Gym fear



  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    You'll be fine.

    The only people I notice/eye roll at my gym are the people who make GIANT messes and/or take up 5/6 stations at a time or the people being trained by a friend (typically a boyfriend) incorrectly. And I don't laugh at these people -- I eye roll and work in with the former and cringe for the latter.

    But people there just doing their thing? Those people I don't watch or pay attention to unless they talk to me. I'm always happy to see people there just TRYING.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Thanks all, I turned up at gym and was heart broken when no one turned up for induction and I couldn't find anyone around who even worked at the gym.
    Spoke to a few gym goers and they also couldn't understand why no one turned up.
    My anxieties kicked in over drive and almost past out 30 mind I stood around looking like a clown I even cried at one point.
    So I'm considering leaving that gym and looking for another.
    I never want to feel like that again!
    It took all my strength to go there, tell myself I can do this I need to do this, then bam I was let down by the simplest of customer service.
    Altho I'm going to look into another gym this has really knocked me back 10 paces.
    Altho' extremely scared I was looking forward to the results I set myself a target each week and had an vision of me 4 months from now.
    Some people may think it's just an induction but for someone with my social anxiety going there telling myself I can do this, when all I wanted to do was hide, is a big step all because I know ti get the results I want I need the gym and weights, not just physically but mentally to.

    I am so sorry you were put in that situation. Not acceptable on any level. You are worthy and should never let the actions/thoughts of others define you. Prove something to yourself by getting in on this, for you!
  • goddessheatherr
    goddessheatherr Posts: 38 Member
    I cannot believe the first experience you had! How horrifying. I can only imagine what you went through. I myself have high social anxiety and a slew of other anxiety so I am on Zoloft and it works amazing! Today was my first time EVER to go to a gym. In my mind I was nervous about it being packed full of people. I didn't want to workout next to someone and look like a *kitten* basically. But there was like 12 people in the whole gym! So I worked myself up for no reason. The staff at my gym thankfully does what they are getting paid to do and helped me. I couldn't even figure out the simplest thing like starting the elliptical. Apparently you just get on and go for 20 seconds and it turns on. I'm standing there pressing all these buttons like an idiot and then I just went and asked how the hell do you start it! Lol same thing with all their machines I guess. They have TV's. I had my phone which I listened to music but you can plug your phone into the machines its really cool. As far as being over weight and people giving a rats *kitten*, they don't! The only thing I thought was funny was the funny looking buff guy who kept looking at himself in the mirror like a horse that just got a shot! LOL There was a girl tanning by the pool in a bikini about size 22. I was like I am impressed! That's how chill the atmosphere was. I cant wait to go back tomorrow. I hope you call and complain about your experience and give your gym a second time. Oh all the strength machines have a picture with explanations of how to do it and its real easy. Good luck!
  • tammylrivera
    tammylrivera Posts: 8 Member
    I'm new to lifting and would love to be friends to other females that lift. Please add me.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Thanks all, I turned up at gym and was heart broken when no one turned up for induction and I couldn't find anyone around who even worked at the gym.
    Spoke to a few gym goers and they also couldn't understand why no one turned up.
    My anxieties kicked in over drive and almost past out 30 mind I stood around looking like a clown I even cried at one point.
    So I'm considering leaving that gym and looking for another.
    I never want to feel like that again!
    It took all my strength to go there, tell myself I can do this I need to do this, then bam I was let down by the simplest of customer service.
    Altho I'm going to look into another gym this has really knocked me back 10 paces.
    Altho' extremely scared I was looking forward to the results I set myself a target each week and had an vision of me 4 months from now.
    Some people may think it's just an induction but for someone with my social anxiety going there telling myself I can do this, when all I wanted to do was hide, is a big step all because I know ti get the results I want I need the gym and weights, not just physically but mentally to.

    So sorry you had to go through that! But you know what? You got through it. Not only that but you didn't use it as an excuse to immediately turn around and leave and swear to never try a gym again. Instead you stayed, waited, and are considering looking for a different gym instead. That takes strength and courage, and have more of it than you think! Whatever you decide- whether it's to give the current gym another shot, or find a different one, just don't give up. Personally, I'd give the current gym one more shot only because, having anxiety myself, I know how scary new places can be and having to show up to a brand new one would be just as hard as it was to go to this gym the first time. At least going back to the same places gives you a little tiny bit of familiarity. Everyone is different of course but that might be one thing to take into consideration as you make your decision :)

    Congrats on taking that first step, and for not using it as an excuse to give up. You CAN do this.
  • woofer00
    woofer00 Posts: 123 Member
    Getting into the gym, any gym, is a big and awesome first step. You're ahead of the curve vs staying at home.

    If you can muster the courage for it, it's worth chatting with the "gym bros" to get tips on how to do exercises with proper form. Many are more than willing to show off how much they know (being a little sarcastic there) but it's better than trying something new blindly and sustaining an injury when you're learning a new strength exercise. And there's nothing better than filling rest time between sets than finding someone willing to chat. If you look around, in most places people who are lifting are also bonding, but cardio time tends be to solo zone out time (speaking from experience on both ends. I cardio to watch Netflix, and lift with friends to hang out)

    The only people I judge at the gym are jerks who are rude to new members. Those people are jerks in and out of the gym. Everyone was new and learning at one point. Even Olympic lifters have coaches.
  • kirstyvdk1
    kirstyvdk1 Posts: 17 Member
    Well done to you and poor form by that gym! I have been at many gyms for many years and I am sorry you had to experience that. Nobody will judge you for not being familiar with the environment - everybody had to start sometime. I now teach group fitness classes and try to talk to new members before a class to give them a heads up on what they are about to experience. I'm not sure where you live or what gym you attend but a good instructor should go out of their way to prepare you for what you will experience. I teach Les Mills classes and there is the option for new members to leave the class after 4 tracks (songs) if they feel they have had enough at that stage. Les Mills educates all instructors on how to best cater for new participants so if you try a class, arrive 5 - 10 minutes early and tell the instructor it is your first class. I hope you receive better service on your next gym visit.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    It's really hard to start something new. Congratulations for showing up even if your program didn't happen.. If you think It was because of bad gym management, maybe it's not a well run place, but maybe someone got sick otherwise.

    I've been on the injured list for three months and just got cleared to start my activities again. I put a commitment on my calendar to start this morning, but here I am instead. :o My next step will be to get my stuff together the night before. Lol

    I do have physical therapy this afternoon, so it's not a complete wash.