Diet plan

Hi all,

Could do with a decent diet plan so I have something to stick to rather than thinking what should I cook today..

I'm 116kgs
6ft 5
Muscular build but Need to get rid of this Christmas tyre I seem to have had fitted!

I need a high protein low carb diet

I'm not a fan of fish but I like tuna and swordfish

Not a massive veggie fan I'll be honest but if I have to then I'm open to suggestions

The training side I can deal with just the diet I could do with a little help



  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    A low carb, moderate protein diet is better. Excess protein is bad. Shoot for 110 carbs/day. Protein 80 to 90 grams, the rest healthy fats. You ll be good!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm not sure I understand what you're looking for. You just need to eat a little less than what you've been eating. No need to make special food or eat anything you don't like. Examples: instead of 5 pieces of pizza eat 4. That saves around 250 calories. One more simple reduction like that on the same day and you've saved 500 calories. Do it every day to lose a pound a week.
  • Danny140492
    Danny140492 Posts: 18 Member
    I stated I want a diet plan so I have something to work off instead of thinking what should I eat today... Hence why I asked if anyone had a diet plan its not that hard to understand
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    My suggested diet plan is to eat less. That shouldn't be hard to understand either.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    How many calories are you on a day?
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    Eat less, move more. There's nothing else that needs to be done -many of the commercialized diet plans are simplified ways for people to create a calorie deficit. You can still eat whatever you want (as long as you stay within your calorie goals).

    Personally, I still eat some of the foods that I ate prior to losing weight (or make modifications to them to better meet my calorie/nutrition goals), but I eat them in much smaller portions now. I love food, so I also bulk up a lot of the smaller-portioned meals with vegetables (200g of summer squash/zucchini makes about 2 cups of zucchini noodles for about 35 calories). Pre-logging my meals also helps a lot in making sure that there aren't going to be many surprises during the day
  • Danny140492
    Danny140492 Posts: 18 Member
    I don't think people are quite understanding, I know I Need to eat less and move more I get that, but if you read what I put..

    I don't want to have to think what should I eat today hence if I have a plan to follow I can prepare my meals so I know what I have...

    Never mind ...
  • Danny140492
    Danny140492 Posts: 18 Member
    And run around ..,I worked out I Need to consume around 2300-2500 calories per day

    But I Need a high protein plan so I'm not losing muscle... For my body weight I would Need around 260g of protein per day
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    We understand what you're asking. It's not the first time that question has been asked. The answer still remains "just eat less than what you're eating now." Menu planning is a valuable lifetime skill. There's no time like the present to work on it.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    And run around ..,I worked out I Need to consume around 2300-2500 calories per day

    But I Need a high protein plan so I'm not losing muscle... For my body weight I would Need around 260g of protein per day

    I think your protein estimate is a little high, it's usually 1g protein/lb lean mass, or .8g protein/lb body weight. I think you're closer to 208 than 260 for protein, so you might be able to aim a little lower when looking for a diet.

    What do you have going on as far as food resources? Do you have time for batch cooking (if you cook)? What's your comfort level with cooking?
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi all,

    Could do with a decent diet plan so I have something to stick to rather than thinking what should I cook today..

    I'm 116kgs
    6ft 5
    Muscular build but Need to get rid of this Christmas tyre I seem to have had fitted!

    I need a high protein low carb diet

    I'm not a fan of fish but I like tuna and swordfish

    Not a massive veggie fan I'll be honest but if I have to then I'm open to suggestions

    The training side I can deal with just the diet I could do with a little help


    Grr. iPad ate my post.

    Try the Low Carber Daily subgroup. There is usually a thread about meal photos and recipes, and there was a recent one on free monthly meal plans. Your diet may be higher in protein than many low carbers (most eat moderate protein due to the muscle sparing effects of a LCHF diet) but you could modify that fairly easily.

    Perhaps try Peter Attia's blog. He is an md, marathon swimmer, and a low carb or ketogenic eater. He has a few posts about what he eats in a week that could be useful to you.
  • breeZrizi
    breeZrizi Posts: 213 Member
    I understand what you mean lol. meal prep :) I make large batches of chicken and fish and put them in containers with brown rice or lentils with salads or sautéed veggies. you can fill baggies of almonds or something quick to grab when you want to snack. greek yogurt is fast. basically just setting aside an hour or so once a week to plan ahead so you don't have to worry about what to cook on a daily basis to stick to your high protein goals
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    And run around ..,I worked out I Need to consume around 2300-2500 calories per day

    But I Need a high protein plan so I'm not losing muscle... For my body weight I would Need around 260g of protein per day

    Your protein estimate is high and your calorie estimate is low.

    Here's an approximate meal plan:

    Here's a map of how to meal plan on your own:
  • Danny140492
    Danny140492 Posts: 18 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi you 4

    Finally some posters who actually read haha

    You guys who say I have high protein, I worked the protein out using a proper macros calc.. I am 255lbs so I'm working off around 1g protein per lbs.. my protein intake is so high as I will be doing a lot of high intensity cardio along with my weights so don't want to be losing too much muscle while dropping weight

    Cheers for the diet plans I can cook I normally cook the usual chicken, steak, tuna, rice, pasta etc etc

    But I will be cutting out pasta etc to avoid carbs.. I just wanted a plan to give me food alternatives so I'm not doing what I usually do and Just cooking 10 chicken breast and tuppawareing it up... Chicken can get boring haha