Looking for motivation.

Hello I am on my way to losing 50lbs. I am 50! Im still in shock it just happened a few days ago.
I know I can feel and look great but every day stress trys to ruin my goals.
I do have a vacation in April that I have got to look good for! Looking forward to having some encouraging buddies. I am very positive :)


  • Rebel_Leader
    Rebel_Leader Posts: 126 Member
    Hi Kippy! Just stay positive and the results will come. Please feel free to add me.

    I'll be happy to motivate if you're willing to return the favour!
  • davefromsask1
    davefromsask1 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi kippy, I have 100lbs to lose. Feel free to give me an add. I lost 100lbs before but gained it all back after getting married. I'd be happy to give extra encouragement as well as receive it. I know I can do it and so can you.
  • winklemorris
    winklemorris Posts: 9 Member
    I'm trying to knock out 50lbs as well, but my goal is for 30lbs by April. Add me and we will keep the motivation going
  • ktzbecarlton
    ktzbecarlton Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there. I have about 80 pounds to loose. I could definitely use some motivation as well. Stress is definitely not my friend. I'm an emotional eater for sure. I am almost 42 and ready to take charge of myself. I really want to focus on myself this year.
  • Kippy254
    Kippy254 Posts: 5 Member
    Sounds good thank you for the response. This is really helpful to write every little thing down. I'm not lying to myself. Lol
  • tweetsmom
    tweetsmom Posts: 31 Member
    I'm looking to lose 40 lbs, most of it hopefully before summer hits, but I'm a "slow loser" unfortunately! Feel free to add me! We can all benefit from each other's support!
  • thisisfitme
    thisisfitme Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there Kippy and all who responded,

    Would love to get involved and connected as I think I'll enjoy the journey so much more with "collective energy". Let's just say I have had a few false starts, but I am really determined to be looking and feeling my absolute best by mid-year.

    Really dumb question: how do we "add" someone?

  • Kippy254
    Kippy254 Posts: 5 Member
    Lol I'm having same problem trying to add someone