I've dropped 90lbs before...let's go again.

Ballooned up to 330. Got down to 245. Currently 270.

I've lost the weight before. I simply stopped trying when I was satisfied with the loss.

But that's not how this works.

I've re-committed to my health now that I'm 26, as I've just become tired of always being the fat guy. It's been fun but it's time to get real.

Here's how I did it the first time: lots of water, limited calories and working out six days a week. I cut out fast food, sweets and sugars, snacking and my beloved pizza. I didn't give up drinking though (Irish).

This time around I'm not going to be as aggressive. This time it's more about long-term health than quick results.

I'm not trying to be mean but if you really want to be successful:

STOP drinking sugary drinks. Juice, milk and water will find you well.

STOP eating fast food, pizza, or any of that processed garbage. Avoid it as much as poasible.

STOP snacking. If you are serious about dropping the weight, find the discipline to wait to eat until meals. Drink a glass of water instead.

Just a few tips. If you want more, add me. I've been through this before. I've gained some back. If you want respectful, but honest, support, I'm your guy.

Let's do this together and kick health's *kitten*.


  • Clobern80
    Clobern80 Posts: 714 Member
    Not to argue, but plenty of people lose weight eating pizza, fast food and processed garbage in moderation. It may not be the best way, but it can be done. Also, juice is a very sugary drink; it's better to eat the actual fruit. And snacking is something that many, MANY people do while losing weight.

    None of those things alone will guarantee success or make you fail as you imply, but they may help or hinder where willpower is not working.

    But to each their own. Best of luck to you.
  • beardybuddha73
    beardybuddha73 Posts: 53 Member
    I was just saying what worked for me. Snacking always just made me hungrier which just made it harder to resist eating more.

    I had tried to lose weight plenty of times before i got to 330. But until I got serious and cut out pizza and all that garbage, I didn't lose much.

    And yes juice was a terrible example. Haha
  • gurlygirlrcr80
    gurlygirlrcr80 Posts: 162 Member
    I agree with you Beardy - I've lost 120 lbs and I'm working on getting down more. Sugar is the enemy and if anyone wants to be truly healthy, you do not eat fast food or garbage food. Just because you can lose weight eating crappy food, doesn't mean you should...
  • Clobern80
    Clobern80 Posts: 714 Member
    I agree with you Beardy - I've lost 120 lbs and I'm working on getting down more. Sugar is the enemy and if anyone wants to be truly healthy, you do not eat fast food or garbage food. Just because you can lose weight eating crappy food, doesn't mean you should...

    So you are saying it is unhealthy to sometimes have pizza, hamburgers, fried chicken, etc? That is why people fail; when they try to live their entire life without ever eating ice cream, cookies, or fast food. You CAN be healthy eating basically whatever you want as long as it is all in moderation. I never said you should live on a Big Mac diet, but anyone who says you have to go your entire life without ever putting any of those foods in your mouth again is incorrect.

    Yes, there are those who choose to be vegan, vegetarian, clean eating, keto, whatever... but that is not the only way to be healthy. You can have delicious things during your lifetime and enjoy them. We all only get one life, no reason in making it a stresser to never eat things you enjoy again.
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited January 2016
    What do you plan to do once you've lost the weight so that you'll keep it off this time?

    Only cut things out that you'll never eat again. If you plan to eat it again after you've lost the weight, eat it (in moderate amounts) while you lose the weight so that you learn how to work it into your overall lifestyle.

    Honestly, weight loss is the easy part when compared to actually keeping it off. I've lost hundreds of pounds over my lifetime. The thing is, they were same pounds over and over again because I didn't learn how to eat at maintenance. I went back to my non-diet foods and the weight crept back.

    This time, I'm losing weight by eating the foods I like but less of them. That way, maintenance will just mean having a slightly larger calorie budget than I did while losing.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    edited January 2016
    seska422 wrote: »
    What do you plan to do once you've lost the weight so that you'll keep it off this time?

    Only cut things out that you'll never eat again. If you plan to eat it again after you've lost the weight, eat it (in moderate amounts) while you lose the weight so that you learn how to work it into your overall lifestyle.

    Honestly, weight loss is the easy part when compared to actually keeping it off. I've lost hundreds of pounds over my lifetime. The thing is, they were same pounds over and over again because I didn't learn how to eat at maintenance. I went back to my non-diet foods and the weight crept back.

    This time, I'm losing weight by eating the foods I like but less of them. That way, maintenance will just mean having a slightly larger calorie budget than I did while losing.


    This is how I am managing maintenance as well. Who is to say what is healthier for someone else. There are no guarantees in life. Just because you eat what you think is healthy, does not mean you will be exempt from gaining weight back or getting some disease that could jeopardize your life.

    Moderation, portion control, moving more and common sense. Eat what you like in moderation. Life is too short to limit your self to certain foods that are deemed "healthier". What is more sustainable in the long term. It's the New Year, and there seems to be a lot more starting over again posts, than there are long term maintaining posts. I am not condemning, just saying, I have been there, done that, for too many years. This time I am trying to do it right. (2 years and 2 months maintaining. -160 plus pounds)
  • beardybuddha73
    beardybuddha73 Posts: 53 Member
    Because if I keep eating that stuff while I'm trying to lose I'll always lose more of it. I have to be cut and dry. I have to go cold turkey on things. It's just how my brain works.

    The reason I gained some back is because I just stopped living the healthy lifestyle that had me down 90 pounds.

    But I still kept most the weight off because I did develop good habits during my weight loss. My main message here is I simply stopped trying and now im trying again.

    Everyone is different but some people (like me) have to do it this way.

  • holliebaker90
    holliebaker90 Posts: 36 Member
    Because if I keep eating that stuff while I'm trying to lose I'll always lose more of it. I have to be cut and dry. I have to go cold turkey on things. It's just how my brain works.

    The reason I gained some back is because I just stopped living the healthy lifestyle that had me down 90 pounds.

    But I still kept most the weight off because I did develop good habits during my weight loss. My main message here is I simply stopped trying and now im trying again.

    Everyone is different but some people (like me) have to do it this way.

    I am the same way... I just have to completely cut myself off. I tell everyone around me that I am going "cold turkey" as well. People never stop trying to get you to eat stuff anyway... I am terrible at moderation and always have been!
  • Clobern80
    Clobern80 Posts: 714 Member
    Because if I keep eating that stuff while I'm trying to lose I'll always lose more of it. I have to be cut and dry. I have to go cold turkey on things. It's just how my brain works.

    The reason I gained some back is because I just stopped living the healthy lifestyle that had me down 90 pounds.

    But I still kept most the weight off because I did develop good habits during my weight loss. My main message here is I simply stopped trying and now im trying again.

    Everyone is different but some people (like me) have to do it this way.

    I apologize for coming off as crass, I guess it was because you said "I'm not trying to be mean but if you really want to be successful:" and then listed off things that not everyone has to do in order to succeed. There are those that truly have to cut things out and that is fine, I just want to let people know they can still succeed without following those rules, much like the others have said. Moderation :)

    I do wish you the best, though.
  • beardybuddha73
    beardybuddha73 Posts: 53 Member
    I've maintained the same weight for 4 years now. I know how to maintain while still eating the crap.

    This is for people like me who tried for years to "diet" and eat in moderation but always just ended up eating more and more of something like pizza because they kept it in their life.

    I'm not saying I'll NEVER eat pizza again. But I won't consider touching it until I'm totally satisfied with where I'm at with my health.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I'm not trying to be mean but if you really want to be successful:

    STOP drinking sugary drinks. Juice, milk and water will find you well.

    STOP eating fast food, pizza, or any of that processed garbage. Avoid it as much as poasible.

    STOP snacking. If you are serious about dropping the weight, find the discipline to wait to eat until meals. Drink a glass of water instead.

    No thanks, I like making progress while still including those foods in my diet. Maybe you should try as well which just might help you not regain...

  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    to each his own!!! I am not going to cut out things I love I am going to learn to eat them in moderation. Sugar is not the devil nor is it evil!! Losing weight is about calories in and calories out. People have lost and maintained weight by eating "crappy" foods all the time.This is a life style change and learning how to eat those things you love for the rest of your life.
  • beardybuddha73
    beardybuddha73 Posts: 53 Member
    clobern80 wrote: »
    Because if I keep eating that stuff while I'm trying to lose I'll always lose more of it. I have to be cut and dry. I have to go cold turkey on things. It's just how my brain works.

    The reason I gained some back is because I just stopped living the healthy lifestyle that had me down 90 pounds.

    But I still kept most the weight off because I did develop good habits during my weight loss. My main message here is I simply stopped trying and now im trying again.

    Everyone is different but some people (like me) have to do it this way.

    I apologize for coming off as crass, I guess it was because you said "I'm not trying to be mean but if you really want to be successful:" and then listed off things that not everyone has to do in order to succeed. There are those that truly have to cut things out and that is fine, I just want to let people know they can still succeed without following those rules, much like the others have said. Moderation :)

    I do wish you the best, though.

    Yeah I should've been more clear to start things out. This is for the folks who have tried to lose while still eating things they like such as pizza.

    I knew it'd pry ruffle a few feathers.

    Good luck to you too! At least we're all trying!
  • beardybuddha73
    beardybuddha73 Posts: 53 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    I'm not trying to be mean but if you really want to be successful:

    STOP drinking sugary drinks. Juice, milk and water will find you well.

    STOP eating fast food, pizza, or any of that processed garbage. Avoid it as much as poasible.

    STOP snacking. If you are serious about dropping the weight, find the discipline to wait to eat until meals. Drink a glass of water instead.

    No thanks, I like making progress while still including those foods in my diet. Maybe you should try as well which just might help you not regain...

    I just have to do it this way. It's the same way I stopped chewing tobacco. Cold turkey and overcome the cravings. It ain't for everybody. Was just hoping to find some folks that need a similar strategy. Good luck!
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    edited January 2016
    Right, what I'm saying is you have already tried this way and failed. Eliminating often leads to binging, which you have proven to be true in your case. Maybe you should try something else rather than trying a plan that has already failed for you?
  • beardybuddha73
    beardybuddha73 Posts: 53 Member
    vada44 wrote: »
    to each his own!!! I am not going to cut out things I love I am going to learn to eat them in moderation. Sugar is not the devil nor is it evil!! Losing weight is about calories in and calories out. People have lost and maintained weight by eating "crappy" foods all the time.This is a life style change and learning how to eat those things you love for the rest of your life.

    I guess an underlying point for me is why do I need to eat pizza? Sure I love it. It's delicious. But my body does not need that. At all. Ha-ha.

    So I don't see an issue with trying to cut things out entirely. Because that's how I have to operate to be successful. People say "you're just setting yourself up to fail."

    I say so what? Just my outlook.

  • beardybuddha73
    beardybuddha73 Posts: 53 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Right, what I'm saying is you have already tried this way and failed. Eliminating often leads to binging, which you have proven to be true in your case. Maybe you should try something else rather than trying a plan that has already failed for you?

    The plan didn't fail. My will to keep following it failed. And I haven't binged. So idk what you're talking about. Lol.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    You know what they say the definition of insanity is...

    Have you ever though about the psychological factor (pleasure) of food? Is that not needed? If you love pizza, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with pizza, why not try to fit it in on occasion. Sure, you can't eat pizza all the time, but there is 0 reason not to have it on occasion.

    I guess if you want to do something you have already failed at, again, just for the sake of it with no meaningful meaning other than "so what", than so be it. To each their own. Just don't try to imply that one must go about it haphazardly to be successful.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Right, what I'm saying is you have already tried this way and failed. Eliminating often leads to binging, which you have proven to be true in your case. Maybe you should try something else rather than trying a plan that has already failed for you?

    The plan didn't fail. My will to keep following it failed. And I haven't binged. So idk what you're talking about. Lol.
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Right, what I'm saying is you have already tried this way and failed. Eliminating often leads to binging, which you have proven to be true in your case. Maybe you should try something else rather than trying a plan that has already failed for you?

    The plan didn't fail. My will to keep following it failed. And I haven't binged. So idk what you're talking about. Lol.

    I call gaining weight back a failure, and a binge. Not sure what time frame you put that back on though, so binge might be a stretch depending on time frame.
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited January 2016
    clobern80 wrote: »
    Because if I keep eating that stuff while I'm trying to lose I'll always lose more of it. I have to be cut and dry. I have to go cold turkey on things. It's just how my brain works.

    The reason I gained some back is because I just stopped living the healthy lifestyle that had me down 90 pounds.

    But I still kept most the weight off because I did develop good habits during my weight loss. My main message here is I simply stopped trying and now im trying again.

    Everyone is different but some people (like me) have to do it this way.

    I apologize for coming off as crass, I guess it was because you said "I'm not trying to be mean but if you really want to be successful:" and then listed off things that not everyone has to do in order to succeed. There are those that truly have to cut things out and that is fine, I just want to let people know they can still succeed without following those rules, much like the others have said. Moderation :)

    I do wish you the best, though.

    Yeah I should've been more clear to start things out. This is for the folks who have tried to lose while still eating things they like such as pizza.

    I knew it'd pry ruffle a few feathers.

    Good luck to you too! At least we're all trying!
    Your initial post said that your weren't trying to be mean but, if someone wanted to succeed, they needed to do the things you listed. That's not true. People can succeed just fine without doing those things. There is no one true way.

    Your way isn't superior. Or inferior. It's just one way among many. People can succeed doing the things you listed. People can also succeed without doing the things you listed.

    Each person needs to experiment to find what works and doesn't work for themselves.