friday I am taking a co-worker to see Three Dog Night with the tickets that I also won. I better stock up on veggies, so all this eating out doesn’t make the scale move the wrong direction.

    My fitness tracker does not seem to be working. It showed 0 steps and 0 sleep for yesterday. It is still at 0 steps for today, too. That makes me sad. Hopefully someone at work can help me with that.

    I am also asking for thoughts and/or prayers for DD’s circle of friends. Most of them have been together since first grade. A few months ago one of the “newcomers” was murdered in front of his child and girlfriend. Well, now a young man from the “original” group died in his sleep. They think he accidently took too many of a combination of sleeping and pain pills (both are legitimate prescriptions). The current girlfriends are obviously devastated, and taking their anger out on my DD. I hope everyone can maintain their strength and help these young ladies take care of the children.

    Now, back to work. I am almost caught up on my paperwork.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Terri - our prayers will go out to your DD. I don't understand why the other ladies would be taking their anger out on her though. Maybe I missed something. Good luck to your son I hope he came in third.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Newbies: Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Kimses: Good luck with the interviews! :smiley:

    Meg: It is a shame you can't teach my facetime today and keep your germy self at home. :ohwell: Get better soon! :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Does your doctor have an advice nurse? If so, talk to her/him. A person can be sensitive to capsicam, the spicy heat source in chili. Beans can also be a challenge. DH suggested that you may not be chewing enough to break the bean structure down and also suggested an experiment. He said to put a portion of chili into the blender. If you still can't get it to go through your system, you may need to give up on chili altogether. I did a diverticulitis and chili search and came up with 10 sites that warned against the spice "chili" and also warned against hard shell beans. Personally, I'd get medical advice before trying the experiment. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Feel better soon. :heart: Good luck sorting out the phone when you're feeling a bit better. :smiley:

    Yoga this morning and another doctor appt for DH this afternoon. This one is with the eye doctor and they're talking about cataract surgery. We're both more than a little worried about it because DH's vision has already been forever compromised by a stroke he had a few years ago. He did have vision test at the DMV and still is a legal driver. He doesn't want to take any risks with that status. :noway:

    To those who love Costco Dogs. It was yummy but I suffered a tummy ache. I'm fine today. :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited January 2016
    Ear not buzzing as much since I took a pain killer, but I'm still deaf. Beth - I feel for you!

    Very happy with my new display box that arrived today. It's just a small unvarnished wooden box, divided into compartments, that has a glass lid. I have put my "treasures" into it that have been all wrapped up in tissue paper and hidden in a drawer since we moved here. Nothing valuable, but stuff I love that I picked up in Jordan, mainly in Petra, where I went for Christmas in 2002 when I was single with a British Museum tour group. A small piece of Roman glass, a rim piece of Nabatean pottery with painting on, a Roman coin which has a hole in it to be worn by a Berber woman, a Roman oil lamp and two Neolithic scrapers. I adore them all. Marie Kondo says you must honor the things you love and Gretchen Rubin also encourages it, so in that spirit I am doing so. I also put in a 160,000,000 yr old fossil from Lyme Regis. :laugh:

    Miriam - I will look up the cornflour sauce.

    Love Heather UK

    OK Miriam, I've found it. Basically they are using a pint of milk to 3 tablespoons cornflour. They are mixing the cornflour with 3 tablespoons of the cold milk while they are heating the rest of it with a bay leaf and half an onion cut into wedges. That's just for extra flavour. Then they add a bit of the infused milk, with the onion and leaf removed to the cornflour mix, whisking all the while and pour it back into the heated milk. Heat for a few minutes, stirring a lot and add what you like, salt, pepper, nutmeg. The idea for dieters is you are not making a roux with lots of butter, but it is also ideal for coeliacs. I use it in lasagne, with the zucchini pared into strips like pasta sheets. :D

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Joyce - I'm worrying about you. <3 Let us know what's up.

    Heather UK