Time to shift these moobs!

Hi Folks,
Its that time of year again! Three years I've been trying to get fit and healthy each time it falls by the wayside. I downloaded the app again just before Christmas and was quite disturbed to see that I gained 28lbs since I first starting trying in 2013!.
This time is different, I'm not getting younger so I need to make the change now. Got myself a Basis Peak and some trendy bluetooth scales.
I'm hesitating over a weight goal so for now I'm set to lose 40lb then I'll see how I feel. I'm also tracking fat% which is currently 33% which probably accounts for the moobs!
Another difference this time is the community aspect of it, I've not bothered before so perhaps this is the motivation I need.
I'm getting the feel of my food diary but I'm currently going through that clear out the Christmas food stage (yeah I know its bad but the chocolate should be gone by the end of the week!)
I know blokes are not as open about weight loss but I'm giving it my best and I'll be taking my 'before' pictures this week then hopefully get rid of the moobs!
P.S. UK guy here!


  • rodofgod
    rodofgod Posts: 20 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good luck mate. I know how you feel. I went from 23st down to 12st8lb over about 30 months but sadly, over the last 2 years or so I've crept back up to 18st so I'm now back on it. Feel free to add me if you want, I'm also from the UK.
  • NofatdaddyMike
    NofatdaddyMike Posts: 574 Member
    Good luck to you! i am getting a Basis Peak this weekend. Very excited since I think this is going to be a great device. I have been almost 300 pounds for three years now. I lose 20 or so, and gain it back. This has to stop since I am now going to be 51 very soon. I have Moobs also and I shouldn't.
  • TheBeachgod
    TheBeachgod Posts: 825 Member
    Good luck! I'm working on the gut and moobs. I joined a gym this week and am doing a 60 day self challenge. Bascially allowing myself to be obsessive for 60 days knowing it won't be for a lifetime, then tapering off to a more normal diet and lifestyle. I just posted before shots in my blog a few minutes ago.