The runners thread

If you like running for losing weight, clearing your mind and for the runner's high, then let's make this the runners/joggers/trail runners thread.

We can share goals, tips, etc, also comment and do recommendations about: running attire, success stories, funny stories, running beats, running devices (music, GPS, apps, cardio monitors, bottles, backpacks, etc).

Do not hesitate posting pics of you running, your routes and your beginner experiences.

Let's run.


  • Equus5374
    Equus5374 Posts: 462 Member
    There are running groups in the group forum. The problem with threads like this is they get long and people don't like sloshing through old posts. The running groups offer topic threads. But hey, if it works for you...

    I'm a distance runner doing my first full marathon this year. I'm currently resting for a bit after 4 half marathons last year. I'll start up with training again in a week or so and do my first half in April, hopefully.
  • marcelo_templario
    marcelo_templario Posts: 653 Member
    Wow, good luck...I dream of completing an Iron Man.
  • dfields884
    dfields884 Posts: 33 Member
    I am a beginner runner. My 1st short term goal this year is to be able to run a 5K with the minimum of 16 min/mile. I have 2 runs scheduled so far.
  • marcelo_templario
    marcelo_templario Posts: 653 Member
    dfields884 wrote: »
    I am a beginner runner. My 1st short term goal this year is to be able to run a 5K with the minimum of 16 min/mile. I have 2 runs scheduled so far.

    sorry...16 minutes a mile?

  • marcelo_templario
    marcelo_templario Posts: 653 Member
    Equus5374 wrote: »
    There are running groups in the group forum. The problem with threads like this is they get long and people don't like sloshing through old posts. The running groups offer topic threads. But hey, if it works for you...

    I'm a distance runner doing my first full marathon this year. I'm currently resting for a bit after 4 half marathons last year. I'll start up with training again in a week or so and do my first half in April, hopefully.

    May I know your training routine?
  • Equus5374
    Equus5374 Posts: 462 Member
    I follow training plans by Jenny Hadfield ( When I am in training, I generally do 2-3 short runs per week and one long run (7+ miles). This year I plan to run a half marathon every month leading up to the full marathon in October. I incorporate cross training days into my training weeks; sometimes I'll do workout videos or swim laps.

    Currently during my rest period, I'm doing some workout videos, a little treadmill running, and some lifting.

  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    Wow, good luck...I dream of completing an Iron Man.

    Check out the Long Distance Runners group as well as the Triathletes group since you are interesting in Ironman. The tri group isn't terribly active, but usually posts in there get plenty of attention.

    I'll give you my standard response when someone talks about Ironman in a "running" context. The run at the end of an Ironman has almost nothing at all to do with a "marathon" despite the distance being the same. You can't treat them the same way, you can't approach them the same way. Ironman is a different beast entirely than simply "running".
  • marcelo_templario
    marcelo_templario Posts: 653 Member
    glevinso wrote: »
    Wow, good luck...I dream of completing an Iron Man.

    Check out the Long Distance Runners group as well as the Triathletes group since you are interesting in Ironman. The tri group isn't terribly active, but usually posts in there get plenty of attention.

    I'll give you my standard response when someone talks about Ironman in a "running" context. The run at the end of an Ironman has almost nothing at all to do with a "marathon" despite the distance being the same. You can't treat them the same way, you can't approach them the same way. Ironman is a different beast entirely than simply "running".

    That's exactly what I want to hear...

    I am unsure if I can ride a bike good enough as for the ironman, last time I did a long trip was like 17 years ago.
  • merpersondemigod
    merpersondemigod Posts: 8 Member
    Hey folks. I am looking to hop back on the running bandwagon! I used to train for a 10k and a couple of 5ks every year, but suffered injuries to both feet and both ankles this past spring and have put training on the back burner for now. I really want to get back into it, but I'm terrified that I'm going to overtax my floppy hypermobile ankles and injure myself again, so I'm trying to get halfway through my desired 18 pound weight loss first.

    However, if anyone has any tips about running while convalescing from running-related injuries, I'd love to hear them! :)
  • marcelo_templario
    marcelo_templario Posts: 653 Member
    Hey folks. I am looking to hop back on the running bandwagon! I used to train for a 10k and a couple of 5ks every year, but suffered injuries to both feet and both ankles this past spring and have put training on the back burner for now. I really want to get back into it, but I'm terrified that I'm going to overtax my floppy hypermobile ankles and injure myself again, so I'm trying to get halfway through my desired 18 pound weight loss first.

    However, if anyone has any tips about running while convalescing from running-related injuries, I'd love to hear them! :)

    Hard to tell, do they actually hurt when you step? I guess you know what shoes to wear.

    Have you tried striding upwards?
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    In addition to the Long Distance Runners group you should also check out my Monthly Running Challenge. This months:

    Lots of conversation and motivation going on about running. Also lots of great information in the associated
    group page.

    Good luck!
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    glevinso wrote: »
    Wow, good luck...I dream of completing an Iron Man.

    Check out the Long Distance Runners group as well as the Triathletes group since you are interesting in Ironman. The tri group isn't terribly active, but usually posts in there get plenty of attention.

    I'll give you my standard response when someone talks about Ironman in a "running" context. The run at the end of an Ironman has almost nothing at all to do with a "marathon" despite the distance being the same. You can't treat them the same way, you can't approach them the same way. Ironman is a different beast entirely than simply "running".

    That's exactly what I want to hear...

    I am unsure if I can ride a bike good enough as for the ironman, last time I did a long trip was like 17 years ago.

    Nobody just gets off the couch and completes an Ironman. There is significant training needed before even considering it. Most people take years of focused training before attempting their first one.
  • marcelo_templario
    marcelo_templario Posts: 653 Member
    glevinso wrote: »
    glevinso wrote: »
    Wow, good luck...I dream of completing an Iron Man.

    Check out the Long Distance Runners group as well as the Triathletes group since you are interesting in Ironman. The tri group isn't terribly active, but usually posts in there get plenty of attention.

    I'll give you my standard response when someone talks about Ironman in a "running" context. The run at the end of an Ironman has almost nothing at all to do with a "marathon" despite the distance being the same. You can't treat them the same way, you can't approach them the same way. Ironman is a different beast entirely than simply "running".

    That's exactly what I want to hear...

    I am unsure if I can ride a bike good enough as for the ironman, last time I did a long trip was like 17 years ago.

    Nobody just gets off the couch and completes an Ironman. There is significant training needed before even considering it. Most people take years of focused training before attempting their first one.

    My calculation is 3 and a half years of preparation:

    -Get an ideal weight
    -Build some muscle
    -Focus on swimming 1 year (I am good at it)
    -Train bike for 1 year
    -Train running and bike for a year

    Do a half Ironman and then a full Ironman..

    I'd be almost 40 by it liable?, also I want you to consider that this is a personal challenge, like climbing Everest or a pageant contest.

    Also, if I never make it..I'd be still satisfied with all the accomplished during training.
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    glevinso wrote: »
    glevinso wrote: »
    Wow, good luck...I dream of completing an Iron Man.

    Check out the Long Distance Runners group as well as the Triathletes group since you are interesting in Ironman. The tri group isn't terribly active, but usually posts in there get plenty of attention.

    I'll give you my standard response when someone talks about Ironman in a "running" context. The run at the end of an Ironman has almost nothing at all to do with a "marathon" despite the distance being the same. You can't treat them the same way, you can't approach them the same way. Ironman is a different beast entirely than simply "running".

    That's exactly what I want to hear...

    I am unsure if I can ride a bike good enough as for the ironman, last time I did a long trip was like 17 years ago.

    Nobody just gets off the couch and completes an Ironman. There is significant training needed before even considering it. Most people take years of focused training before attempting their first one.

    My calculation is 3 and a half years of preparation:

    -Get an ideal weight
    -Build some muscle
    -Focus on swimming 1 year (I am good at it)
    -Train bike for 1 year
    -Train running and bike for a year

    Do a half Ironman and then a full Ironman..

    I'd be almost 40 by it liable?, also I want you to consider that this is a personal challenge, like climbing Everest or a pageant contest.

    Also, if I never make it..I'd be still satisfied with all the accomplished during training.

    3 years is good, but let me change your proposed schedule:
    Start swimming, biking and running right NOW. Keep an eye on your diet to get weight in check if necessary. Don't worry about "building muscle". If you are already good at swimming there shouldn't be a need to "focus" on it for a year. You will improve on your swimming just in the course of regular training.

    Download a beginner's triathlon plan from Beginner Triathlete. Use it to race a few short distance triathlons. Sprint and Olympic distance.

    Next year build yourself up to doing a half. Then you can make a decision if going for the full is right for you at that time, or if you want more time.

    I have a friend who did his first full Ironman at 60. 40 is nothing. In fact at 40 you are in one of the fastest amateur age groups at the full distance.
  • marcelo_templario
    marcelo_templario Posts: 653 Member
    edited January 2016
    glevinso wrote: »
    glevinso wrote: »
    glevinso wrote: »
    Wow, good luck...I dream of completing an Iron Man.

    Check out the Long Distance Runners group as well as the Triathletes group since you are interesting in Ironman. The tri group isn't terribly active, but usually posts in there get plenty of attention.

    I'll give you my standard response when someone talks about Ironman in a "running" context. The run at the end of an Ironman has almost nothing at all to do with a "marathon" despite the distance being the same. You can't treat them the same way, you can't approach them the same way. Ironman is a different beast entirely than simply "running".

    That's exactly what I want to hear...

    I am unsure if I can ride a bike good enough as for the ironman, last time I did a long trip was like 17 years ago.

    Nobody just gets off the couch and completes an Ironman. There is significant training needed before even considering it. Most people take years of focused training before attempting their first one.

    My calculation is 3 and a half years of preparation:

    -Get an ideal weight
    -Build some muscle
    -Focus on swimming 1 year (I am good at it)
    -Train bike for 1 year
    -Train running and bike for a year

    Do a half Ironman and then a full Ironman..

    I'd be almost 40 by it liable?, also I want you to consider that this is a personal challenge, like climbing Everest or a pageant contest.

    Also, if I never make it..I'd be still satisfied with all the accomplished during training.

    3 years is good, but let me change your proposed schedule:
    Start swimming, biking and running right NOW. Keep an eye on your diet to get weight in check if necessary. Don't worry about "building muscle". If you are already good at swimming there shouldn't be a need to "focus" on it for a year. You will improve on your swimming just in the course of regular training.

    Download a beginner's triathlon plan from Beginner Triathlete. Use it to race a few short distance triathlons. Sprint and Olympic distance.

    Next year build yourself up to doing a half. Then you can make a decision if going for the full is right for you at that time, or if you want more time.

    I have a friend who did his first full Ironman at 60. 40 is nothing. In fact at 40 you are in one of the fastest amateur age groups at the full distance.

    That's what I call advice!!! Thank you so much...gonna follow those recommendations, so exciting to have such a goal now...gonna briefly update about my training, I wish I wouldn't have to work full time and spend 6 hours a day in training instead.
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    glevinso wrote: »
    glevinso wrote: »
    glevinso wrote: »
    Wow, good luck...I dream of completing an Iron Man.

    Check out the Long Distance Runners group as well as the Triathletes group since you are interesting in Ironman. The tri group isn't terribly active, but usually posts in there get plenty of attention.

    I'll give you my standard response when someone talks about Ironman in a "running" context. The run at the end of an Ironman has almost nothing at all to do with a "marathon" despite the distance being the same. You can't treat them the same way, you can't approach them the same way. Ironman is a different beast entirely than simply "running".

    That's exactly what I want to hear...

    I am unsure if I can ride a bike good enough as for the ironman, last time I did a long trip was like 17 years ago.

    Nobody just gets off the couch and completes an Ironman. There is significant training needed before even considering it. Most people take years of focused training before attempting their first one.

    My calculation is 3 and a half years of preparation:

    -Get an ideal weight
    -Build some muscle
    -Focus on swimming 1 year (I am good at it)
    -Train bike for 1 year
    -Train running and bike for a year

    Do a half Ironman and then a full Ironman..

    I'd be almost 40 by it liable?, also I want you to consider that this is a personal challenge, like climbing Everest or a pageant contest.

    Also, if I never make it..I'd be still satisfied with all the accomplished during training.

    3 years is good, but let me change your proposed schedule:
    Start swimming, biking and running right NOW. Keep an eye on your diet to get weight in check if necessary. Don't worry about "building muscle". If you are already good at swimming there shouldn't be a need to "focus" on it for a year. You will improve on your swimming just in the course of regular training.

    Download a beginner's triathlon plan from Beginner Triathlete. Use it to race a few short distance triathlons. Sprint and Olympic distance.

    Next year build yourself up to doing a half. Then you can make a decision if going for the full is right for you at that time, or if you want more time.

    I have a friend who did his first full Ironman at 60. 40 is nothing. In fact at 40 you are in one of the fastest amateur age groups at the full distance.

    That's what I call advice!!! Thank you so much...gonna follow those recommendations, so exciting to have such a goal now...gonna briefly update about my training, I wish I wouldn't have to work full time and spend 6 hours a day in training instead.

    I know the feeling. I do have a full time job that is thankfully pretty much a set 40hr week. I train anywhere from 10 to 20 hours a week depending on how close I am to my A-race (usually an Ironman). The nice thing is you can be quite successful at this stuff training an hour (maybe two) on weekdays, and putting in longer efforts on weekends.

    For example my schedule in general kinda looks like this:
    Monday: rest day (maybe some core work or some weights)
    Tuesday: 1hr run, 30 minutes easy bike
    Wednesday: 1hr swim, 1hr bike
    Thursday: 1hr bike (intervals of some kind)
    Friday: 1hr swim, 1hr run
    Saturday: long bike (3-5 hours or 50-100 miles) + 2 mile transition run
    Sunday: Long run (1.5-2.5hrs or 10-22 miles) + easy swim.

    Those sat/sun efforts go from the shorter side when far from the race to the higher side of the range as the race approaches. You build up the volume.

    My body can take the volume, but it has taken me years of day in day out focused training to be able to put myself through it.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I don't know that it was mentioned but you could split it up a bit too during the day. do something in the morning and evening so you don't feel like you are losing too much family time
  • marcelo_templario
    marcelo_templario Posts: 653 Member
    glevinso wrote: »
    glevinso wrote: »
    glevinso wrote: »
    glevinso wrote: »
    Wow, good luck...I dream of completing an Iron Man.

    Check out the Long Distance Runners group as well as the Triathletes group since you are interesting in Ironman. The tri group isn't terribly active, but usually posts in there get plenty of attention.

    I'll give you my standard response when someone talks about Ironman in a "running" context. The run at the end of an Ironman has almost nothing at all to do with a "marathon" despite the distance being the same. You can't treat them the same way, you can't approach them the same way. Ironman is a different beast entirely than simply "running".

    That's exactly what I want to hear...

    I am unsure if I can ride a bike good enough as for the ironman, last time I did a long trip was like 17 years ago.

    Nobody just gets off the couch and completes an Ironman. There is significant training needed before even considering it. Most people take years of focused training before attempting their first one.

    My calculation is 3 and a half years of preparation:

    -Get an ideal weight
    -Build some muscle
    -Focus on swimming 1 year (I am good at it)
    -Train bike for 1 year
    -Train running and bike for a year

    Do a half Ironman and then a full Ironman..

    I'd be almost 40 by it liable?, also I want you to consider that this is a personal challenge, like climbing Everest or a pageant contest.

    Also, if I never make it..I'd be still satisfied with all the accomplished during training.

    3 years is good, but let me change your proposed schedule:
    Start swimming, biking and running right NOW. Keep an eye on your diet to get weight in check if necessary. Don't worry about "building muscle". If you are already good at swimming there shouldn't be a need to "focus" on it for a year. You will improve on your swimming just in the course of regular training.

    Download a beginner's triathlon plan from Beginner Triathlete. Use it to race a few short distance triathlons. Sprint and Olympic distance.

    Next year build yourself up to doing a half. Then you can make a decision if going for the full is right for you at that time, or if you want more time.

    I have a friend who did his first full Ironman at 60. 40 is nothing. In fact at 40 you are in one of the fastest amateur age groups at the full distance.

    That's what I call advice!!! Thank you so much...gonna follow those recommendations, so exciting to have such a goal now...gonna briefly update about my training, I wish I wouldn't have to work full time and spend 6 hours a day in training instead.

    I know the feeling. I do have a full time job that is thankfully pretty much a set 40hr week. I train anywhere from 10 to 20 hours a week depending on how close I am to my A-race (usually an Ironman). The nice thing is you can be quite successful at this stuff training an hour (maybe two) on weekdays, and putting in longer efforts on weekends.

    For example my schedule in general kinda looks like this:
    Monday: rest day (maybe some core work or some weights)
    Tuesday: 1hr run, 30 minutes easy bike
    Wednesday: 1hr swim, 1hr bike
    Thursday: 1hr bike (intervals of some kind)
    Friday: 1hr swim, 1hr run
    Saturday: long bike (3-5 hours or 50-100 miles) + 2 mile transition run
    Sunday: Long run (1.5-2.5hrs or 10-22 miles) + easy swim.

    Those sat/sun efforts go from the shorter side when far from the race to the higher side of the range as the race approaches. You build up the volume.

    My body can take the volume, but it has taken me years of day in day out focused training to be able to put myself through it.

    I think your schedule suits my needs by now, I guess I'll need a race bike and not a mountain bike.

    You think that I should first focus on reaching an adequate weight and BMI first?

  • marcelo_templario
    marcelo_templario Posts: 653 Member
    moyer566 wrote: »
    I don't know that it was mentioned but you could split it up a bit too during the day. do something in the morning and evening so you don't feel like you are losing too much family time

    Running at mornings swimming at evenings? There is a small pool over here...hope it works.
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    When I have two sessions to do in a day I will break them up AM and PM. For example: wake up early, hit the pool, go to work, get out to run, head home. Makes for a long day but this is a sport you gotta suffer a bit for :)