What's your resting heart rate?



  • krdews
    krdews Posts: 124 Member
    BPM - 61
    BP - 110/70
    H - 5'2"
    WT- 129 (today) up 4 lbs from the holiday indulgences
    52 yo
    Activity - sedentary during the day; workout everyday at least an hour; runner. I can run 8 miles any day of the week - max 14.5 miles. I do more cardio than weights.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Resting BPM: Not tested. Somewhere below 60 - I'm at 60 sitting on the couch for a few seconds.
    BP: Don't remember. I know it's on the low side but still in normal range.
    Height: 5'3
    Weight: 119lbs
    Age: 41
    Activity level: marathon training, normally 25-30 miles per week

    I do have a very high max HR and high HRs when I exercise. The 220-age formula is totally off for me. My hour-long runs are 175+ pretty much the whole time. I'm easily able to hold a conversation using full sentences. I only start getting winded when I'm in the high 190's, low 200's for a little while.

    FWIW, I've had EKGs and a sonogram done ('monitoring' a birth defect I was diagnosed with when I was 3 - when I was in my 20's a sonogram showed the diagnosis was wrong). Heart's perfectly normal. Stroke volume not unusually low. Heart rate when not exercising is like any one else's.

    So not looking forward to the inevitable freak-out when I do my first stress test, whenever that usually is. Fifties?
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Mine's in the 50's, but I take an extended-release beta-blocker for migraines, palpitations and heart rate ;)
    5'6", 133. BP good but I never remember it.
    Not very aerobically active, I hate to say.
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    BPM: 62 (used to be lower when I was more active and 20 pounds lighter)
    BP: no idea. it was good when I had physical in June 2015.
    Height: 5'4
    Weight: 140lbs
    Age: 28
    Activity level: desk job. workout (weights and cardio) 3 days a week
  • alyssagb1
    alyssagb1 Posts: 353 Member
    Resting HR-60bmp (from 86)
    Unknown blood pressure
  • JACave21
    JACave21 Posts: 34 Member
    BPM: 48
    Height: 6'0
    Weight: 11 st 1 lb (155lb)
    Age: 23
    Activity level: Moderate. Exercise 5 days a week sometimes twice a day
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    Resting Heart Rate 53
    BP 118/78
    Height 5'2-3/4"
    Weight 130 (give or take)
    Age 64
    Activity level Moderate
  • kcjchang
    kcjchang Posts: 709 Member
    edited January 2016
    Resting Heart Rate: 45-48
    BP: 112/67
    Height: 5'7-3/4"
    Weight: 165 (give or take)
    Age: 48
    Activity level: Moderate (9-12 hrs a week => cycling ~150-200 miles/wk)
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    myssjaxson wrote: »
    For you runners/athletes and for those who just began couch to 5k (like me). Just curious, what's your heart rate at rest?
    Also include height, weight and activity level, if you know your blood pressure, why not? if you guys don't mind indulging a future med students curiosity.

    BPM: 66
    BP: 104/72
    Height: 5'4
    Weight: 201lbs
    Age: 40
    Activity level: Sedentary job, lightly active evenings... I'm still working back up to C25K.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    For me:
    BPM: 65
    BP: not sure but "very good"
    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 165lbs
    Age: 38
    Activity level: Moderate

  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Resting Heart Rate - varies usually mid-60's
    BP - don't have a cuff right now but probably 117/80 on average
    Height - 5'6"
    Weight - 167ish (it bounces around a lot)
    Age - 51
    Activity level - Light to Moderate right now - I'm more active when it's not cold and wet out
  • L_Master
    L_Master Posts: 354 Member
    BPM: 38-41
    BP: 115/60
    Height: 5'8
    Weight: 148 lbs
    Age: 26
    Activity level: Usually 15 hrs wk on the the bike
  • McCloud33
    McCloud33 Posts: 959 Member
    BPM:high 30s - low 40s
    BP: ?
    Height: 5'-8"
    Weight: 188 lbs
    Age: 33
    Activity level: Office job, Lift 4 days a week (30-45min), Trying to get the running back on track. Was up to running ~15miles a week this summer, but now I'm back down to 4-8. Most running done at 7-8min/mi
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    64BPM as taken 30 seconds before this post.
    BP: normal when I bother to take it
    Height 5'11"
    Weight: 175lb
    Age 31
    Activity level: Desk job, lift 3x/week, in the summer I play Ultimate, in the winter I ski 1x/week, otherwise I move when the mood hits. When I go on business travel I go all cardio crazy (at least 1hr/day on an elliptical) so I can eat lots of free food.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm 5'8
    160lbs at maintenance
    My resting heart rate is 60 which at my age puts me in "athlete" category which is almost laughable as 2 years ago I was a couch potato

    I'm now active and clearly awesome :). But I'm not a runner.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    BPM - 68
    BP - 120/70
    Ht - 5'3"
    Wt - 123
    Activity level - lightly active (at the moment)
  • scarletrayne19
    scarletrayne19 Posts: 35 Member
    BPM - 81
    BP - 110/70 last checked
    Ht - 5'1.5"
    Wt - 178
    Gym 3-4x week, mix of walking/c25k, yoga, strength training
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    edited January 2016
    Bpm: 48
    BP: not sure
    Height: 5'11"
    Activity level: office job, strength training or running or swimming 5-6 days per week

    ETA- didn't just start- I've been at this for a few years.
  • Zampa13
    Zampa13 Posts: 75 Member
    myssjaxson wrote: »
    For you runners/athletes and for those who just began couch to 5k (like me). Just curious, what's your heart rate at rest?
    Also include height, weight and activity level, if you know your blood pressure, why not? if you guys don't mind indulging a future med students curiosity.

    For me:
    BPM: 72
    BP: 110/70
    Height: 5'5
    Weight: 147lbs
    Age: 18
    Activity level: Light/training for a 5k

    My resting heart rate is always under 60bpm, I'm clinically obese, however used to be very active so don't know if this has made a difference or the fact that I'm super laid back...Anyway here are my details.

    Resting heart rate 53-56bpm
    BP 130/72
    Height: 5'3
    Weight: 220 lbs
    Age: 31
    Activity: mildly active. Gym 2-3 times a week plus work 12hr shirts on my feet all day.
  • Dday88
    Dday88 Posts: 2 Member
    BPM: Before MFP- 71-80bpm After MFP- 51-58bpm
    BP: Before MFP 145/85 After MFP 105/65
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: Before MFP 255lb After MFP 200 and continuing down
    Age: 33
    Activity level: Desk job, workout every day @ lunch and just started Stonglifts 5x5 3 days a week