There are 'BAD' foods



  • suziecue20
    suziecue20 Posts: 567 Member

    If you eat more than 70g [one rasher of bacon] your cancer risk is elevated - hardly a TON
  • __Wolf__
    __Wolf__ Posts: 137 Member
    suziecue20 wrote: »
    The UK Government has just labelled ALL processed meats, including bacon and sausages as being dangerous to health [cancer causing] so how can they not be bad?

    When did that happen? I must have totally missed it and I do read the Daily Fail. Surely it would have been a headline?

    There is increasing scientific evidence that eating cured meats can significantly increase your risk for cancer.
  • lyndefisher
    lyndefisher Posts: 54 Member
    I guess it depends on if youre doing MFP for strictly weight loss or combined weight loss/better health. I think the CICO method depends on which you are in this for. For me... Not just the weight but the health so I tend to stay away from what I consider 'bad' foods...foods that are high in saturated fat, high in sugars and high sodium foods. We have some but not much. Every person's 'bad food' list is probably different! We try and stay away from CRAP (carbonated beverages, refined sugars, artificial sweetners and processed foods)!
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    suziecue20 wrote: »
    The UK Government has just labelled ALL processed meats, including bacon and sausages as being dangerous to health [cancer causing] so how can they not be bad?

    Consuming more than a certain amount of processed meat regularly has been linked to a higher likelihood of some types of cancer. It doesn't mean a bacon sandwich once a week will give you cancer. UV exposure from sunlight has also been linked to cancer. Yet careful, limited exposure is good for improving some skin conditions and topping up Vitamin D levels. It's about the dosage.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    If you eat them a lot. I will have to dig up the study but saying 70g of bacon significantly increased your risk of cancer is not true
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Totally disagree with this. But to each his own. You label your foods the way you want and I'll label mine the way I want.

  • suziecue20
    suziecue20 Posts: 567 Member
    If you eat them a lot. I will have to dig up the study but saying 70g of bacon significantly increased your risk of cancer is not true

    70g of bacon or any other processed meat is the limit the UK Government says we should eat per day - maybe the BBC is wrong?
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    edited January 2016
    suziecue20 wrote: »
    The UK Government has just labelled ALL processed meats, including bacon and sausages as being dangerous to health [cancer causing] so how can they not be bad?
    Gosh, IDK, bacon has fatty acids I need?!? It tastes really good and what cancer will I get by eating it or increase a likelihood of XXXX cancer? Colon? Can they tell me where it will begin in my body? Any idea where or what primary organs it will go to? The problem with statements like this 'cancer causing' is always fascinating to me. And while I'm American, bangers and mash is heaven on Earth with a Bass Ale. If I am going to die due this glorious combo of foods....I'm okay with it.

    Sorry OP; if you need to use labels have it. I'm just eating for fuel to do stuff. I would say things like stress have a greater impact on health then almost any combo of food consumption.
  • suziecue20
    suziecue20 Posts: 567 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    I've never used the phrase "naughty but nice" in my life, in relation to food or anything else.

    Your avi looks somewhat familiar. Unless I'm imagining things, you've been around long enough to know that nobody on MFP suggests eating an unbalanced diet for good health. Overall health and weight loss are two different issues when it comes to how much you eat of any foods/nutrients.

    'Naughty but nice' is a British adage
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I'm on a medication that is on the same list as processed meat as a possible carcinogen (class1) which I take every day plus another med with a cancer risk and my chance of getting cancer is higher than if I wasn't but not significantly higher
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    __Wolf__ wrote: »
    suziecue20 wrote: »
    The UK Government has just labelled ALL processed meats, including bacon and sausages as being dangerous to health [cancer causing] so how can they not be bad?

    When did that happen? I must have totally missed it and I do read the Daily Fail. Surely it would have been a headline?

    There is increasing scientific evidence that eating cured meats can significantly increase your risk for cancer.

    Statistically significantly. Not necessarily significantly. The effect size is negligible, I believe.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    suziecue20 wrote: »
    If you eat them a lot. I will have to dig up the study but saying 70g of bacon significantly increased your risk of cancer is not true

    70g of bacon or any other processed meat is the limit the UK Government says we should eat per day - maybe the BBC is wrong?

    Per day. If you eat over 70 g of bacon per day you are slightly at risk. Who eats bacon every day?
  • suziecue20
    suziecue20 Posts: 567 Member
    _Terrapin_ wrote: »
    suziecue20 wrote: »
    The UK Government has just labelled ALL processed meats, including bacon and sausages as being dangerous to health [cancer causing] so how can they not be bad?
    Gosh, IDK, bacon has fatty acids I need?!? It tastes really good and what cancer will I get by eating it or increase a likelihood of XXXX cancer? Colon? Can they tell me where it will begin in my body? Any idea where or what primary organs it will go to? The problem with statements like this 'cancer causing' is always fascinating to me. And while I'm American, bangers and mash is heaven on Earth with a Bass Ale. If I am going to die due this glorious combo of foods....I'm okay with it.

    Sorry OP; if you need to use labels have it. I'm just eating for fuel to do stuff. I would say things like stress have a greater impact on health then almost any combo of food consumption.

    Bowel cancer
  • boombalatty123
    boombalatty123 Posts: 116 Member
    For me, the only bad foods are items which have been highly processed and have little in common with the traditional definition of food.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    suziecue20 wrote: »
    _Terrapin_ wrote: »
    suziecue20 wrote: »
    The UK Government has just labelled ALL processed meats, including bacon and sausages as being dangerous to health [cancer causing] so how can they not be bad?
    Gosh, IDK, bacon has fatty acids I need?!? It tastes really good and what cancer will I get by eating it or increase a likelihood of XXXX cancer? Colon? Can they tell me where it will begin in my body? Any idea where or what primary organs it will go to? The problem with statements like this 'cancer causing' is always fascinating to me. And while I'm American, bangers and mash is heaven on Earth with a Bass Ale. If I am going to die due this glorious combo of foods....I'm okay with it.

    Sorry OP; if you need to use labels have it. I'm just eating for fuel to do stuff. I would say things like stress have a greater impact on health then almost any combo of food consumption.

    Bowel cancer

    I think this has been 'known' for a while, seared meat, etc comes to mind. Moderation probably helps; if I eat 2 pounds of sausage daily and sit around like 3 toed sloth then maybe it increases my likelihood of cancer. Then again....

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited January 2016
    kimvmajor wrote: »
    I don't like labeling food as good or bad, and I don't ban any foods for me. I just limit them and track them. If I cut anything I love out completely, I will end up over-indulging after a period of deprivation. Better to control portions, enjoy a small amount of something calorie-dense or less nutrient-rich as part of a healthy overall plan than to risk falling off the rails (in my opinion).

    That being said, sometimes I take a break from trigger foods for a short time to mentally "reset." For instance, I could eat candy like it is my job. So, if I know I have been overindulging, I make a goal of no candy for a week or two. I am able to break the craving/routine and reset.

    I do think there can be "bad for you" foods.
    Maybe you have a documented medical condition that makes certain foods dangerous for you. Or, maybe you have trigger foods that can cause you to seriously backtrack, no matter how much willpower you show. If that's the case, eliminate or drastically reduce as needed.

    I agree with "bad for you" foods. There are foods that will hurt my health. Those foods generally taste good, darn it, but I can't eat them at all (due to celiacdisease) or they can only be eaten on occasion if at all (insulin resistance- sugary and starchy foods).

    My "bad for you" foods are going to be different than someone else's "bad for you" foods though. It's an individual thing. I do think that some "bad for you" foods are more common than others, but it still won't affect everybody.

    Otherwise, I think a food is only bad if it doesn't fit your belief system - a food to be avoided based on beliefs - such as animal products for a vegan or pork and non-halal foods for Muslims.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Eating 2pieces of bacon each and every day increases your risk of developing colon cancer from 5% to 6%. That's not that significant
  • __Wolf__
    __Wolf__ Posts: 137 Member
    Ldcota wrote: »
    __Wolf__ wrote: »
    suziecue20 wrote: »
    The UK Government has just labelled ALL processed meats, including bacon and sausages as being dangerous to health [cancer causing] so how can they not be bad?

    When did that happen? I must have totally missed it and I do read the Daily Fail. Surely it would have been a headline?

    There is increasing scientific evidence that eating cured meats can significantly increase your risk for cancer.

    Statistically significantly. Not necessarily significantly. The effect size is negligible, I believe.

    Here is what I read: "50g portion of processed meat eaten daily increases the risk for colorectal cancer by about 18%, and that 100 g of red meat could increase the risk for colorectal cancer by 18%."
  • suziecue20
    suziecue20 Posts: 567 Member
    suziecue20 wrote: »
    If you eat them a lot. I will have to dig up the study but saying 70g of bacon significantly increased your risk of cancer is not true

    70g of bacon or any other processed meat is the limit the UK Government says we should eat per day - maybe the BBC is wrong?

    Per day. If you eat over 70 g of bacon per day you are slightly at risk. Who eats bacon every day?[/quote]

    Lots of people
  • suziecue20
    suziecue20 Posts: 567 Member
    For me, the only bad foods are items which have been highly processed and have little in common with the traditional definition of food.

    Food is food, processed or not.