Who else is doing Insanity?



  • BobbyJo22
    BobbyJo22 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm on week#2 day 3. This is my first time trying insanity. I've not noticed much difference on the scale but can tell a difference with clothing. I'd love to see more pics if anyone has some to share!
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    edited January 2016
    I just took a 3 week break over holidays - did running every other day and then stopped last week. Just did insanity recovery week day 1 today, felt like I was going to throw up while doing it.

    Can't believe I have somehow lost my endurance to do the workouts - as when I first started week 1 after months of nothing, I was never feeling this bad.

    Also didn't lose any weight/inches yet with insanity over month 1.. Hoping month 2 might shift something.
  • j0onahra3
    j0onahra3 Posts: 11 Member
    I am on my last day of Week 4 (not counting the rest day). But I just have to say that the 1st month shows slight improvement, but nothing too drastic. There's really no weight loss, but I did see weight gain. But definitely don't measure result based on your weight only. If you notice your face got slimmer, your arm got slimmer, or your legs got slimmer, it's still progress! I lost some arm fat, and my legs are slimmer for sure.

    One thing that I was surprised with was... my stomach seemed to protrude out more during week 4. But when I kept going along the schedule, my stomach went back in. I researched a bit about this, and it looks like when muscle mass increase faster than fat loss, this tends to happen. If you keep with the consistent workout plan, I'm sure fat loss will happen along with weight loss.

    Throughout my fitness journey, I realized that exercise should be thought of as a lifestyle not a quick remedy. That's the only way I can keep going. When you miss out a day of exercise, it's ok! Just exercise the next day. Just keep exercising and you will get better, and you will see results. It may be slow, but at least you know you're slowly getting more healthier and fit day by day.
    pandabear_ wrote: »
    I just took a 3 week break over holidays - did running every other day and then stopped last week. Just did insanity recovery week day 1 today, felt like I was going to throw up while doing it.

    Can't believe I have somehow lost my endurance to do the workouts - as when I first started week 1 after months of nothing, I was never feeling this bad.

    Also didn't lose any weight/inches yet with insanity over month 1.. Hoping month 2 might shift something.

    I totally understand what you mean when you felt like throwing up when doing insanity. I felt the exact same way the first time I started as well. Just know that you are allowed to go slowly. If you feel like passing out or throwing up, please go for lower modifications or go at a slower pace than what Shaun T shows. It's ok to also stop and rest until you catch your breath. I'm a lot better than when I first started out, but I still have to stop and rest sometimes. I'm sure Month 2 will show better results. It seems tougher, and I heard month 2 is the breaking point for many people. If not, why not try doing insanity again? Can't hurt to keep exercising with good cardio, right? I'm planning to redo insanity a couple times afterwards.
  • j0onahra3
    j0onahra3 Posts: 11 Member
    I just posted another post on my blog about what makes me keep exercising more than anything else :) And I just finished my last workout for week 4!!!! Recovery week and then it's Month 2!!! Woohoo!! Let's keep it up, everyone! :smiley:

    my blog
  • armydreamers
    armydreamers Posts: 175 Member
    Can you get it free on You Tube or somewhere? Or do you have to buy the program?
  • lindsayh87
    lindsayh87 Posts: 167 Member
    Can you get it free on You Tube or somewhere? Or do you have to buy the program?

    I've seen other people's versions of it on YouTube but you need to buy it. You can often find it cheaper, sometimes used on eBay or check craigslist :)
  • liz_716
    liz_716 Posts: 4 Member
    How is everyone's progress coming along?!? Mid week 3 and I can finally make it through the warm up without stopping more than once! Except today, my shoe caught on the carpet and I almost fell on my face. Had to stop and laugh at myself for that LOL. Anyways, keep up the good work everyone!
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    I did the second day of recovery week yesterday and didn't feel like I was going to throw up.. Stopped a few times and went a bit slower, but glad I didn't feel totally awful afterwards
  • pballer23
    pballer23 Posts: 12 Member
    Awesome I know. I am on cardio recovery week
  • pballer23
    pballer23 Posts: 12 Member
    Can you get it free on You Tube or somewhere? Or do you have to buy the program?

    Got mine off cragslist full set $30 calendar and nutrition guide. Saved over 100$
  • j0onahra3
    j0onahra3 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello, everyone! Sorry for the small MIA. How is everyone going in Insanity? I've managed to finish Recovery week, and I just started Month 2! I finished Max Interval Circuit, and omg! it was SO hard! lol!! About 2/3 of the video, I was fine. The last 1/3 was me resting a lot and heavy breathing. Shaun T definitely knows how to work you, and I can't emphasize more how important it is to rest when you need it. You never want to overwork yourself. It can be more damaging than you expect.

    Let's all fight through the Insanity 60 day program strong! I know we can all do it. :)

    Here's my new entry to my blog about some new goals I made for myself, and what I think is most important in keeping a healthy and long-lasting fitness lifestyle: my blog
  • darrinotoole
    darrinotoole Posts: 24 Member
    I've done it twice but am back to it now and on week 3.

    If you do it and stick with it it'll work for sure.
  • wheelsjad
    wheelsjad Posts: 52 Member
    I am in week 4 right now (cardio power today)...I am feeling great and can tell that my energy levels in my day to day life are up. I am down 6 pounds so far...keep up the good work eveyone
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    edited January 2016
    It definitely brings up your energy and endurance. When I took a break from the programme during the holidays, and I went running every day, I found that I was able to run faster and longer than I ever have before, even though I hadn't gone running for months. So the programme definitely helps, even if results can be hard to see in first month.
  • KaiUneeda
    KaiUneeda Posts: 46 Member
    edited February 2016
    I am starting this tonight, feel free to add me. Looking forward to not being able to move for about a week, haha.
  • BeaUtiful_1413
    BeaUtiful_1413 Posts: 200 Member
    I want to try this but I'd like to see some before and after pics
  • MBM82284
    MBM82284 Posts: 17 Member
    I want to try this but I'd like to see some before and after pics

    Just google "Insanity before and after"
  • michelle150482
    michelle150482 Posts: 1 Member
    I've just joined the gym and have signed up for an insanity class. I am extremely unfit and I'm also overweight. Do you think that I should just go straight in for insanity or should I work up to it?
  • j0onahra3
    j0onahra3 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello, everyone! I'm on week 2 of month 2, and it's a killer! I can't go through the last 1/3 of the video without multiple rests. I rest a lot more than I did in Month 1. The max interval videos are very hard, and I give kudos to those who can finish them without rest. But I can definitely feel myself getting stronger. As mentioned above, I feel like my endurance is improving as well. Let's all keep going and stay strong! I only got this week plus 2 more weeks to go and then I'm done!! :smiley:

    If you'd like to read more, here's my blog: my blog
    I've just joined the gym and have signed up for an insanity class. I am extremely unfit and I'm also overweight. Do you think that I should just go straight in for insanity or should I work up to it?

    You can try one Insanity video and see how you like it. If it's too hard for you, you can try working up to it. But do keep in mind. You're allowed to do lower modifications even though Shaun T doesn't always show them during his videos. If there's an Insanity class in your gym, you can probably ask the instructor for lower modifications for you so you can start slow. I can't emphasize strong enough how damaging it can be if you try doing the moves with bad form, so make sure you are in good form, and take lots of rests when you need it. It's totally ok to take lots of rest in the beginning. I'm on week 7, and I still take rests lol. My dad is overweight, and he started Insanity with me. He can't go past the warm up, but everyday, he keeps it up and I've been seeing improvements day by day. He's been able to finish the warm up without stopping, and that in itself was a big improvement. So honestly, as long as you take it slow, it should be ok. I hope this helps! Hope I didn't confuse anyone lol.
  • mirunizzle18
    mirunizzle18 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm planning on starting Insanity tomorrow, but I don't know how many calories I should eat. How many do you eat?