How to handle a spouse who doesn't want you to lose the weight?



  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    I couldn't understand this. But good luck!
  • bethclabburn
    bethclabburn Posts: 52 Member
    I would find it awful if my hubby wasn't on this journey with me...

    I suggest separate fridges.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member

    Or maybe I just treated him like an adult and let him come to the realization on his own. It takes some people a bit longer to get to that moment when the light bulb goes on.

    True, but the other person in the relationship also gets to set boundaries for themselves about how long they are willing to put up with it. In your case, it was 3 months, which is a blip in the scheme of things. When couples have been together for years and one partner is still engaging in behavior they know to be harmful to their health (and in the case of smoking, harmful to those around them), it's not unheard of for the other partner to begin to question where their priorities lie and urge them to think about the impact their behavior is having on those around them.

    OP, I think you need to decide for yourself what you want out of your relationship and where your boundaries lie. You can't force another person to change, but I do think you should sit down together, both of you clearly outline your expectations for your relationship, and work together to reach an agreement. I don't think the situation you are describing is grounds for splitting up, but I do think that being honest with one another about what you need from the other person and how you see your relationship moving forward is helpful.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited January 2016
    lithezebra wrote: »
    lithezebra wrote: »
    Yes, she is nagging. And laying a guilt trip on him: "Remember our wedding/the children", etc.

    Emotionally manipulating him won't work.

    I disagree. Sticking to your guns, and reminding your spouse that you care about him when you nag him for his own good is a heck of a lot better than getting angry. There is no guarantee that you'll be able to coax your husband into better habits, so take care of yourself, even if he doesn't change. But keep on showing your love and concern.

    Who said anything about getting angry at him?

    He's not a child. She shouldn't be "nagging" or "coaxing" him.

    As was said by more than a couple of people here, she should just lead by example. Hopefully he'll see the positive impact of the changes she's making in her own life, and then will jump on board voluntarily, without being emotionally blackmailed or treated like a child.

    Thank God you're here to tell people how everything should be in their relationships!

    My apologies. If you find that the best way to get people to act a certain way is to be their mother, then have at it! I prefer to use that on, you know, my child. I'm silly that way.

    PS: Does your husband call you "mother"? Just curious....
  • tns56364
    tns56364 Posts: 43 Member

    The grammer nerd in me was also bothered by this. :smile:
  • Numberwang22
    Numberwang22 Posts: 213 Member
    Advice from an old dear :) You are 2 individuals in a relationship, it's alright having different opinions and not everything (dieting/whatever) has to be done together. Ideally a supportive partner would be cheerleading you on, but regards your own weight just get on with it & put your own needs first.

    Also if the relationship doesn't work out through lack of support, consider it a lucky escape!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Evoletlove wrote: »

    His dad has diabetes and heart problems. Even has had a few heart attacks in his 40's. His mom has health problems as well. Any advice on this would be great from guys or girls. I want to be fair. I have talked and talked to him and nothing gets threw.

    Choose a mate that's more statistically likely to be around long enough to help raise the kids you plan on having with him.

    Or don't. But stop whining when a grown man doesn't drastically change his lifestyle from what you've known him to be his entire life.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Not meaning to derail this thread, but please explain this white noise machine ???? Is it one of those music players that people put in infants bedrooms that plays music and ocean noises ? It is really that much of a help ? ( I haven't slept in 15 yrs because of my husband. Lol ! I now have my own bedroom because I couldn't function on 3 hrs of sleep each night. )
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Not meaning to derail this thread, but please explain this white noise machine ???? Is it one of those music players that people put in infants bedrooms that plays music and ocean noises ? It is really that much of a help ? ( I haven't slept in 15 yrs because of my husband. Lol ! I now have my own bedroom because I couldn't function on 3 hrs of sleep each night. )

    I think when people talk about white noise for snoring, they mean pure white noise rather than the ocean sounds type. Pure white noise is one constant sound - think about how when you get static on your TV or radio it seems to drown out other noises. I haven't ever used one for snoring, just for the kids, but apparently they make white noise apps now? If you have an external speaker for your device, it might be a cheap way to see if it works before investing in a machine.
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Not meaning to derail this thread, but please explain this white noise machine ???? Is it one of those music players that people put in infants bedrooms that plays music and ocean noises ? It is really that much of a help ? ( I haven't slept in 15 yrs because of my husband. Lol ! I now have my own bedroom because I couldn't function on 3 hrs of sleep each night. )

    I have a white noise app on my phone for when I'm away, but i just use a fan at home. The machine i used to have was a combination with a clock; all it does is play whatever sound you choose that doesn't have much variation. My phone app has options like heavy rain, light rain, thunderstorm, flowing loud ups or quiet downs, just constant level of noise to help cover any other noises that might wake you up at night
  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    How did that happen??? Was it witchcraft??? It must have been!!!

    Or maybe I just treated him like an adult and let him come to the realization on his own. It takes some people a bit longer to get to that moment when the light bulb goes on.

    And sometimes it never happens. My wife and I have been together 23 years, and she still smokes. I agree that adults get to make their own choices and that kind of choice has to be the person's own idea. I disagree that letting someone make their own choices means that they'll eventually make the one you think is right.

    OP, if this weight-related dynamic is truly a deal-breaker for you, you need to walk away now. If not, you need to get over it. Maybe one day he'll change, but maybe this is what the rest of your life together will look like, regardless of what you do or don't do.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Thank you both for answering my question. I will search for an app right now ! I seriously can't even sleep with my husband in the next room. ( he snores, coughs, gets up and down 55433344 times, and even walks around ),so even though we now have separate rooms , I'm still bothered by all his noise. I must sleep with a Tv on and a fan to try to drown out his noise. The tv is often annoying and the fan is cold! So yes I'm whining, but I haven't slept in 15 yrs so I deserve to whine and make this thread about ME now ! Lol ! ( sorry op, I really didn't want to derail your thread !)
  • 100df
    100df Posts: 668 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Not meaning to derail this thread, but please explain this white noise machine ???? Is it one of those music players that people put in infants bedrooms that plays music and ocean noises ? It is really that much of a help ? ( I haven't slept in 15 yrs because of my husband. Lol ! I now have my own bedroom because I couldn't function on 3 hrs of sleep each night. )

    I have a white noise app on my phone for when I'm away, but i just use a fan at home. The machine i used to have was a combination with a clock; all it does is play whatever sound you choose that doesn't have much variation. My phone app has options like heavy rain, light rain, thunderstorm, flowing loud ups or quiet downs, just constant level of noise to help cover any other noises that might wake you up at night

    Here's the one I'm using -

    I like the "white" noise setting. There are many different sounds but the white noise is what we're used to. I have a white noise app on my Kindle for travel. I'm not kidding that the white noise saved us. He sleeps because I don't wake him to stop snoring. I sleep because he isn't keeping me awake.

    My daughter uses one too. It sounds like dueling sound machines in my house at night.
  • racingislife97
    racingislife97 Posts: 40 Member
    OP, Don't let yourself enable your cravings for junkfood by blaming them on your boyfriend. If you're ready to lose weight, do it. If you want your boyfriend to lose weight, lead by example.

    The night snoring and squealing is a different issue. I've had roommates with sleep apnea, and gave serious consideration to smothering them to shut them up. I feel your pain. This is where you need to make your stand to figure out what your lives together in the future will be like. A sleep study is easy, and I've never met an apnea sufferer who didn't wish they had sucked it up and did the sleep study "a long time ago". You'll both feel a lot better after bringing a CPAP into your life. Of course, the other option, assuming you aren't going to dump him, is to sleep in different rooms, possibly at different ends of the house. As in weight loss, it's up to you.

    People usually consider my evaluations to be blunt and insensitive, something I'm working on in 2016, so, puppies and kittens.
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    I only have one more thing to add to this: i had a very good friend who had sleep apnea, and he died from it when he was 23. Just quit breathing one night and didn't wake up to start again. Pretty devastating for everyone involved, and i strongly urge a sleep study....not just to stop the noise that's keeping you awake.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Hubby and I have had separate rooms for 20 years. Possibly the secret to our happy marriage.

  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    spkout2005 wrote: »
    A spouse should be supportive..anything short of that a deff indicator of bigger probs to come and prob a divorce if your stromg enough for it

    Well since they're not married they probably aren't divorcing.

    But this male you are describing appears to be an immature child. If you grow up and he doesn't there are going to be problems in the relationship.

    Go luck.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Don't get me wrong, I really love having my own room. I rest and relax better by myself and definitely can not sleep next to another human. ( I can't even sleep with my child in my bed once he was old enough to kick and move around a lot )
    But I'm still awoken all night by the noises from my husband in the next room. Once I hear it, I can't help but fixate on how much it drives me nuts . so I've downloaded several white noise apps ( thank you everyone here ! ) I hope I can sleep tonight!

    As far as the op and the conversation as to whether she should " nag" or not. I would not advise her to nag him.
    I remember every single time that my husband brought up my weight. I'm sure he did it out of concern, but it backfired each time. Even when he would make it about health or fitness. I wasn't ready for change and the comments made me resent the idea even more.
    People change when they are good and ready to. Change must come from within ones self. If and when ops husband is ready, he will. Otherwise those constant comments of concern may turn to resentment. Then that would likely push him further away from the idea .
    Op- continue to do what you want and lead by example. You can do this without the support of your husband if needed. Make this all about you and bettering yourself. Maybe he will catch on once he sees all the positive changes and even if he never does , at least you accomplished it for yourself . we can't change loved ones , they must be ready and willing.
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »

    As far as the op and the conversation as to whether she should " nag" or not. I would not advise her to nag him.
    I remember every single time that my husband brought up my weight. I'm sure he did it out of concern, but it backfired each time. Even when he would make it about health or fitness. I wasn't ready for change and the comments made me resent the idea even more.
    People change when they are good and ready to. Change must come from within ones self. If and when ops husband is ready, he will. Otherwise those constant comments of concern may turn to resentment. Then that would likely push him further away from the idea .
    Op- continue to do what you want and lead by example. You can do this without the support of your husband if needed. Make this all about you and bettering yourself. Maybe he will catch on once he sees all the positive changes and even if he never does , at least you accomplished it for yourself . we can't change loved ones , they must be ready and willing.

    Augmenting the highlighted comments from my own perspective/experience ...
    1. As the one who was nagged for years, I can say from my own experience ... don't. For me it led to more frustration and more overeating of crap food.
    2. There will eventually be a moment of self-revelation and self-determination, at which point he will be truly ready.
    3. And do so quietly and consistently. Don't be self-righteous about it.

    Finally, don't get annoyed with your partner if/when he sees the light, and surpasses you. (Yes, this happened too)

  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    Over the last year, I have been the only person in my family actively trying to lose weight. The hubby and three kids were not. Here's what I learned:

    1. Their weight does not effect mine.
    2. "I statements" work. As in "I feel like you aren't taking me seriously when you buy me pizza, and that hurts my feelings."
    3. Sometimes I act irrationally and I need to take responsibility for it. This pertains to food choices and dieting and how I treat my husband.
    4. The only person I can control is my myself.