Christmas and the gift of blubber.



  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    I ate like a pig Christmas Eve and Christmas day. Probably 3000-5000 over maintenance calories for those 2 days. I just went back to eating normally the day after. All the water weight is gone and I didn't gain any weight.
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited January 2016
    Xmas i gained 2lbs and lost it in the following days. I ate about 3000 calories.

    New Years however i ate about 4000ish ( but salty foods)
    I went from 144 lbs to a whopping 153.8 lbs have to wonder evendo it is water weight were it comes from.

    So approach was to take it easy the next days and for now i lost about 8 of them. So not to bad
    I have cut a bit back the first days, also because i was feeling bad/sick bloated etc.
    But back to my normal schedule of 1950 calories a day since yesterday.

    I didn't drink more water or whatever i just went back to cutting a bit the first 4 days and that will have to do. When not we just cut a little longer. But for now the weight is going down with about a pound or more a day.

  • reachingunder120
    reachingunder120 Posts: 21 Member
    Between December 24th to January 3rd I gained 2.5 pounds so not too bad I guess. Can't do anything about it now but get back on track.
  • losingitseattle
    losingitseattle Posts: 90 Member
    Up 3 lbs from mid Nov (start of Holidays for me as it starts with my birthday). Had lots of treats and sampled it all. Back on cutting 200-300 calories a day from maintenance calories and I already feel better. I don't have to change anything at the gym as I teach classes so I have to be there so never stopped my workouts. Gain was all pure food. Mathematically I ate an avg of an extra 200 calories a day to gain that over 50 days. That's not very much if you think about it. Easy to do!
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I ate like a pig over Christmas!! I gained 3 lbs, which I thought was not bad at all! I tried to keep up on exercise during that time so that probably helped some. I started logging again on Monday (settings on MFP to lose a half pound a week) and I've already taken off 2 of those pounds so definitely some water weight. Even though I didn't gain much, I feel like my body feels more marshmallowy, lol.
  • ilovesweeties
    ilovesweeties Posts: 84 Member
    I didn't just indulge over Christmas, I indulged from my holiday in Nov to New Year's day... loved almost every second of it, apart from Christmas Day where I think I took it too far with the tin of Miniature Heroes.

    Scale said 6 gained from goal on 2 Jan and I feel fluffier than usual! It wasn't as much water weight as I'd hoped either as I am only 2 down today :neutral:

    I am also reassured to hear from maintainers who gained over Christmas though (and jealous of everyone who lost weight whilst feasting). I find a large deficit frustrating now I am done with the main phase of losing. I don't want to stick to it at weekends and as a result, water, sodium and extra food put my weight all over the place. I find it really hard to see what is going on over a couple of weeks, which I hate; I don't have the patience to wait for things to settle. So, I am set again to lose 1 lb/week (~2000 kcal) and hopefully I'll be at my original goal weight in a month or so. Thinking of losing 5 more after that and I might finally be set for recomp? Although I think that's for another thread... :laugh:
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,242 MFP Moderator
    I feel your pain! I'm not at my max 'weight range' number yet, but it's getting close (uncomfortably so). I probably need to stop eating all the chocolatez. But my birthday is very soon, so I'm not really going to get back on track until next week - AFTER I've had cake.

    I intend to be very, very good next week, and keep being very very good until I'm back at mid-point of my maintenance range. For me, that means actually getting 3 runs per week in, staying at or under my calorie allotment. I don't usually do anything special - I just get back in the saddle and pay extra close attention to what I'm doing until I'm back to normal.

    Though I'm thinking about throwing in some body-weight exercises on alternate run days. I need to do something other than cardio... I've just been to lazy to do it (for YEARS I've been too lazy....). Sigh.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited January 2016
    umm I didn't gain at all :smiley: there was a fluctuation up of 2lbs for about a week and then it was gone...whoosh :smile:
    This is my third Christmas maintaining and for the past two years I haven't gained... I am of course feeling proud of myself lol

    (ate about 500 cals above maintenance for 2 days and then back to maintenance since then)
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    edited January 2016
    I gained about 6 pounds since September. I also strategically did a lot of heavy squatting and deadlifting, so a lot of it went to my @ss. I'm as heavy as I was last Christmas but still in my smaller clothes and look way better in photos, so the weightlifting has been effective! I'm tightening up my logging and going back down to a small deficit as well as the natural decrease in drinking and day-long feasts. I plan to get a body fat test in 11 weeks to see if my composition has improved from last year. I had goals to not gain during the holidays, but now I think I'll just embrace the yearly butt-building opportunity since I know how to get back to summer body.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    My first week "deficit cycling" week went well - hope everyone else fighting the same fight is also having success.
    Total deficit 4174 cals for the week. Lost 3.5lbs (a lot of water weight and not shoving so much volume of food down my cake hole).

    Daily deficits were:

    Back injury healing well, exercise was good and almost back to full training. 4211 exercise calories for the week.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    I gained 6 pounds between Nov. 20 and Jan. 4, and loved EVERY SECOND of my indulgences. I'm now back to sensible eating and weighing/logging everything. Feels like my life is back to normal now!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm already only 1.5 pound over what I was 2 months ago.
  • Vcorz
    Vcorz Posts: 75 Member
    I gained 12 pounds, and went up a pant size. Still worth it. I'll eventually lose it, I guess...I just feel very potbellied and jiggly right now.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I was up 9 lbs up from my maintenance goal as of 2 weeks ago. Gained almost 6 lbs of it between mid October and Christmas. Like whmscll said, I enjoyed every crumb and drop. YES! Now I'm working on getting back down and back in shape. Well, until Saturday when I head to Mexico lol.
  • mom2ava07
    mom2ava07 Posts: 186 Member
    I'm up a total of 4 lbs from the holiday season. Oddly enough, none of it came from the days I overindulged and instead I seemed to put on the weight once I went back to eating like normal. I suspect weight must not always show up immediately, but may take a couple days to show up. I truthfully didn't go overboard as much as I wanted too, and tried to log the best I could but alas, here I am up 4 lbs. I haven't resorted to eating at a huge deficit just yet since I'm only up 1 lb from my weight range I set, but fearing those few pounds may turn into several.