i drink normal cows milk, does anyone drink an alternative for apparent health benefits? if you know your stuff on food and nutrition id love to know which milk is the most nutritional, thanks in advance.


  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    edited January 2016
    i drink normal cows milk, does anyone drink an alternative for apparent health benefits? if you know your stuff on food and nutrition id love to know which milk is the most nutritional, thanks in advance.

    Different milks & milk substitutes (like all different foods) have different nutritional profiles. There's not one universal "healthiest" option.

    It all depends on your goals, your calorie & macro budgets, and personal preferences.

    ETA: and whether or not you have allergies/intolerances
  • Siobhan256
    Siobhan256 Posts: 27 Member
    I switched to zymil to reduce bloat. It's working :)
  • chastity0921
    chastity0921 Posts: 209 Member
    I love Fair Life milk. It has more protein, and somehow reminds me of childhood.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited January 2016
    I drink Fairlife or a local brand of non homogenized cow's milk. I'm lactose intolerant and, to me, Lactaid and its generic equivalents taste sweet, which I don't like. Fairlife is lactose free and tastes good to me and the non homogenized kind tastes good and gives me no problems. I choose what I get based on availability and price when I'm grocery shopping.
  • TaraTall
    TaraTall Posts: 339 Member
    I do almond milk because even a latte cause me stomach upset :(
    If I could drink regular milk, I feel like I would.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I do non dairy milk not for any particular reason except I don't like the taste of cow's milk. I like cashew/rice/almond/soy milk better.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    I drink 30 cal unsweetened almond milk because I like a LOT of milk for my calories. No other reason.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    Cows milk has the protein I like. Almond milk and cashew milk have very little protein.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    Cows milk has the protein I like. Almond milk and cashew milk have very little protein.

    I prefer Silk unsweetened soy milk and it has a fair amount of protein. I'd have to check to be sure, but I think it has 7 grams per serving and cows milk has what, 8 grams?
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I usually drink cow milk but I do have almond milk sometimes if I am short on calories. Every milk has a different profile, I like to stick with cow's milk for the protein.
  • Last_mango_in_paradise
    When I can get to the farm I get raw milk. If I get there at the right time the milk I am getting is fresh -- as in being milked RIGHT NOW! (I use it to drink and make yogurt). If I don't get to the farm I buy almond milk because I just don't trust the whole milk at the store won't have antibiotics and all that garbage in it.
  • beatyfamily1
    beatyfamily1 Posts: 257 Member
    I found hemp milk to be the most beneficial in nutrition and tastes better than anything I've tried, but it depends on what your diet allows. It's higher in nutrition compared to any other milk I've seen. I only drink a little bit before I go to bed for the magnesium. Helps me sleep better.
  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    edited January 2016
    I've drank whole milk my whole life. I'm with Lewis Black on this one; if it didn't come from a milk-secreting cuboidal cell, it ain't milk.

    Actual milk is going to be the most nutritionally complete. After all, it was produced as the initial sole nutrition source for the mammalian milk producer's mammalian offspring.

    And as one professor used to annoy us with, but is accurate, "A mammal, is a mammal, is a mammal."

  • Claps1775
    Claps1775 Posts: 47 Member
    TaraTall wrote: »
    I do almond milk because even a latte cause me stomach upset :(
    If I could drink regular milk, I feel like I would.

    I drank it also but stopped as it has little to no protein. I looked it. I mainly did it for digestion.
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    I prefer skim cow's milk in general, but I like almond milk in oatmeal or smoothies for the taste.

    Calorically, you're not saving that many calories with a nut or soy milk over skim cow's milk.

    I was also warned by my GP about soy and the impact it can have on female hormones, particularly if you take any sort of birth control medicine.
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    I just tried switching to almond milk instead of regular milk, and... it was fail. "Silk" has a chalk-feel in the mouth, like licking a chalk-board. Rice Dream tasted like pouring rice on my cereal. blech. I can't do soy, so I haven't tried any of those in a long time.

    For an ice cream substitute, though, I'm liking the Rice Dream Strawberry!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    jbee27 wrote: »
    I prefer skim cow's milk in general, but I like almond milk in oatmeal or smoothies for the taste.

    Calorically, you're not saving that many calories with a nut or soy milk over skim cow's milk.

    I was also warned by my GP about soy and the impact it can have on female hormones, particularly if you take any sort of birth control medicine.

    Do you happen to know what research your GP was referring to? I'm not aware of evidence showing that moderate soy consumption (that is, the kind of consumption most of us are likely to do unless we're eating mono-meals of soy several times a day) is going to cause problems for women even if they are on birth control.
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    I drink almond or cashew milk. I don't like the way cow's milk tastes out of the carton.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    edited January 2016
    I like fortified soy milk because it's got a lot of things in it that I have trouble getting. Protein, calcium, iron and b12 in particular. The possible downsides to soy milks are that they are calorie dense and the taste takes some getting used to.

    If you're looking for a lower calorie option almond milk is a good choice.

    Best tasting are probably coconut or hemp, but that is subjective of course.

    If you're avoiding food additives and want a minimally processed milk, soy milk is your best bet at the grocery store. Westsoy and Edensoy brands both have products whose ingredients are just soy beans and water. For at home, soy, almond, and coconut are the easiest to make.