


  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    tomteboda wrote: »
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    It may have something to do with how the material for the tampons is processed. I just read something online about tampons containing a carcinogenic b/c of Monsanto. If you google "tampons and monsanto" different articles come up. I'm not sure how accurate this info is. It's not the reason why I switched to a menstrual cup. I switched b/c tampons are so freaking expensive.

    Glyphosphate is not in the cotton fibers. That's not how it works.

    Which why I said I'm not sure how accurate the information is.
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    I change my workout a little. I find if I push myself too hard, I get angry and sore before my workout is done. But I do find that keeping moving eases my cramps some, so I skip the hard stuff and just do a long, moderately brisk walk.
  • firead
    firead Posts: 56 Member
    I try to work out, but also do extra stretches before and after and try yo get in more sleep and a nap in the day if I can, because I tend to get very fatigued and more prone to soreness during the first few days of my cycle.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    tomteboda wrote: »
    Painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea) has a variety of causes, none of which can really be attributed to anything "modern". From fibroid growth, endometriosis, STDs, ovarian cysts, hormonal imbalances, to adenomyosis, there's not any good scientific reason to believe modern times have caused this problem.

    This would best be addressed by an anthropologist who specializes in medical disorders, but as studies of mummies and other preserved bodies have revealed to us, very few things we thought were "diseases of the modern era" actually are. Heart disease, cancer etc. have been documented throughout history. I am absolutely positive I recall discussion of proper treatment for dysmenorrhea recommended by Hippocrates when I took a medical history class (graduate) some years ago, and every indigenous/traditional medicine has treatments for it as well. This indicates a worldwide incidence of painful menstruation going back into all of history.

    This is one of those points wherein its quite accurate to point out that history has largely been written by men, about men, and for men.

    Now that's some interesting information and provides some direction for personal research. And I agree about the focus of history. Here's a whole thread of women discussing what their cycles are like, which, for all we know, could be accessible far into the future. We don't have that for the past, so what we have is based off of such things as you mentioned.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    veganbaum wrote: »
    Does anyone else wonder why so many women seem to have such bad cycles? I mean, that can't be normal. Seems like a more recent development.

    Most months I have cramping that I can either deal with or I'll sip on raspberry leaf tea (as another poster mentioned, or another tea called Moon Cycle that has raspberry leaf and some other stuff) throughout the day to help. There are some months I'll have one day of very intense cramping that can make me very nauseous, and I can guarantee you I'm only doing what I have to do that day and then laying in bed with a heating pad. Luckily, it's usually just the one day some months.

    Using a menstrual cup and cloth pads has helped decrease my cramping from what it used to be like. I also think that what I'm eating has an effect on how bad that month's cramps are. I really need to start looking closely at that. I still do some exercise, unless it's one of those bad days. It just might be less intense than I would ordinarily do, but it does help me feel better. The week before my cycle, however, I'm so exhausted that I have to be careful about my exercise or I can injure myself. There have been times the week before that I don't lift because I'm so tired there is no way I'm going to lift heavy objects that would cause major injury if I dropped them. Basically, I still exercise just at a less intense level, with the exception of the occasional really bad day. I don't feel guilty about having an occasional "lazy" day.

    @veganbaum - I see others online say the menstrual cup decreased cramping for them. Any thoughts on why? I'm baffled as to the mechanism of tampons causing cramping or the cup relieving them. Unless maybe some women have a reaction to scented tampons and pads? I hate artificial fragrance so have never used them.

    I use a cup when my flow is not Niagara Falls. At that point I switch to the OB Ultra. I just love the cup and have been using one since 2000 or so.

    I have read some information that some women are sensitive to the bleaching of most menstrual products, so that even using disposable pads can affect them. I know I have a tilted uterus, so maybe that somehow affects my sensitivity to tampons (I don't know how it would, but maybe the placement aggravates something)? Maybe it's because of the placement of the cup vs. the placement of a tampon? I don't really know. There are some companies that make disposables and don't use bleached materials. I use a Diva Cup and on occasion Luna Pads. Maybe TMI, and I haven't used tampons in over 10 years, but I remember them making feel like I was dried out, and it was really uncomfortable. The cup doesn't do that. I just feel so much better all around by using the cup or cloth pads.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,007 Member
    edited January 2016
    veganbaum wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    veganbaum wrote: »
    Does anyone else wonder why so many women seem to have such bad cycles? I mean, that can't be normal. Seems like a more recent development.

    Most months I have cramping that I can either deal with or I'll sip on raspberry leaf tea (as another poster mentioned, or another tea called Moon Cycle that has raspberry leaf and some other stuff) throughout the day to help. There are some months I'll have one day of very intense cramping that can make me very nauseous, and I can guarantee you I'm only doing what I have to do that day and then laying in bed with a heating pad. Luckily, it's usually just the one day some months.

    Using a menstrual cup and cloth pads has helped decrease my cramping from what it used to be like. I also think that what I'm eating has an effect on how bad that month's cramps are. I really need to start looking closely at that. I still do some exercise, unless it's one of those bad days. It just might be less intense than I would ordinarily do, but it does help me feel better. The week before my cycle, however, I'm so exhausted that I have to be careful about my exercise or I can injure myself. There have been times the week before that I don't lift because I'm so tired there is no way I'm going to lift heavy objects that would cause major injury if I dropped them. Basically, I still exercise just at a less intense level, with the exception of the occasional really bad day. I don't feel guilty about having an occasional "lazy" day.

    @veganbaum - I see others online say the menstrual cup decreased cramping for them. Any thoughts on why? I'm baffled as to the mechanism of tampons causing cramping or the cup relieving them. Unless maybe some women have a reaction to scented tampons and pads? I hate artificial fragrance so have never used them.

    I use a cup when my flow is not Niagara Falls. At that point I switch to the OB Ultra. I just love the cup and have been using one since 2000 or so.

    I have read some information that some women are sensitive to the bleaching of most menstrual products, so that even using disposable pads can affect them. I know I have a tilted uterus, so maybe that somehow affects my sensitivity to tampons (I don't know how it would, but maybe the placement aggravates something)? Maybe it's because of the placement of the cup vs. the placement of a tampon? I don't really know. There are some companies that make disposables and don't use bleached materials. I use a Diva Cup and on occasion Luna Pads. Maybe TMI, and I haven't used tampons in over 10 years, but I remember them making feel like I was dried out, and it was really uncomfortable. The cup doesn't do that. I just feel so much better all around by using the cup or cloth pads.

    Regarding the bleaching, I used smaller OB tampons before I found the cup, and OB Ultras when my flow is too heavy for the cup. OB uses "elemental chlorine-free" bleaching processes, which do not cause the production of dioxins. And rayon rather than cotton.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    veganbaum wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    veganbaum wrote: »
    Does anyone else wonder why so many women seem to have such bad cycles? I mean, that can't be normal. Seems like a more recent development.

    Most months I have cramping that I can either deal with or I'll sip on raspberry leaf tea (as another poster mentioned, or another tea called Moon Cycle that has raspberry leaf and some other stuff) throughout the day to help. There are some months I'll have one day of very intense cramping that can make me very nauseous, and I can guarantee you I'm only doing what I have to do that day and then laying in bed with a heating pad. Luckily, it's usually just the one day some months.

    Using a menstrual cup and cloth pads has helped decrease my cramping from what it used to be like. I also think that what I'm eating has an effect on how bad that month's cramps are. I really need to start looking closely at that. I still do some exercise, unless it's one of those bad days. It just might be less intense than I would ordinarily do, but it does help me feel better. The week before my cycle, however, I'm so exhausted that I have to be careful about my exercise or I can injure myself. There have been times the week before that I don't lift because I'm so tired there is no way I'm going to lift heavy objects that would cause major injury if I dropped them. Basically, I still exercise just at a less intense level, with the exception of the occasional really bad day. I don't feel guilty about having an occasional "lazy" day.

    @veganbaum - I see others online say the menstrual cup decreased cramping for them. Any thoughts on why? I'm baffled as to the mechanism of tampons causing cramping or the cup relieving them. Unless maybe some women have a reaction to scented tampons and pads? I hate artificial fragrance so have never used them.

    I use a cup when my flow is not Niagara Falls. At that point I switch to the OB Ultra. I just love the cup and have been using one since 2000 or so.

    I have read some information that some women are sensitive to the bleaching of most menstrual products, so that even using disposable pads can affect them. I know I have a tilted uterus, so maybe that somehow affects my sensitivity to tampons (I don't know how it would, but maybe the placement aggravates something)? Maybe it's because of the placement of the cup vs. the placement of a tampon? I don't really know. There are some companies that make disposables and don't use bleached materials. I use a Diva Cup and on occasion Luna Pads. Maybe TMI, and I haven't used tampons in over 10 years, but I remember them making feel like I was dried out, and it was really uncomfortable. The cup doesn't do that. I just feel so much better all around by using the cup or cloth pads.

    Regarding the bleaching, I used smaller OB tampons before I found the cup, and OB Ultras when my flow is too heavy for the cup. OB uses "elemental chlorine-free" bleaching processes, which do not cause the production of dioxins. And rayon rather than cotton.

    I know Seventh Generation makes chlorine-free, fragrance-free products. I don't know what other companies are doing these days. When I was younger I was using the mainstream stuff. I don't know if the chlorine-free tampons would make a difference, but for multiple reasons I'm very happy with my cup and have no intention of trying disposables again to see if my cramping becomes worse or not. Completely unrelated to anything physical, I especially like not having to continuously buy product for something that happens monthly.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,007 Member
    tomteboda wrote: »
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    It may have something to do with how the material for the tampons is processed. I just read something online about tampons containing a carcinogenic b/c of Monsanto. If you google "tampons and monsanto" different articles come up. I'm not sure how accurate this info is. It's not the reason why I switched to a menstrual cup. I switched b/c tampons are so freaking expensive.

    Glyphosphate is not in the cotton fibers. That's not how it works.

    Apparently glyphosate is detectable in tampons. Not sure if in amounts that matter, but I'm still squicked at the thought of putting something made from "world's dirtiest crop" inside me.

    85% of Tampons Contain Monsanto’s ‘Cancer Causing’ Glyphosate

    Glyphosate, a widely popular herbicide that has been linked to cancer by the World Health Organization’s cancer research arm, was detected in 85 percent of cotton hygiene products tested in a preliminary study from researchers at the University of La Plata in Argentina.

    Sixty-two percent of the samples also tested positive for AMPA (or aminomethylphosphonic acid), a derivative of glyphosate.

    Read more:

    Chemical cotton

    ...Cotton is considered the world's dirtiest crop due to its heavy use of pesticides. Aldicarb, cotton's second best-selling insecticide and most acutely poisonous to humans and wildlife, is still used in 25 countries, including the U.S., where 16 states reported it in their groundwater. The dangers are recognized by the EPA and they have signaled its phase out in 2018.

    Worldwide, cotton covers 2.5% of the cultivated land and cotton growers use 16% of the world’s pesticides. Eight of the top 10 pesticides most commonly used on U.S. conventionally produced cotton were classified as moderately to highly hazardous by the World Health Organization. The Environmental Justice Foundation elaborates more on the world wide negative effects of pesticide use in cotton.

    Read more:
  • SeptemberFeyre
    SeptemberFeyre Posts: 178 Member
    Do what's right for YOU. Personally, if I exercise through the worst cramps the pain becomes severe, so I don't go there. Once it got so bad, and only from swimming, I was having pain that rivaled midway thru natural childbirth(been there done that.) Been careful ever since :)
  • larali1980
    larali1980 Posts: 162 Member
    edited January 2016
    Has anyone been diagnosed with PMDD? My mother just informed me she was on Prozac for most of her 30s because of it when I explained some intense stuff I've noticed about myself.

    Yes, I have a PMDD diagnosis along with several other diagnoses. I'm sort of crazy normally but I'm a hormonal mess for 1-2 weeks out of the month. My sisters have the same problem.

    My periods aren't usually THAT bad since I've had kids, but occasionally they are. It's usually only one day a month that I'm in bad shape. My mom had periods so bad she would throw up. Both my sisters also suffer from painful periods.

    I think my family is a little on the extreme side for this stuff. I hope I am not giving women a bad rap!
  • LoGeThA
    LoGeThA Posts: 6 Member
    Since I got my first period, I have awful pains not only in my stomach but also in my feet, back, breasts. They last 2-3 days :disappointed: . Not all the day, but sometimes a big part of it. I started kickbox and of course there are intense exercises...and I am thinking...what should I do when my menstruation kicks in? Sometimes I can bearly get up from my bed the first 2 days...
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,007 Member
    LoGeThA wrote: »
    Since I got my first period, I have awful pains not only in my stomach but also in my feet, back, breasts. They last 2-3 days :disappointed: . Not all the day, but sometimes a big part of it. I started kickbox and of course there are intense exercises...and I am thinking...what should I do when my menstruation kicks in? Sometimes I can bearly get up from my bed the first 2 days...

    Have you checked with your GYN to rule out anything treatable?

    If I had cramps, I'd be all over the yoga poses posted earlier in the thread.
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    LoGeThA wrote: »
    Since I got my first period, I have awful pains not only in my stomach but also in my feet, back, breasts. They last 2-3 days :disappointed: . Not all the day, but sometimes a big part of it. I started kickbox and of course there are intense exercises...and I am thinking...what should I do when my menstruation kicks in? Sometimes I can bearly get up from my bed the first 2 days...

    You have my sincere sympathies! I have the same problem. Only thing that works for me is a prescribed muscle relaxant. The people who say "do some yoga" or "take some Motrin and get over it" really honestly have no idea. Being on birth control never helped, in fact made it much worse. I force myself to walk every day and that helps, but honestly? For those two days just be good to yourself. Take warm baths, drink lots of water, and just do what you have to do to your daily requirements. Two days out of the month is not going to kill your fitness program, I promise.

    Over the years, my doctors have run tests all over the place, but there's nothing wrong with me aside from plain old normal 'hormone fluctuations. My current doctor (a champion in my book) prescribed me a muscle relaxant so I can at least get some sleep during those days.