

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Hello again everyone !

    Linda – Hooray for Sophi with her bowling ! ! ! I hope she is able to maintain the balance between competitive and fun. We try to take DS to the AMF “all you can bowl for XX hours”, because paying per game can be VERY expensive. I wish you lived near Milwaukee, because I have several balls I would love to donate ! Also, DS is often looking for doubles partners.

    Mindy – Hugs and prayers for your financial troubles. I agree that you should go into the bank and offer at least a partial payment. They like to know you care and are trying your best. Congrats on your NSV ! ! ! I hope I can wear cute panties again soon.

    Katla – LOVE the egg cartoon. Thanks for the laugh.

    I was able to sneak in a page of reading, but that was only today’s posts. So, Hugs and Prayers for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (36 is a heatwave, and we are expecting a snow storm next week)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Becca - You need to tell Jack that is the reason they're called "CHAPS."

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Thank you Annr and Sylvia for your welcome and your advice. I also have a scale that is my friend. I am from Eastern Oregon. Our puppy is a Chihuahua named Bella, she is 18 months old. She is a rescue that has found a permanent home.

    OOOOh a fellow Oregonian!!! ((((((rushes and gives ya a hug!)))))))) I am over at the Northern Coastal area, by Astoria. Last night we had a doozer of a storm, windy and rainy! Of course we can get 7 different kinds of weather in an afternoon so... Awww Bella is a precious name! Have a great rest of the week!
    Sunshine Becca
    in Oregon
    where the sun hasn't really been.....lets TRACK this darn ORB down!!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    I saw this on facebook and had to share!


    AHHHHHH I LOVE those dayum things!!!! Created by the Goddess of oooohy gooooey!!!! My heart rate just went up. I can't have those things ever. Just too tempting.
    Sunshine Cadbury Eggs a loving Becca
    in Oregon
  • mbrown862015
    mbrown862015 Posts: 9 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Thank you Annr and Sylvia for your welcome and your advice. I also have a scale that is my friend. I am from Eastern Oregon. Our puppy is a Chihuahua named Bella, she is 18 months old. She is a rescue that has found a permanent home.

    Where in Eastern Oregon? I have family in Malheur County.

    Hi Katla, I am Malheur County.

  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Pip! O my goodness! How cute is that! Yogi must have bum slid down your Goldens haunch to have his tail stuck up like that! Too funny.
    To all who chimed in...excellent advice! I'm going to take each and every one. Thank you.
    As for the lamb...I opted for the Dutch oven slow roasted for four hours..going to be a late but good dinner.
    My daughter got an interview at WF in a diff department then me tomorrow am..positive vibes welcome.
    Did all of my errands and an extra one...pulled on my big girl panties and took back a really old paperback to the library..it was in that condition when I picked it up..when I was coming in from the car w Christmas presents I slid the book in one of the bags and forgot about it till Christmas Eve when I found it. It's from a college libra4y on transfer and they lossed it already but haven't ordered a new one yet so I may get the $85 reorder fee reversed. Truly a brand new one sells on eBay for ten bucks.
    Glasses tightened check, eBay parcel mailed, garage estimated my mirror repair at $150 will get it done early next week
    Multiple phone calls to Expedia rearranging my itinerary for Florida. I saved myself a net of $550 plus I am getting a weeks worth of work in the three days preceding my trip
    Physical booked check will discuss C pap eval
    Dentist booked check
    Now to finish dinner, my taxes, walk the dog and hopefully review my resume adding in my last six months work history...writing a pertinent to the supe position cover letter.
    Then I think I'll shower relax and meditate before bed. And eat lamb.
    Love you all
    Thanks for listening
    Mindy from Boston
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    nccarolb wrote: »
    Hi kids!! (your mommy is sounding testy even though y'all look toasty!

    I went to my GP for my six-month check up and was amazed to find out that I had lost five pounds since my last visit. I still kept my eyes closed for the weigh in since I'm not weighing until Sunday morning. My blood pressure was 120/80 and my labs were good. We did talk about my thyroid levels--the one test was just below the threshold but, since I've no symptoms, we're leaving it alone and checking again in three months
    Carol in NC

    Congrats Carol, that is a terrifc doc report, keep it up!

    Sitting in bed with hubby typing this on my phone to you all, dh asked me what i was doing and i told him i was texting my boyfriend, tell him i said hi is all he said.....19 years of marriage!

    Have a good night everyone, karen from ny
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited January 2016
    Mindy – what a great NSV – and glad you had some clean undies. Reminds me that I need to wash a load of my clothes tomorrow. I think that AARP’s lowered their age to receive them, too. But, I’ve been on SSD for 15 years, so I don’t know when they started coming. I was about the age of 49 or 50 when I became disabled anyway. You do not want to be in a strange place (on vacation) and have a toothache and probably have trouble getting into a dentist in another town.

    Janetr77476 – Cracker sleeps partly out of her bed, too; and, she doesn’t have to share it with anybody. In fact, if we tell her to ‘get in her bed’ … she’ll sneak out of it but her feet are still in it. She’s not breaking the rule – her feet are in the bed. I need to keep my cellphone over here at night and catch some of her poses while she is asleep. Some of the time she’ll put her head up on the side as if it is a pillow. I’ve put a pillow in there with her; but, she’ll probably tear it up like she does most of her toys. I gave my son a pillow for Christmas that had “Dog Rules” on it. Luna hasn’t tried to tear it up and she sleeps with her head on it. I guess the part about ‘if I find it, it’s mine’ must have come into play. Luna hasn’t chewed it at all so far.

    Every time I think that I tracked all my food, I get a thirst and then have to go back in and change my liquid intake. Rah! Rah! Over my allotted number of 8oz. glasses of water.

    Today I cleaned out my lower cabinets where I keep some of my pots and crock pots. Most of the pots and pans I use daily hang overhead on a rack. DH put that up over the bar (on the kitchen side). I rearranged everything and discovered I had a little more space and everything actually fit in there and I can get to them. Washed down all the lower cabinet, dishwasher and stove. The only thing about the stove is stuff has dripped down behind the face of it and there is no way to clean it. It's obvious when I turn the light on in the oven. Told husband that I'd like for him to paint the lower cabinets a dark shade of the walls; and to paint the upper cabinets "Velvet white' which is the trim in all the rooms that have trim. I'd like to put trim up in the kitchen, utility room and half-bath. Need to put quarter-round up above the cabinets where the house has settled. I'm getting around to he beginning of my "Spring Cleaning" early. A part of a room at the time. The lower cabinet took several hours; I need to clean out the corner cabinet that has a turn-style in it. I wish we had never had corner cabinets like we do. They're a PITA. Maybe then, we would have put up more cabinets.

    Good news that they are coming out with an updated Barbie - won't have the unreasonable figure that mean she'd have to be 7' tall or better to have a figure like that to be stacked that way. They even look like they have a pregnant one, too = unless she just was on the fat side.

    Need to add my weight in my tracker now. I think I have missed it one other time.


    Downhill slope towards the weekend. Time
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Mary I had a lot of twinges around my ribs when I hurt my back. They were muscle spasms. Didn't you just increase your weights?

    Pip I love the little striped sweater on your dog.

    Penny Hope you find some time for yourself. If nothing else ....*s-t-r-e-t-c-h*.

    Today I did 30 minutes of "Warrior" P90x3. And that was enough.
    Two phone interviews today which went well and both moved to the next level. So my day was breakfast, study, interview, lunch, study, interview.

    Didn't really track my food, but I did okay.
    My son turned 18 today. Where did the time go???? Miss having a little guy around, but am so proud of him as a young man.

    Have a good evening.

    Kimses in MA

  • Youruniverse1
    Youruniverse1 Posts: 6 Member
    Nancy in OKC here. Sorry I forgot to sign my earlier post - I'm new to this.

    My dog Winnie is a svelte 90 lbs, which is small and probably why she has a longer life span. Our last one was 120 lb and we had to put her down when she was 9 poor thing. Winnie is still very active and hopes to catch a squirrel someday still! We are her third (and final) adoptive family and she has some issues but we love her. She is my companion now that the girls are gone and my husband works out of town for long stretches. She makes a good protector too!

    I don't post often but try to keep up with everything. You are all an inspiration. Just know that, even if you don't hear it.

    Nancy in OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Grits - Charro has her own bed too, but rather sleep with her brother, lol. Try losing 125# in less than 9 months, talk about changing sizes in clothing, impossible to keep up with. :)

    Janetr okc
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :) Wow, Mindy, you had an awesome day.....what amazing accomplishments. You have made some great strides for yourself both financially and emotionally. :)smiley-happy110.gif
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    Strategy is stronger than willpower.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    16,000 steps
    112 minutes of dog walking
    46 minutes riding the exercise bike
    taught the intermediate line dance class

    :) today the frisky poodles got groomed so they look especially beautiful :)
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    edited January 2016
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 13.33min, 13.1amph, 140mhr, 2.9mi = 118c
    eliptical- 30min, 87avstpmin, 126ahr, 139mhr, incl5, lvl5, 3.18mi = 256c
    arm machine – 5min, lvl4, 125mhr, .75mi = 48c
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.22min, 11.9amph, 148mhr, 1.4mi = 77c
    ride dome 2 hm- 18.18min, 152mhr, 8.8amph, 2.6mi = 208c

    ahr = average heart rate
    mhr = maximum heart rate
    mi = miles
    incl = incline
    avstpmin = average strides per minute
    lvl = level
    c = calories
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Mindy, I have had to go to my mortgage lender when I could not make payments when my "soft money" (research grant money) job ended and I had trouble finding another one. they had me pay the interest only for a few months. They were very helpful and not at all judgmental. I have heard that credit card companies will do the same thing or give you a month off. Actually if you are only paying the minimum payment on a credit card, you are not paying much more than the interest. But lenders would much rather work with you on a payment plan than just have you default. I have done the same with doctor bills in the distant past- one even told me I didn't have to pay a $3000 bill. It was the orthopedic doc that put the casts on my son's feet when he was born with club feet. He knew I had to have a C-section with all those costs, did in home day care to supplement my husband's meager pay, and had not anticipated all the bills for the club feet. I was struggling to make a small payment every month and he took pity on me. He was a real blessing- we were so poor.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good evening everyone! I didn't accomplish much today. Spent an hour at the Y, then had a Co-Op meeting at my studio till after noon. Hubby came for lunch so the ladies finally left. My son asked if he could come to my studio and make a yarn bowl for his wife for Valentine's Day, but he never showed up, after I spent an hour getting ready for him to come. Now he says he will come tomorrow morning. We will see if that actually happens. About 2:30 my son sent me a Facebook message saying the school called him saying DGS was sick, throwing up and running a fever of 104. So, we dropped everything and rushed over to get him, only to find that it wasn't Ian at all. It was some other little boy. After I picked up the kids I took them to get ice cream.

    I didn't sleep much last night, so I'm going to bed early. Good night.

    Oh, and I LOVE the dog pics!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    nite peeps -