My new years resolution is to lose 100 pounds in 1 year. Has anybody ever succeeded in doing this?

I want to lose 100 pounds by Christmas 2016. Is this possible and has anybody ever lost 100 pounds in a year? If so, How did you lose the weight in a year? Thanks. :-) I appreciate all your answers. :-)


  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    Check out the success stories, there's some amazing people on there
  • dalielahdawn
    dalielahdawn Posts: 141 Member
    edited January 2016
    .how much do you have to lose? 100 pounds is a lot. It's doable in a year if you have much more than 100 over all to lose, say if you're 300++ lbs. but if you have exactly 100 to lose, it will be harder
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member

    What is your height and current weight?
  • newstart1988
    newstart1988 Posts: 154 Member
    .how much do you have to lose? 100 pounds is a lot. It's doable in a year if you have much more than 100 over all to lose, say if you're 300++ lbs. but if you have exactly 100 to lose, it will be harder
    I weigh 230 and I want to weigh 130
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Lots of people on here have and more!
  • newstart1988
    newstart1988 Posts: 154 Member

    What is your height and current weight?

    thanks! I am 5'9 and I currently weigh 230 pounds
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    .how much do you have to lose? 100 pounds is a lot. It's doable in a year if you have much more than 100 over all to lose, say if you're 300++ lbs. but if you have exactly 100 to lose, it will be harder
    I weigh 230 and I want to weigh 130

    How tall are you? :)
  • newstart1988
    newstart1988 Posts: 154 Member
    .how much do you have to lose? 100 pounds is a lot. It's doable in a year if you have much more than 100 over all to lose, say if you're 300++ lbs. but if you have exactly 100 to lose, it will be harder
    I weigh 230 and I want to weigh 130

    How tall are you? :)

  • erinc5
    erinc5 Posts: 329 Member
    edited January 2016
    Could you? Sure. You'll have to be VERY dedicated. You can probably drop to the first 50 lbs quite quickly, but the closer you get to your goal of 130, the harder it will be to drop those lbs, as your calorie intake will need to tighten up.

    130 is on the lower end of the BMI for your height, and lots of people who are trying to drop the last few lbs say it takes a while even though they don't have much to lose.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    That would put you at the lower end of your normal BMI range, which might be a bit ambitious to safely accomplish in a year.

    Have you entered your stats in the calorie calculator here? You can safely lose 2 lbs per week in the beginning while you are still obese, but as your weight drops, the amount that you can safely lose every week drops, too.

    Is there a specific reason why you want to lose that much weight in a year?
  • newstart1988
    newstart1988 Posts: 154 Member
    That would put you at the lower end of your normal BMI range, which might be a bit ambitious to safely accomplish in a year.

    Have you entered your stats in the calorie calculator here? You can safely lose 2 lbs per week in the beginning while you are still obese, but as your weight drops, the amount that you can safely lose every week drops, too.

    Is there a specific reason why you want to lose that much weight in a year?

    130 pounds has always been my goal weight
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    That would put you at the lower end of your normal BMI range, which might be a bit ambitious to safely accomplish in a year.

    Have you entered your stats in the calorie calculator here? You can safely lose 2 lbs per week in the beginning while you are still obese, but as your weight drops, the amount that you can safely lose every week drops, too.

    Is there a specific reason why you want to lose that much weight in a year?

    130 pounds has always been my goal weight

    Not saying it isn't possible for you to eventually get down to your goal. Eventually. I am saying that attempting it within your year's deadline is pretty ambitious. Is there a reason you want to lose than much in a single year? Like you're getting married? If not, perhaps consider slowing it down some so that you don't burn out. :)

  • newstart1988
    newstart1988 Posts: 154 Member
    That would put you at the lower end of your normal BMI range, which might be a bit ambitious to safely accomplish in a year.

    Have you entered your stats in the calorie calculator here? You can safely lose 2 lbs per week in the beginning while you are still obese, but as your weight drops, the amount that you can safely lose every week drops, too.

    Is there a specific reason why you want to lose that much weight in a year?

    130 pounds has always been my goal weight

    Not saying it isn't possible for you to eventually get down to your goal. Eventually. I am saying that attempting it within your year's deadline is pretty ambitious. Is there a reason you want to lose than much in a single year? Like you're getting married? If not, perhaps consider slowing it down some so that you don't burn out. :)
    I want to feel comfortable in my skin as soon as possible and start socializing again and not hiding out because of insecurities about my weight so 1 year seemed like the closest timeline for me to get to that point :-)

  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    It's possible and lots of people have done it. I wouldn't get too caught up in the time frame though. As you get smaller, the weight comes off slower. I've been at this for a year as of Jan 5, and am down 94.4lbs. I kind of hoped to reach my goal of losing 104lbs within a year...but since I hit about 80lbs lost, it's slowed down a lot. I'm okay with it though. Best of luck :)
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    i started a year ago at 260 and took it 10 pounds at a time. i have 30 to go.

    set realistic goals and create a plan you can follow for the rest of your life. losing the weight is easy compared to KEEPING it off.
  • newstart1988
    newstart1988 Posts: 154 Member
    It's possible and lots of people have done it. I wouldn't get too caught up in the time frame though. As you get smaller, the weight comes off slower. I've been at this for a year as of Jan 5, and am down 94.4lbs. I kind of hoped to reach my goal of losing 104lbs within a year...but since I hit about 80lbs lost, it's slowed down a lot. I'm okay with it though. Best of luck :)
    wow congrats! and thank you! :-)

  • newstart1988
    newstart1988 Posts: 154 Member
    i started a year ago at 260 and took it 10 pounds at a time. i have 30 to go.

    set realistic goals and create a plan you can follow for the rest of your life. losing the weight is easy compared to KEEPING it off.

    Good job! Thanks! :-)
  • SunnyDayzMomma
    SunnyDayzMomma Posts: 114 Member
    My goal is 90 pounds and I've lost 50 in 6 months. But I'm guessing that this second half will go slower than the first because the heavier you are the faster/easier you can drop. I've been very dedicated, setting my calorie goal for a 2 pound loss a week, rarely eating over my calorie limit except for special occasions, and often losing 3 pounds a week. I will say this though, that if extending your time by 2 or 3 or 4 months means you can mentally persevere to make it a lifestyle change instead of a diet, then it's soooo worth it to take longer. If you lose 100 pounds but are burnt out you can't maintain it, it's not worth it only taking a year. And consider that once you get to 200, then 180, then 150 etc you'll feel so dang good and sexy and you'll know that if it takes a little longer, that's ok. Its a nice round number, 100 in a year, but I honestly don't think that you're overweight enough to make it a reasonable goal. Someone who's 300 pounds at your height could totally lose 100 pounds in a year no problem. But keep in mind that when you've lost for example 80 pounds, you're going to be in a normal BMI and might have to fight for those last 20.
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    You are 2" taller than me with a goal 10lbs less than my goal of 140. I am at 150lbs right now down from 210lbs(started 7 years ago, I seem to get motivated in fits and starts, just maintaining in between). Don't be scared to slow down after the first 50 or 60lbs. My bet is you will feel amazing at 150-160lbs and be ok with the weight coming off slower. I feel pretty hot right now at 5'7" and 150. I am ok with the rest taking some time. Also, then j can save up and afford to buy great clothes.