There is no nice way to put this...



  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    I have had a mild case of this... It only happens once in awhile and usually its when I havn't had enough water. Maybe ask your doctor, they might have suggestions.
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 497 Member
    dang girl you ran so fast you made your bowels move! omg thats crazy! does this happen to everyone that runs? if so, not sure if i can handle that much "stress".

    not every runner, but a lot of us--esp long distance runners. Many of my friends are affected when we start to get up there in mileage (15+ miles or so). Some runners can't control it ... hells, 2005 London Marathon winner Paula Radcliffe pooped by the side of the road when she started to cramp up. Fortunately, this is not one of my issues.
  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    This is common for long distance runners. Don't have the solution??? oh my...
  • jbwegner
    jbwegner Posts: 254 Member
    dang girl you ran so fast you made your bowels move! omg thats crazy! does this happen to everyone that runs? if so, not sure if i can handle that much "stress".

    not every runner, but a lot of us--esp long distance runners. Many of my friends are affected when we start to get up there in mileage (15+ miles or so). Some runners can't control it ... hells, 2005 London Marathon winner Paula Radcliffe pooped by the side of the road when she started to cramp up. Fortunately, this is not one of my issues.

    You're kidding? She pooped on the side of the road?? How does that happen? Isn't it illegal?

    You people are not making me want to become a runner!
  • danielle4992
    danielle4992 Posts: 72 Member
    running is awesome and I have only had this happen maybe 3 times my whole life... please don't let this discourage you ...
  • shwendoll
    shwendoll Posts: 10
    Not everyone has this issue, so don't let one person's situation deter you from running! It's a great way to exercise!

    For the girl with runners tummy - yeah, I'd bring it up to your Dr. No doubt you are not alone.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    This happens to me pretty much every time I go jogging. My jogs are only 2.4 miles long but once I hit the 1 mile point and my heart rate is around 180 or higher, that's when I feel the urge. I have actually changed my jogging route so I can jog up to my friends house that is .95 miles away and use her bathroom! :laugh: Something that I have found helps control the urge is following the Couch to 5K running plan. This keeps my heart rate down closer to 165-170. I am still working on being able to jog longer distances (further than 1 mile straight) and I'm not sure how far your jogs are but maybe trying interval jogging would help you? I've been having some serious issues with constipation for months now so I am actually relieved by my jogs :wink: .
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am not a runner, but have heard about the adrenalin rush you get at some point. Well for me adrenalin = poop:blushing:

    Dr tells me I have a hole in my heart: I almost shat the bed :laugh: :laugh:

    So, could it be because you pushed thru the heat and 1st part of the run and your adrenalin kicked in?

    Eh, just an idea or thought
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    dang girl you ran so fast you made your bowels move! omg thats crazy! does this happen to everyone that runs? if so, not sure if i can handle that much "stress".

    not every runner, but a lot of us--esp long distance runners. Many of my friends are affected when we start to get up there in mileage (15+ miles or so). Some runners can't control it ... hells, 2005 London Marathon winner Paula Radcliffe pooped by the side of the road when she started to cramp up. Fortunately, this is not one of my issues.

    :laugh: Unless you are going to run in not give it a second thought.:wink:

    You're kidding? She pooped on the side of the road?? How does that happen? Isn't it illegal?

    You people are not making me want to become a runner!
  • supersarah14
    supersarah14 Posts: 170
    I have the exact same problem. I always have to do a test run a.k.a. jog around my block real quick to get everything moving. That way if I feel the urge my house is right there. :blushing:

    I only get like this with my long runs though 3+ miles. I think it's because of fiber. I usually eat fruit before I run because it gives me energy without the calories. But I know I have to find a new's getting annoying. :grumble:
  • HippyGalore
    HippyGalore Posts: 18 Member
    A runner friend of mine swears by a hard boiled egg for breakfast, maybe try that?
  • danielle4992
    danielle4992 Posts: 72 Member
    I don't think that the couch to 5k would really help me at all. You see, a 5k early in the morning is normal for me. I am military and a 5K isn't a challenge at all. It's what we do for PT on the regular. I even run 5 miles on the weekends sometimes just to clear my mind. I think that for my issue, it was the fact that I had drank coffee the night before, that dehydrated me, and then the almost 100% humidity made me sweat the rest of my water out. I appreciate all your advice though, from everyone. I have only had this happen to me like 3 times my whole life. Running does get my bowels moving and any other time, I can go and be done. But the "runner trots" as someone previously mentioned is more than just "going".. its nauseating and makes me miserable. I know now not to drink coffee at night when I plan to work out :)
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Reading this thread jinxed me.

    I haven't had to take a mid-run "break" in probably 15 yrs until last night. Fortunately there are restrooms in the park.
  • nsking83
    nsking83 Posts: 145
    Okay, I would just like to commend Danielle for putting this out there......not the "nicest" subject, but I think a real problem :drinker:

    **I also think it helps that I know Danielle personally (my cousins are HER cousins, on the other side of the we're basically cousins-in-law....or 2nd removed....or something.....however that all works :laugh: )

    ANYWAY. I've had this problem too, especially lately.......Danielle, could it be the heat at all do you think? I think that's what got me this last time........I was running about 4 I think.........thank goodness i was running right by a gas station!!!!!

    I'll have to test the hydration theory, too.....I know I can never get in my water that I need.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    I have similar issues and it depends on a few things:
    1) Make sure to get enough water in (as previously mentioned)
    2) Don't eat anything too late at night the night before, and make sure to digest that food before going for the run early in the morning. Depending on the type of food, and if it hasn't been digested, it can do some crazy stomach problems to me during my AM running. (fruits, dairy, meats)
    3) If I wake up and instantly get out the door for my run, I tend to have some bowel movements. But, if I get up and walk around the house for a bit, brush my teeth, go to the bathroom, I typically avoid crazy bowel movements.

    I have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), its not very severe as some, but I really have to watch what I eat/drink before I go for a run. I'm training for a Half Marathon right now and have really been experimenting with what is OK for my body before I hit the pavement. I keep my cell phone attached, just in case I need to give the hubby an emergency call. haha!

    Good luck and I hope you find out what is going on with that tummy!
  • danielle4992
    danielle4992 Posts: 72 Member
    I ran this morning in the awesome humidity :noway: and mid run I got that rumble again.. but this time I turned out A-okay :happy: I personally think for me that heat mixed with dehyrdation is what causes it. I was talkin to a few of my military men who are runners also about this and one of them goes " oh you mean when you go running and you get the runner trots with the spastic colon?!" hahahah I almost lost it.. I said yes, that is what I am talking about :blushing: At Nikki, Ido think its the humidity doing a number on me, I am gonna have to double my water intake looks like.. which is already 10 glasses a day damn near :grumble:
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