Breast Augmentation; yay or nay?

I'm a fairly big built women. Even if I lose the fat on my body, I will still have big hands, big feet, broad shoulders, and a taller than average height for a women 5'8. With all this being said I'm not blessed with a chest. I'm not technically flat chested, but I'm also not in the middle ratio either.

I am considering getting a boob job once I lose fat. I'm currently 215 and would like to get down to 170! This wouldn't be done to impress men, but for me to feel more comfortable in my own skin, wearing tank tops and etc...


  • 00sarah
    00sarah Posts: 621 Member
    This is *only* my personal opinion. After 2 kiddos, losing ~70lbs, and weight training... I can't bear the thought of complications (possibly even death) of getting bigger boobies. What would my kids think?! What would my hubs do?! Because of my desire for larger breasts. I just work on my chest a lot... And things are much perkier ;)

    But, really, it's about learning to love what ya got.

    *plus, it don't hurt that, living in hot as *kitten* Arizona, I can go bra-less! Yay!
  • perfectlyimperfectturk
    Thank you! ^ P.S Your body looks great!
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    If it's for you, and you do your research and make the decision based on what you feel is best, I'd say go for it!
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    inb4 somebody requests "before" pics!
  • epicrockstar24
    obviously reasons will very person to person. I was always really smal, a 30AA at one point. when my boobs were small i always wanted bigger ones and really thought about augmentation. on the flipside though after i have my son they we giant for me, D cup, and i just wished they’d be small again. right now they are at a C cup, and i’m actually pretty happy but we will see what happens as i lose weight. but the point of all this is that i learned that i will probably not be satisfied with what i got for very long before i change my mind and want the opposite, so for me to then do something permanent would be a mistake, i’’l just stick with push up bras and silicone inserts on the days i feel like flirting my way out of a speeding ticket or whatever.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    this thread again?
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    Nay, unless you really want them. There is nothing wrong with getting them. I think people look best with their natural breasts unless they are extremely flat chested so it is hard to fit into anything or get breast cancer and need boobs to look and feel normal. Fake breasts tend to look fake and there are risks involved. I actually hope I will be a B or C when I lose all my weight. I think that size looks the best on the women in my family and is the most practical.
  • Loveisaiah
    Loveisaiah Posts: 51
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I wouldn't mind a refit, reposition everything and all of that, but I would not go bigger. I'd want perky again.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    IMO, it's just not worth the risks unless there's something traumatically wrong.
  • ziggiezambi
    ziggiezambi Posts: 253
    If it makes you happy and it’s what “YOU” want, go for it. Plus it will be just one more reward for you once you reach your goal. I may get a tattoo when I meet mine. :D
  • Stump_Likker
    Stump_Likker Posts: 2,059 Member
    I'm 5'8" and before reduction in 2005 I was a 40G!!! Reduced to a D. Since then I'm about 40 lbs lighter and my boobs at this point are in the way. Almost to the point where I want to get another reduction down to a C cup. I also have a large frame so I carry them well but they are an annoyance. From jogging to buying clothes. If it would make you happy then do it. Just think about it a lot first.
  • Nikkyreckless
    i actually just got an augmentation two weeks ago (lift + implants). Im fairly young and was judged hugely on this decision since my daughter is 2 and i have had a near death experience from a random health issue that just showed up. Now that i am healthy and exercise and eat cleaner than i ever had pre pregnancy i really wanted my boobs back! I was a 32DD before my daughter and a 34C with a ton of skin and hardly any breast tissue after ! I gained 75 pounds and lost it all in 5 months. and breastfed . .
    People will talk if you get it done but they will talk if you flaunt them like they are now (good or bad) so you can never win !
    DO it for yourself . Im a single mom and everyones first thought was that i was doing it to attract guys. NO WAY! I am still wanting to stay single as i feel i am not ready nor have any room left in my heart as of now. My daughter and career is my main focus. i am so glad i had the procedure !i am more confident in myself. Just like people loose weight to feel better about themselves ( and many other reasons ) that is why i did the implants.
    The whole i would never risk my life for implants i have kids scenario (IMO) is not so black and white... you have to get a physical and multiple tests done, they evaluate your health, i talked to my neurologist and main physician before i even had a consultation. If you have health risks or allergies then yes that might not be smart and you may be setting yourself up but im sure anyone who gets an elective surgery doesnt want to risk their life for their children either like come on . . I also went with a highly skilled surgeon, not someone who had the best price. he has been in practice for over 30 years and is amazing !!

    anywayyyys YAY to implants ! :)
  • mestacy010
    mestacy010 Posts: 577 Member
    Nay, don't men prefer all natural??
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
  • mustang289
    mustang289 Posts: 299 Member
    Nay, don't men prefer all natural??

    Not all men will have the same answer. Some prefer altered, some prefer natural.

    Not my body, not my decision. I don't have to live with the ordeals or challenges that some women face, so its really none of my business what they do. If I had to chose, I would say leave them alone unless its reconstructive after an accident or illness, or severely beyond the norm due to dramatic weight loss or if they are just so large they are breaking your back. I had a girlfriend a long time ago that had reduction due to back problems and it really changed her personality, she was overall a much happier person..
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    i actually just got an augmentation two weeks ago (lift + implants). Im fairly young and was judged hugely on this decision since my daughter is 2 and i have had a near death experience from a random health issue that just showed up. Now that i am healthy and exercise and eat cleaner than i ever had pre pregnancy i really wanted my boobs back! I was a 32DD before my daughter and a 34C with a ton of skin and hardly any breast tissue after ! I gained 75 pounds and lost it all in 5 months. and breastfed . .
    People will talk if you get it done but they will talk if you flaunt them like they are now (good or bad) so you can never win !
    DO it for yourself . Im a single mom and everyones first thought was that i was doing it to attract guys. NO WAY! I am still wanting to stay single as i feel i am not ready nor have any room left in my heart as of now. My daughter and career is my main focus. i am so glad i had the procedure !i am more confident in myself. Just like people loose weight to feel better about themselves ( and many other reasons ) that is why i did the implants.
    The whole i would never risk my life for implants i have kids scenario (IMO) is not so black and white... you have to get a physical and multiple tests done, they evaluate your health, i talked to my neurologist and main physician before i even had a consultation. If you have health risks or allergies then yes that might not be smart and you may be setting yourself up but im sure anyone who gets an elective surgery doesnt want to risk their life for their children either like come on . . I also went with a highly skilled surgeon, not someone who had the best price. he has been in practice for over 30 years and is amazing !!

    anywayyyys YAY to implants ! :)

    I'm getting mine back later this year - they are sad, deflated fun-bags after my weight loss and I want them because I WANT THEM. I have done my research too and seen doctors an selected one with amazing skill and experience. It is up to you - it is your body and your self esteem. I agree - Do what makes you happy
  • StrongAndHealthyMommy
    StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member
    I got them done, and I love them
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I wouldn't want to deal with the cost, the surgery, potential complications (even with the best surgeons), and having to have something in my body like that (and the upkeep). Also, I like my breasts. Unless it was reconstruction from cancer (then I'd have to make that decision). I think you should do what you want. But, you are a beautiful women. You don't need big breasts and surgery to be beautiful. That's just my opinion.
  • CheekyBrahette
    CheekyBrahette Posts: 441 Member
    I would suggest waiting till you have reached your goal weight to make your final decision. Sometimes there are other factors involved, other than just having the implants put in. In the meantime go online and do as much research as you can. There are a number of online sites that have forums so you can connect with others who have, or are looking to get implants. You can even go in for a consultation with a plastic surgeon. Just make sure you choose a board certified surgeon when the time comes. I am all for someone wanting to do something for themselves. I have implants and I am very happy with them. :drinker: