Eating 1x day to stay under calories



  • meh90
    meh90 Posts: 2 Member
    The word that stood out for me was depression. I have battled it myself. Taking care of yourself may mean getting the help you need for the depression first. See your primary physician first, so he can rule out any physical reasons for your tiredness like hypothyroidism or anemia. If that is ruled out, you may need counseling and/or anti-depressants. You sound like you have a lot going on in your life. Take care of you first so you can take care of the other loved ones in your life. God bless!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Op, what you are doing is 'faddy' and unecessary (I mean this in the nicest way possible) :)
    Take it from someone who has tried every 'diet' advertised and heavily dabbled with these 'miracle pills'. It isn't going to happen for you that way, it really really isn't.

    Eat when you are hungry, track and log your food and calories to keep on track and make sure you are incorporating those foods that you find filling so you don't feel deprived. As well as that, ensure you are in fact eating at a SENSIBLE deficit and not a restrictive one.

    This doesn't need to be hard. You do not have to be sitting there starving hungry and struggling. If you are new to eating at a deficit, your body will probably need to adapt to less food and you probably will feel the effects temporarily. Your body is suddenly saying "..Hang on, where is all that food I'm used to?". Hang in there.
  • vczK2t
    vczK2t Posts: 309 Member
    I usually will eat 2 cups of ramen for lunch because they are cheap (2 for a dollar) but seeing as they are 600 calories, that just takes my lunch and makes it so it's a bad idea to eat. IDK what else I can snag that's super cheap and will keep me full. I figure if I don't eat until dinner and combine it with an appetite suppressant, I can keep hunger at bay and still stay in budget

    rice, beans, frozen/canned vegetables and fruit, tuna in a can with water. there are any # of things you can buy at the grocery to make your budget stretch easily and not eat 600 calories worth of ramen noodles. it's all salt. if it's JUST you that you have to worry about, think about me and my husband and my furry family members only being able to spend $50/week. we have no problems making that amount stretch for a week.
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    try more protein and fats in diet. you will not feel hungry like with lots of carbs
  • Wophie
    Wophie Posts: 126 Member
    Fill up on high carb fruits such as banana with oatmeal in the mornings (or even Greek yogurt). Have a mostly veg based lunch with healthy carbs such as beans, quiona, sweet potato etc plus protein of choice (cheese is cheap). Once you've done that you should be able to calculate and weigh how much you are allowed to eat for dinner.
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    For a little over $20, I could get two bags of frozen chicken, which lasts me an entire week for lunch and dinner, some frozen veggies for about $12, which lasts about a week and a bag of potatos and a bag of rice for another $10. The remaining $8 you should be able to get about 2 dozen eggs for breakfast. Problem solved.