Christmas and the gift of blubber.

Guess I’m not the only maintainer who gained over Christmas and New Year?

Had a triple whammy of lots of lovely food at home, loads of fun social events involving eating and drinking, plus my back went into severe spasm which restricted my activity.
So I sat on my *kitten* too much, eating, drinking and being very merry!
So far so good but the downside is that I was already a couple of pounds over my upper warning limit before the break and Monday morning returning to work revealed I was now 9lbs over.

As I detest every day calorie restriction (frustrating, tedious, saps my energy levels) and also like experimenting with different ways of eating here’s my plan……

Alternate day dieting - one day with a really large deficit followed by a day with a small, or even no, deficit.
Large deficit will typically be on my cardio/cycling days, small or no deficit days will be when I’m strength training and/or have social events to enjoy.
I’ve started food logging again so I can keep track of the deficit and also make sure I keep my protein levels up while cutting.

Obviously my plan wouldn’t suit everyone but adherence is a very personal thing.

What are your plans to get back on track / get back to goal weight range?


  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    I gained 2lbs. Im doing a short sharp defecit to get rid and then back to maintainance. Nothing unhealthy and shouldnt take long.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    I gained 3lbs. I'm just going back to normal and letting those pounds come off as they like. Also started half marathon training on Monday, so that won't hurt the process.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    I enjoyed every damn second of the four pounds of holiday gain. I probably shouldn't have done that when I'll likely need to make weight for a meet on the 23rd. I just threw a 500 calorie deficit back in the mix this past Monday with the same macros though i'm thinking of increasing my carbs a bit so my workouts don't suffer too much. If I don't see something substantial come off this week i'll probably add in a cardio session or two for a few weeks. Ughh cardio.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    edited January 2016
    My diet consisted of cookies for breakfast and snacks, LOTS of peanut brittle, and a bunch of Mexican food over the Christmas/New Years break. I tracked as close as I could, and even though I am in the heat of marathon training, I still ate enough I should have put on 1-2 lbs. I was already at the low end of my maintenance range so I had some wiggle room.

    When I got back home I was down 4 lbs and below my lower weight limit... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Dreysander
    Dreysander Posts: 294 Member
    I gained 5ish lbs, it's all gone now though :)
  • i ate (and drank lol) with no restraint. probably ate 3000 calories on one occasion. i went from 125 to 130 :neutral: but im back to dieting and excersizing now haha :smile:
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    I think we all have the key - to get back on it (whatever "it" is) and not delay in dealing with the gain.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    Guess I’m not the only maintainer who gained over Christmas and New Year?

    Had a triple whammy of lots of lovely food at home, loads of fun social events involving eating and drinking, plus my back went into severe spasm which restricted my activity.
    So I sat on my *kitten* too much, eating, drinking and being very merry!
    So far so good but the downside is that I was already a couple of pounds over my upper warning limit before the break and Monday morning returning to work revealed I was now 9lbs over.

    As I detest every day calorie restriction (frustrating, tedious, saps my energy levels) and also like experimenting with different ways of eating here’s my plan……

    Alternate day dieting - one day with a really large deficit followed by a day with a small, or even no, deficit.
    Large deficit will typically be on my cardio/cycling days, small or no deficit days will be when I’m strength training and/or have social events to enjoy.
    I’ve started food logging again so I can keep track of the deficit and also make sure I keep my protein levels up while cutting.

    Obviously my plan wouldn’t suit everyone but adherence is a very personal thing.

    What are your plans to get back on track / get back to goal weight range?
    Since I'm 3# above GW I figure I'm in maintenance now. As I sneak off the last few pounds I was considering slowing down my deficit. Maybe I'll try that every other day approach as on days when I eat a little more I'm usually not as interested in food the next day.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Seems I only gained 2 pounds (well it was more, but that's what's left after losing the water weight), which I'm really surprised about because I had a *really* bad month (Thanksgiving, a wedding, Christmas, with two PMS weeks in the middle).

    Been back on track for 10 days though, 300 calorie deficit, although I guess it was closer to maintenance for 3 days as I was sick and didn't exercise. Turns out that eating 1900 calories is just right for me when I'm not in hormonal hell.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I've got an extra 5-7 lbs of extra fluff. Thanks, new hometown (Las Vegas, baby!!!). So many buffets and holiday parties and socializing. Totally worth it.

    Now that the festivities are done, I plan on just doing what I've done previously. A modest 1/2 lb/week deficit, continuing my strength program, and hitting the macros/micros.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    edited January 2016
    Interesting to see the different approaches, good luck to everyone.

    Great to hear people enjoyed their break. Maintainers seem to be split between those that find maintenance hard and restrictive (harder than losing) and others that take bumps in their stride.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    edited January 2016
    You and me both, Sijomial. Increased my number of fast days (3 since Jan 2nd) and went back to logging food on non fast days, as my blubber was not only from Christmas :( . But after 3 fast days and some very normal normal days, I'm down 2kg of water bloat and back on track to relose 4kg I'd gained since July and than finally lose those last two pesky ones! I'm in a better mindset than in the last half year, thus they will come off....such a mind game it is.

    If I know anyone determined enough to get those 9lb down, it's you!
  • must_deflate
    must_deflate Posts: 183 Member
    mmm pumpkin pie
    NORTHSEA76 Posts: 18 Member
    My goal for the holidays was not (NOT!) To gain but 1 pound. On January 1st, on the scale I stood, and peeking down below was not only a 1 but a 9 (yes,9!!) pound gain. Enter myfitnesspal. My sister uses this with great success so that day I decided. And why not? All my homemade almond roca, fruitcake, cookie gifts, and fancy nuts were gone, as was the Christmas Yorkshire pudding
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I was about 4 lbs above my recent low weight (ignoring the quite impressive amounts of water weight - 5 lbs in one day!), which was about 12 lbs above where I want to be ultimately. I'm not too bothered about it - I've been "maintaining" for a year and although my weight drifted up a bit, it's not like I don't know what to do, plus I love the feasting over the Holidays. I enjoy it.

    My strategy is to whip a few pounds off really quickly to start with (300 cal deficits, plus not eating back much exercise) and then gradually ease back by increasing calories. It worked for me when I lost the Great Wodge of Lard initially to get it off quickly to start with (motivation..), and then gradually increase calories. Most important thing for me was to listen carefully to my body the day after workouts - sometimes I 'll eat back more than others if I feel the need (low blood sugar).
  • spzjlb
    spzjlb Posts: 599 Member
    This thread is really helpful to my self-esteem. I am so glad to see that I am not the only one who gained and that you are all taking it in stride.

    I was doing so well - I'd had a fair bit of international travel in Nov-Dec and cautiously stopped logging for the first time since 2014. I was so pleased with the outcome (no gains, even hitting an all-time low that I never dreamed I would really ever reach), that I presumed that I could manage the holidays. Alas, the extra glasses of wine, sausage rolls, caramel popcorn, snacking, etc. were too much and combined with a few days of terrible weather that prevented my old-lady jogging, I was up about 4 lbs. I'm pretty small, so that's a lot on my frame - I could even feel my clothes getting a bit snugger. Sigh. I'm back logging and counting. I assumed that I'd gain a pound or maybe two, but there is no pretending that my 4 lbs are water.

    I feel better reading everyone's comments and calm demeanor. Happy 2016!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    Guess I’m not the only maintainer who gained over Christmas and New Year?

    Had a triple whammy of lots of lovely food at home, loads of fun social events involving eating and drinking, plus my back went into severe spasm which restricted my activity.
    So I sat on my *kitten* too much, eating, drinking and being very merry!
    So far so good but the downside is that I was already a couple of pounds over my upper warning limit before the break and Monday morning returning to work revealed I was now 9lbs over.

    As I detest every day calorie restriction (frustrating, tedious, saps my energy levels) and also like experimenting with different ways of eating here’s my plan……

    Alternate day dieting - one day with a really large deficit followed by a day with a small, or even no, deficit.
    Large deficit will typically be on my cardio/cycling days, small or no deficit days will be when I’m strength training and/or have social events to enjoy.
    I’ve started food logging again so I can keep track of the deficit and also make sure I keep my protein levels up while cutting.

    Obviously my plan wouldn’t suit everyone but adherence is a very personal thing.

    What are your plans to get back on track / get back to goal weight range?

    I feel your pain! I too got gifts that I cannot "regift"...

    I started a deficit too, and I like the idea of alternate day deficits.. I started a daily deficit and today was cardio day and I burned a boat load of calories and ready to chew my arm off..

    to get the most out that burn the deficit would make sense to stay big... I am in control of it, but I still want to chew my arm off.. I hurts! LOL
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    I was 138 before Christmas and 157 at my highest weight, January 2nd, lol. I'm just going to stick to a slight deficit until I hit 138 again... only 7 pounds to go.
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,523 Member
    Gained 3 lbs from Christmas Eve until Jan 4th. But we had lots of fun gatherings and a 6 day visit to see our son and two little grandsons in another state.

    Ate, drank, did not log or exercise since my back was hurting. Enjoyed every bite.

    But have gotten back to logging at a deficit and walking my 10000 steps/day.
    Already down 2 of those lbs. MFP is such a motivator. Before MFP I would have just said to heck with it and kept right on gaining.

    Good luck to all.

    I love the saying "it's not what you eat from Thanksgiving to Christmas but what you eat from Christmas to Thanksgiving that counts".
  • BernieMBurke
    BernieMBurke Posts: 206 Member
    I guess I'm one of those outliers. I normally weigh myself every Saturday morning. Since I was out of town on December 26th, I skipped that Saturday and didn't weigh in until January 2nd. I actually lost 2.6 pounds. I'm now officially in the healthy BMI. I've only got 3.2 pounds to get to my UGW (170 - my range will be 166 - 174). Doctor has told me not to lose any more.