Mental Illness Support

Does anyone else have issues with asking for advice with mental health as it relates to weight loss efforts?

I have misgivings about asking for advice in any detail mostly because I know no one here can actually help (due to not being psychology professionals or doctors).

But most of my barriers to successful weight loss are my mental health issues. So when weight loss problems go beyond what to eat and how to exercise, where do WE go for help?

Please keep in mind that many people simply cannot afford the potential years of therapy to "fix" these problems, yet still desire support. Is there a forum for this? Not here I know, but elsewhere? I have found mental health, and weight loss, but not a decent community that includes both.


  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    If there is a mental health issue, professional help is required. As to not being able to afford therapy, there are tons of resources to help people gain access to the help they need.
  • ravi_tiwari_786
    ravi_tiwari_786 Posts: 651 Member
    I think depression and anti-depression pills are the biggest reason of weight gain... The best way to deal with mental illness naturally is yoga.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I think depression and anti-depression pills are the biggest reason of weight gain... The best way to deal with mental illness naturally is yoga.

    No. This can be dangerous information. Mental illness covers many different illnesses. While yoga MAY be helpful to some, suggesting it is "the best way to naturally" deal with a mental illness is just bad information.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I think depression and anti-depression pills are the biggest reason of weight gain... The best way to deal with mental illness naturally is yoga.

    No. This can be dangerous information. Mental illness covers many different illnesses. While yoga MAY be helpful to some, suggesting it is "the best way to naturally" deal with a mental illness is just bad information.

    Agreed. Wasn't even going to give this reply much thought.

    Elphie, I appreciate your advice and I truly wish I could manage to do that for myself. I'm actually having a hard time finishing typing because my eyes are welling up but just the thought of trying to make that phone call terrifies me to my core for so many reasons. But thank you.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    I think depression and anti-depression pills are the biggest reason of weight gain... The best way to deal with mental illness naturally is yoga.

    LOLOL. Don't forget that yoga is also the solution to chronic illnesses, such as fibromyalgia and cerebral palsy.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    brb_2013 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I think depression and anti-depression pills are the biggest reason of weight gain... The best way to deal with mental illness naturally is yoga.

    No. This can be dangerous information. Mental illness covers many different illnesses. While yoga MAY be helpful to some, suggesting it is "the best way to naturally" deal with a mental illness is just bad information.

    Agreed. Wasn't even going to give this reply much thought.

    Elphie, I appreciate your advice and I truly wish I could manage to do that for myself. I'm actually having a hard time finishing typing because my eyes are welling up but just the thought of trying to make that phone call terrifies me to my core for so many reasons. But thank you.

    I am so very sorry to hear this because I know what it feels like. The first step is always the hardest, but I have never regretted making it. Reaching out is the best thing you can do. I know the thought of asking for help or admitting you might need it is terrifying but you don't have to be alone with whatever you are feeling/dealing with. Feel free to message me.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Check out new life ministries. It is a Christian ministry but these guys are legitimate counselors and psychiatrists. There are times when meds are necessary. There are times when we need to talk things out. Or both and all.

    It's tough. I had some heavy baggage to deal with first before I could deal with weight issues.
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    edited January 2016
    brb_2013 wrote: »
    Does anyone else have issues with asking for advice with mental health as it relates to weight loss efforts?
    Sure. I hear ya.

    Mental illness still imposes a strong stigma on anyone. My prescriber does not want to hear of life events. My psychologists do not want to hear of physical issues. My primary care doc states I am overweight and feels uncomfortable discussing mental issues. The three blind men describing the elephant. After a while I stopped asking how to target the mental issues surrounding weight management.
    But most of my barriers to successful weight loss are my mental health issues.
    Excellent observation. For almost everyone here all the barriers are mental. (There are people with significant physical differences that make the process difficult) Nominally mentally well people must change attitudes and habits. That is head work.

    Clinical mental illness certainly can make it harder. Fer instance my depression. I will not ask here how to alleviate that condition much as I would not ask how to manage diabetes. I consult with professionals. You probably have your own medical professional posse. Here I can gripe a little and get support. So I do that.
  • Bluwaves1
    Bluwaves1 Posts: 191 Member
    I work in a mental health setting and the psychiatrists are being pro-active and starting patients who begin to gain weight because of medication on Metformin. Works for some people at least.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    I'm sorry but this doesn't address my posting at all. Seems as though you read the title and then posted a reply without reading. I'm not asking for medical advice or even mentioning medication. I also purposefully wont disclose the mental issue so it's interesting to suggest a medication based on zero information.
  • Bluwaves1
    Bluwaves1 Posts: 191 Member
    OK, you have a nice day! I did read your post I and hope you find the answer to your mystery problem, wish you the best!

    Basically it is up to you to solve your problems, however.
  • tara_means_star
    tara_means_star Posts: 957 Member
    It's true that, even though the issues of mental illness and weight/physical wellbeing overlap a lot, there is little in the way of support groups to address both issues together. The closest I can think of, and not a perfect match, is overeaters annonymous. They claim to not just address the weight and weightloss issues but also issues surrounding weight including emotional wellbeing. Other than that, the closest professional I can come up with (though not exactly what you asked for) is a health psychologist who addresses how emotional health and wellbeing impacts health and weight.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Just a thought, maybe start a mental health support group or challenge here on mfp And see if you can find other members that feel like you do.maybe if you found others, you guys could share uplifting stories or links to free or sliding scale mental health help in your areas. ( its just an idea I had to help you connect with others and share information )
  • starbuckaddict
    starbuckaddict Posts: 38 Member
    Mental illness is rough. I have no advice or anything but I hope you can find something that will help ease things in your life and mind. *hugs*
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I think depression and anti-depression pills are the biggest reason of weight gain... The best way to deal with mental illness naturally is yoga.

    " yoga is the best way to deal with mental illness naturally" could be an unsafe statement. This board has tons of lurkers and someone could read this and decide not to seek professional help and decide to try yoga instead. That would not be okay.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    I don't know of any forums dealing with mental illness and weight loss.

    I will say from what I know that use of non-prescribed drugs never helps but only complicates mental health issues so stay clear of recreational dope (including weed).
    The last thing you want to do to a mind that needs healing is to alter it with drugs.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    I have a nephew with mental illness. NAMI is an excellent organization that has resources, peer support groups, family to family support groups, and more. They are in every state. Maybe try giving them a call as a starting point.

    I hate the stigma surrounding mental illness. Seems like the only way to eradicate it is to unapologetically speak up and seek help. Good for you for getting the conversation going. There is strength in numbers. I wish you well.
  • soulofgrace
    soulofgrace Posts: 175 Member
    brb_2013 wrote: »
    Does anyone else have issues with asking for advice with mental health as it relates to weight loss efforts?

    I have misgivings about asking for advice in any detail mostly because I know no one here can actually help (due to not being psychology professionals or doctors).

    But most of my barriers to successful weight loss are my mental health issues. So when weight loss problems go beyond what to eat and how to exercise, where do WE go for help?

    Please keep in mind that many people simply cannot afford the potential years of therapy to "fix" these problems, yet still desire support. Is there a forum for this? Not here I know, but elsewhere? I have found mental health, and weight loss, but not a decent community that includes both.

    There is a thread in the general weight loss tab called "depression and weight loss." Sorry I don't know how to link it on mobile, but try a search. It stays up towards the top most days. You're right, there is no advice given there, but its definitely a thread where you can commiserate and maybe learn where you can find resources. A lot of people there have commented how helpful just reading the thread has been for them. It isn't a closed group probably so that people like us can stumble upon it and participate. I hope you get to feeling better. You're not alone.
  • PearBlossom9
    PearBlossom9 Posts: 136 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    If there is a mental health issue, professional help is required.

    No,no,no,no! You don't run to your psyc or therapist every single time you desire support. That is not how that works. We have to learn how to be content on our own. Yes, some of that can be worked on through therapy but a desire to have a place to discuss issues with folks that are having the same problems can be immensely helpful.

    Since there are many different types of mental illnesses, it is somewhat hard to cover all mental health & weight loss in the same sort of forum. What I would suggest is seeking out something geared towards your specific issue. Say, if you just have depression I would look for a depression related group. If the group is large enough, you should be able to talk about weight loss. I happen to like Reddit for this purpose. They have lots of decent groups that deal with specific mental illnesses and lots of great diet related stuff elsewhere. For example, check out
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    Bluwaves1 wrote: »
    OK, you have a nice day! I did read your post I and hope you find the answer to your mystery problem, wish you the best!

    Basically it is up to you to solve your problems, however.

    Of course it is. I'm simply looking for resources to find others in the same sort of situation I find myself in.

    I'm happy to report that this post did indeed help me compile a list of resources to look into, and even some like minded folks who reached out for mutual support. That was my purpose, to point out a lack of this dialogue and start it on a small scale to assist myself and others.

    Also, reaching out for help online helped me reach out in person as well to my partner of two years. He's never before heard the depth to which my condition impacts me emotionally, and this is my first weight loss journey he's been around for. It's a difficult time and I appreciate everyone's advice.