newborn baby and pregnancy weight...



  • palomapavlova
    palomapavlova Posts: 38 Member
    I am a first time mum to a 10 month old, exclusively breastfeeding (now with solids as well). I gained about 30lbs during my pregnancy and have lost over 50lbs since then. I've been off-track the last couple of months but haven't regained.
    When I was actively losing, I ate between 1600-1800 calories and cut out sweets entirely. I found that I was eating way too much sugar while sitting at home with my baby and once I stopped, I lost weight easily. It took a couple of weeks but I eventually stopped craving sugar. Normally, I think restricting something completely isn't realistic but my sugar addiction is so bad that I can never have just one of anything sweet. For me it's best to not have anything tempting in the house.
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,986 Member
    Hey there! I have a 2 month old baby boy (in addition to my 13 year old son, 10 year old son, and 7 year old son). Feel free to add me - but make sure to include a message about where you found me. :grin::flowerforyou:
  • palomapavlova
    palomapavlova Posts: 38 Member
    Also, just to add, don't restrict your calories too much! Although there were days I ate only 1600 calories, I generally tried to stay around 1800. You need your energy to breastfeed, especially if you aren't getting much sleep with a new baby. Go easy on yourself, it takes time to lose the baby weight. Be kind to yourself and your body, you made a human after all!
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    I have a 3 month old as well and I'm having problems losing. I think I was restricting too much so I'd end the day eating everything which would put me well over my calorie goal. I used one of the calculators above and it said to eat 2100 since I'm breastfeeding. I had my goal set to 1600! Go figure. I do exercise 3-4x a week also so I guess I just need to eat more!

    Feel free to add me!
  • LernRach
    LernRach Posts: 286 Member
    I have a 5 month old and have lost 10 of the 18 I need to lose (and then another 30 non preg related lbs!) I'm not breastfeeding, have about 1500 calories but burn approx 1000 a day as I pound the streets with the buggy. I am happy for it to go slowly, as long as it is moving.... I'm also on predisnolone which doesn't help matter at all, but I am determined! if you want to add me, feel free!
    (going back to work in 10 days so will need to really work hard to keep to diet...!!!)
  • bbilliethecat
    bbilliethecat Posts: 62 Member
    losing weight from breastfeeding is hogwash ! i breastfed my first two for over two years each and i just gained and gained . to be fair, i took that 'eating for two' for granted :P my lot are now 5, 3, and 4-months . the last one (and it is my last, got the pain from getting my tubes tied a couple if days ago to prove it !) is the only one that's helped me lose weight from exclusive breastfeeding, but i discovered i didn't need heaps of food to make milk since i've always had a problem with oversupply . as long as he's over the 70 percentile range for weight gain, i'm one happy mama :D i eat about 1500 calories and that's more than enough for him unless he's sick or teething (little dude has two vicious chompers already . pain, so much pain lol) .

    to make it through the day with my head intact, i walk far distances to destinations that will keep the kids entertained, for example playgrounds, zoos, museums etc . and i drink a minimum of 12 cups of water a day . i consider that's washing away all the crap from my body . water does help :)

    good luck, and feel free to add me :)
  • smily5q
    smily5q Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, just thought I'd add my experience. My daughter is 17 months, was exclusively breastfed and now still bf once a day. After having her I was 165 pounds. pre pregnancy/ goal weight 130-135. I did nothing until she was 6 months, let myself eat what I wanted and not much exercise, maybe an hour light exercise at a buggy fit class in the local park, nothing else (no time when small person surgically attached to me for most of the day!). At 6 months she was baptised and I saw myself in photos. Chunky with chipmunk cheeks. oops! So much for breastfeeding helping weight loss. I hired a personal trainer for 3 months before I went back to work at 9 months, and started just eating a little healthier, not tracking, but cutting out the cakes and watching portion size. After those 3 months I had dropped a dress size and was about 148 pounds. I'm back on here now, restarting with a new username, since by the new year I hadn't lost any more, and slowly it's working again (now at 142), I'd just say go easy on yourself in the early days/months, make sure you're making enough calories for baby. It's far easier to drop calorie intake once baby starts solids, and not so reliant on you :-)
    Yes, you are right! Baby needs first! For now I thought I should just make healthy choices in my diet! :smile: For example, instead of eating cake or donat my friend suggestion was 2 tab sp tahini, 1tab sp Cocoa powder, 1 banana :wink: I like it! And walking with the stroller is good enough exercise for now

  • smily5q
    smily5q Posts: 9 Member
    I can't find how to add friends :neutral: please add me if you want
  • vvento
    vvento Posts: 28 Member
    owlcake wrote: »
    Kinda bummed today I did my weigh in and I gained a lb. I followed 1800 and was under all week and went for walks on most days of week. I was expecting at least a 1 lb. so I have dropped my calories 1600. I am taking extra precaution with my milk supply and taking fenugreek and milk tea and pumping at least once a day. And eating oatmeal everyday. I hope next week I will see the scale move.

    Our little girl is 2months this Friday and my wife is down slightly below her pre-pregnancy weight at 2200. we both eat around the same meals a day with myself having an additional just because I've been able to keep working out (she just got the okay from the doctor about a week ago).

    As for weigh-ins, I wouldn't worry too much about gaining 1lb over the course of a week as there can be many factors. I would suggest a weigh-in every couple of days to mark your trends as everyone fluctuates (i weigh daily to track more precisely).

    Some key points when weighing-in are:
    1. same time of day everytime
    2. do you hyrdate every morning (same food if any, I'll usually drink 1 16oz shaker of water and have a coffee before my dialy weigh-in
    3. are you weighing in with clothes, (this could be a big change)
    4. I stick to the motto "if you ain't gone poo, the weight ain't true!" just a little humor to keep it fun daily.

    overall, if you'd like to add her lookup elisabethvandenberg22 or you can add myself as we have the same diet normally. we also weigh everything and make recipes so I would suggest a food scale to keep track. Good Luck and you moms are doing great! setting an awesome example for your kids healthly future!
  • smily5q
    smily5q Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks Vvento