to stay consistent w/daily back-2-back workouts



  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    marrufoj wrote: »
    marrufoj wrote: »
    get a foam roller and watch videos on how to do it. its great to work out the soreness and has other benefits too. you wont lose weight but it has helped me a lot. also make sure you warm up before exercise and cool down/stretch afterwards

    Hi Charlie!!
    Thanks for responding!! Foam roller..I definitely have to look into that. Thank you for the suggestion =)

    I have a foam roller that comes with a dvd ....I got mine at Target ...I absolutely love it more soreness :)

    Hi MsSmartypants!!
    Thanks for responding!! I'll make it a point to visit Target very soon..

    You're very welcome ....I hope you can find one ...its been a lifesaver for me :)
  • marrufoj
    marrufoj Posts: 23 Member
    Also, alternate cardio days with weight training days, or alternate weight training days for different parts of the body. Joyce Vedral's book on beginning weight training has you break up your work outs into upper body 1 day and lower body the next day, so that you never get too sore, and you give your muscles days to rest and build up. :)

    Hi Elizabeth!!
    I thank you for responding.. Great suggestions and I will also look into Joyce Vedral's book for a good learning read.. =)
  • marrufoj
    marrufoj Posts: 23 Member
    Rest is just as important as exercise. Resting allows your body to heal from your workouts. If you have recently started this workout routine you may need to have a rest day every few days until your body can handle it. When I first started running I couldn't run for more than 2 minutes without feeling like my heart was going to explode. I started doing HIT runs. 1 minute running (as fast as I can go) and 1 minute walking (resting) for as long as I could do it for. After a period of time my ability to run expanded. Now if I really wanted to I can run for 1 hour and 30 minutes without needing to stop. I don't do that if I don't need to, but I did it.

    Hi Beaty!!
    Thank you so much for responding!! Your advice is certainly inspiring and motivating!! It truly helps gathering feedback and learning I'm not alone in hurdles some of us come across in this fitness saga! I look forward to building that daily routine and fitness tolerance!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    What is your objective? Do you want to be a runner? Download a C25K app or similar programme they are designed to help you progress

    Burn out is common with those who try to do too much too soon

    It's been 3 days ...go for a gentle stroll and rest